Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Dude, be patience. How long have you been under Israeli occupation ? Do you think you are the sole nation who ever experience colonization ?

Be realistic, pragmatic.
@Indos is this your logic here - "Palestinians should be patient with the colonialism they are facing and drying from, because others have faced the same too"????

Other genocides and colonialism dont justify the one Palestinians are facing today from Israel! Wow, i guess you dont really see Palestinians as humans deserving true freedom, what a shame. I saw the post where you told @Davey Crockett you would help him understand the Quran- pls never offer that service again to anyone, you mare definitely the wrong person to learn Islam from.
As I mentioned before in this thread, this Hamas-Israeli conflict exposed the Islamic world as incompetent global players. They are nothing more than ATMs for the West as all money eventually goes there, be it via foreign direct investment, asset purchases, etc. We are no better than what Russia was exposed to in this war.

This would have deadly consequences for the Islamic World as a whole, as Israel was just a test to see the unity, or I should have the resolve and will to fight back, which wasn't there.

For the non-Muslim world in their mind they are thinking what 2 Live Crew said in their music, “…face down ass up, that's the way we like to ****.”
I always want to slap the face of idiots who keep on harping about a united ummah.

The united ummah is dead, it died a long time ago and Muslims were the ones who killed it.
Every Muslim country is a potential Gaza except for Pakistan.

We could be too. Don't underestimate the duplicity of our elite and their desire to please white europeans. As the west declines and they look for every alternative to bring down China, the West may support and facilitate an indian genocide of Pakistan in order to give the indians unhindered opposition to the Chinese. Anything is possible.
I always want to slap the face of idiots who keep on harping about a united ummah.

The united ummah is dead, it died a long time ago and Muslims were the ones who killed it.

What you are saying is true by white europeans see ALL Muslims as one bloc even though that may not he true.
What you are saying is true by white europeans see ALL Muslims as one bloc even though that may not he true.
And unfortunately Muslims think of Europe and the West as a singular bloc, even though there is clear divisions among them, Ireland and Spain are powerful examples of this.
I always want to slap the face of idiots who keep on harping about a united ummah.

The united ummah is dead, it died a long time ago and Muslims were the ones who killed it.
Ummah is sleeping not dead and woken from the slumber due to the screams from Gaza.
Ummah is sleeping not dead and woken from the slumber due to the screams from Gaza.
Has it been? The Arab world is doing nothing, for example the UAE has practically and blatantly come out against Gaza. The Jordanians help Israel with Intel and helped thme shoot down Iranian drones and missiles. The Saudis have kept largely quiet and still are looking to open up relations with the Israelis eventually. The Pakistanis have kept quiet saying its not Pakistan's problem. The Bangalis have largely kept quiet due to India influence. The Indonesian have largely kept quiet.

The Muslim nations that have spoken up are either Iran, or too insignificant to say or do anything.
This is probably the best post of 2024.

What you said is 10000000% correct. The Gaza holocaust has massively exposed the severe weakness of the Muslim countries. In fact, the Muslim nations are the most weakest bloc on planet earth. As a result, ALL Muslim nations are now seen as fair game including Saudi Arabia and the GCC nations. Now any non-Muslim country can feel justified to attack any Muslim country, commit genocide of 100s of 1000s or millions and be immune from prosecution or condemnation. For some reason, leaders of Muslim nations are not seeing this reality or are actively working to promote it.
When the Bosnian massacre happened we should have planned

We didn't

So when the rohingya massacre happened we should have planned

We didn't

So now yet another massacre in Gaza is happening and we are not ready to do anything, because of divisions and slaves amongst our leadership

That's not to mention Iraq, Syria, Libya

The only reason Afghanistan survived to some extent was because of Pakistan, all though the Afghans are a pain in the ass they a fellow Muslims and any issue will be resolved amongst ourselves

The Muslim world needs to take IMMEDIATE ACTION,
The OIC is as useless as the U.N because it's members make it useless

Pakistan has numbers, so does Bangla, Egypt, Indonesia, you name it

We have resources from oil and gas,

We have countries with deep financial reserves and pockets

Yet without planning, our countries develop plans and weapons on their own, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia the lost goes on
1-We need to pool resources
2-We need to resolve issues amongst ourselves,. peacefully and via the OIC
3-we need to plan for a Muslim join military force (a Muslim NATO) and a fast reactions force
4-We need to come up with a Charter, that says a ATTACK ON ONE IS A ATTACK ON ALL
5-The fast reaction force can respond quickly to areas which need quick support because of terrorism and other issues like isis arising
6-The main force can be allocated funding from all member states
7- We can develop and fund the development of weapons, tanks, jets missiles that can then be sold to member states without the need for the U.S

8- We need to increase trade interdependence to expand our economies
9- We need to stand as a political block, so all international issues that affect us we can respond with ONE VOICE, and use sanctions and trade sanctions as a tool against common enemies

The list can go on and on on, but I'm not here to write a manifesto

But we have been pathetic for a reason

The GCC alone could find multiple projects and weapons programs, rather then look to the U.S for constant support and expensive downgraded weapons

You have become a ATM without a backbone

GCC Egypt, Jordan, UAE you are complicit, you could have done so much more, yet it seems you want to do nothing but bow to the Zionists and the U.S

For Gods sake change

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