Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hatred is the end of sanity. It harms the hater far more than the hated, rest assured.
But Israel's war crimes against Palestinians is intentional and consistent- so we are seeing them try to wipe out a race and group of people aka Palestinians. Meanwhile, Gaza militants did commit some crimes, but not as intentional an consistently done as Israel has done- so there is a different- both sides committing crimes does not change the fact that one side, the ISraeli side, has committed way more horrible crimes against Palestinians than Gaza militants have committed against Israeli civilians. Context matters- can you answer why most of the world's population is angry at Israel for what its doing? pls explain that.
UN has said no rape was done on 7th October

Section V: Legal analysis Point #5: The Commission found that acts of sexual violence were committed on 7 October in Israel, including at the Nova festival, on road 232, at Nahal Oz military base and kibbutzim Re’im, Nir Oz and Kfar Aza.

Section VI: Conclusions Point #5: In relation to the attack of 7 October in Israel, the Commission concludes on reasonable grounds that members of the military wings of Hamas and of other Palestinian armed groups, as well as Palestinian civilians who were directly participating in the hostilities, deliberately killed, injured, mistreated, took hostages and committed SGBV against: civilians, including Israeli citizens and foreign nationals; and members of the ISF, including soldiers considered hors de combat, in many locations in southern Israel. These actions constitute war crimes and violations and abuses of IHL and IHRL.
The most moral army in the world.

An Israeli soldier conducts a photo session in a Palestinian neighborhood after it was destroyed by the Israeli terrorist army in the Gaza Strip. He advertised his account on a sexual photos website, Onlyfans, and wrote a link to his account on the home of a Palestinian family whose fate is unknown.I placed the Israeli flag on the picture for shading.

I apologize for posting that disgusting picture.

More than one in three people say they are boycotting a brand viewed as supporting a side in Israel's war on Gaza, with oil-rich Gulf states and large Muslim-majority countries leading the way.

The latest edition of an annual Trust Barometer report from public relations firm Edelman underscored how sharp divides over the war are causing consumers across the globe to take a stance with their wallets. The survey polled 15,000 consumers across 15 countries, including France, Saudi Arabia, the UK and the US.

In Pakistan, local brands have started producing local products to replace western soft drinks and cosmetics.

More than one in three people say they are boycotting a brand viewed as supporting a side in Israel's war on Gaza, with oil-rich Gulf states and large Muslim-majority countries leading the way.

The latest edition of an annual Trust Barometer report from public relations firm Edelman underscored how sharp divides over the war are causing consumers across the globe to take a stance with their wallets. The survey polled 15,000 consumers across 15 countries, including France, Saudi Arabia, the UK and the US.

In Pakistan, local brands have started producing local products to replace western soft drinks and cosmetics.

Boycotts help.
How repugnant of the Zionist to use language like that to women and threatening to kill. This Zionist needed a man like this:

That is what Zionists stand for. Violence against women.
Please spare me your word salad, your scholastic arguments and pseudo nominalism.
In order to express a thought and especially in the politics you should have some literally talents , which you don't.
You see , I am from Bosnia and I learnt 30 years ago your little games. Everything is the nominaly the same???
Then you expect from these demi educated people to do the historical argument??? And then , you will act as " Dicuor so say so" . Oh you picking from Pierse Morgan " But but do you condemn Hamad?
Of course it us the best what you can do, because, you know very well that it is hard to defend your beloved Kykestan. At least you can make it equal and even claim the smug title of obnoxious a ho.
Let me tell you pal, generally in a life there are more questions then the answers, also trust me when I say , different trees give different fruits. It would be convenient for you that an apple is only fruit in the exisistance. Alas , that's not the case.
Also, I know it is very convenient to argue for your self , you can assure that you are right every single time
You see dude , a foul in 16 meter box is a penalty, and for the offending player it could be yellow or red card , always.
Hell even the other party can get a yellow if they are animated too much.
Please don't say otherwise, because it would offend my intelligence and you have already did that shit too much.
Now , since we made a deal , can you kindly f off or write something which can be acceptable even to 10 years old?
Be a good boy and try

Put him on your 'Ignore' list like I did! Trust me: I don't like to do 'Ignore' list because I want to listen to all viewpoints and even have given many 'Likes' to people here despite disagreements, and in 15 years on PDF I have only put 4 people on my Ignore list. But some people truly deserve that.
This is an extremely sensitive topic where anywhere from 37,000 to 50,000, mostly women and children, have been killed with many bodies under the rubble decomposing and there is no room in my mind to listen to those who speak with forked tongue on this topic. Speak their mind and I will listen and even appreciate candid input despite disagreements.

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