Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We can't equate desperate resistance to willing occupation

no the crimes differ in scale and scope

You guys still engage with him?! I had put him and a certain Greek guy on my Ignore list and I have so much peace.
I'd rather read Solomon or some occasional American/Indian supporters of Israel--at least they are not two-faced.
But one is a resistance organisation, the other is an colonial apartheid occupational state

They are not the same

Please tell that to the UN, whose report is being quoted here endlessly, but only selectively, to portray a particular agenda, fairness be damned. According to the UN, BOTH sides are committing war crimes. Getting outraged about the crimes being committed by one side while supporting the other is simply dishonest hatred, just as the same as the supporters of the other side, and equally counter-productive.
no the crimes differ in scale and scope

Please tell that to the UN, whose report is being quoted here endlessly, but only selectively, to portray a particular agenda, fairness be damned. According to the UN, BOTH sides are committing war crimes. Getting outraged about the crimes being committed by one side while supporting the other is simply dishonest hatred, just as the same as the supporters of the other side, and equally counter-productive.
Please tell that to the UN, whose report is being quoted here endlessly, but only selectively, to portray a particular agenda, fairness be damned. According to the UN, BOTH sides are committing war crimes. Getting outraged about the crimes being committed by one side while supporting the other is simply dishonest hatred, just as the same as the supporters of the other side, and equally counter-productive.

Their is nothing dishonest about it, it's utterly honest hatred

The U.N may make comparisons, and put both Hamas and Israel on a even keel , however as I stated Hamas is a resistance organisation born out of the oppression and occupation forced upon their people willingly by Israel

Israel on the other hand is a colonial state unwelcome in the middle east, it's chosen to force barbarism on a occupied people

The other side as you put itz expects Muslims and the people of Palestine to accept occupation,
However the people of Palestine demand freedom and independence and the Jews to leave the middle east, after this horrendous massacre their is no other option
Hatred is the end of sanity. It harms the hater far more than the hated, rest assured.

Yes yes, kumba ya my lord, kumba ya

It's not unreasonable to absolutely hate a entity that has inflicted injustice, brutality and cruelty upon you for simply not accepting their occupation and subjugation

To be honest anti semitism, hatred under these circumstances for the Palestinians is completely rational

The latest massacre by the Jews, is so vile, so evil, so naziesq it is VITAL for the salvation and defence of Palestine that the entire region unites In common defence against the hated Jews and that emotion is carried on acrothe world

Actions have consequence and the Jews actions must have consequences for their people,
However the people of Palestine demand freedom and independence and the Jews to leave the middle east, after this horrendous massacre their is no other option

As I have said many times before, like it or not, neither side can physically kill or remove all of the opposing side for the foreseeable future. Hence, matters must be made to progress in a way that allows both to coexist in an enduringly peaceful manner, whatever that may look like.

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