Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If you know the Egyptian politics, you know that the Military and the MB cooked a plan together before the 2012 election.
But Hosni Mubarak was "cooking plans" with the Egyptian military for over 30 years so whats new in Egyptian politics and governance? Egypt just doesn't like democracy or popular representation, it ends up defaulting to a strongman that chooses which country he will sell Egypt to. If you're anti- Morsi, you're pro US-controlled military junta leadership of Egypt- Morsi was the first real change, and people like you labelled him a puppet- he must be opposite of how you think and feel as an Egyptian- thats all i can say, lol.
But Hosni Mubarak was "cooking plans" with the Egyptian military for over 30 years so whats new in Egyptian politics and governance? Egypt just doesn't like democracy or popular representation, it ends up defaulting to a strongman that chooses which country he will sell Egypt to. If you're anti- Morsi, you're pro US-controlled military junta leadership of Egypt- Morsi was the first real change, and people like you labelled him a puppet- he must be opposite of how you think and feel as an Egyptian- thats all i can say, lol.
I wasn't talking about Mubarak. The cooking plan was between mid 2011 till the presidential election 2012.
Who told you that I am pro US controlled military etc... There is millions of of Egyptians who are anti-Morsi. So they are pro US?
Simple question, did you live in Egypt between 2011 to 2014? Did you experience anything. The answer is no
Pete Simi jumped at the chance to meet with me when I left the White Power movement ten years ago.

The result was a 2nd edition of this book....
Uggh honestly my theories that something big is going to happen kind of falls flat yes they have gone up on their intensity and I honestly believe something huge is brewing, I only say I believe something big is brewing is after the large barrage of rockets Hezbollah has said to the Israelis that was us getting ready for real pain and suffering this is the Hezbollah that I respected 90s and mid 2000 when they say they are going to bring pain on to someone they did but honestly when and where and will it start the next phase of this war?
Pete Simi jumped at the chance to meet with me when I left the White Power movement ten years ago.

The result was a 2nd edition of this book....
View attachment 48991
It is my belief, if I can convince many in the Klan and National Socialist movement to embrace Islam, we can smash Zionism for good.

The trick is getting both sides to understand this.
So basically this group is saying this was an Islamic jihadist plot to kidnap Jewish child…………this is where most real news organizations would attempt to learn facts one whatever happened was an altercation between two people what altercation was no one knows most likely they knew each other if the father had truly believed his child was to be “kidnapped” would have called police right away like any normal person would have.
Shame on you Jerusalem post having this on your front page.
Israeli media:

Major General Reserve Eyal Ben Reuven - former Deputy Commander of the Northern Region: We are currently in Gaza in a war that has no goals.
He means they can't even genocide properly?

Israel says its arms exports hit record sales amid war on Gaza​

Israel says it exported $13bn in weapons in 2023, while US continues to supply Israel's weapons stockpiles

More than a third of the sales comprised missiles, rockets and air-defence systems, with one of the biggest contracts of 2023 being with Germany, which signed a deal to purchase the Arrow 3 long-range air defence system for around $4bn.

Roughly half, 48 percent, of all sales went to the Asia and Pacific region, while Europe accounted for 35 percent of sales, and North America accounted for nine percent.

The figures were released by the defence ministry as a growing number of countries have begun to boycott or suspend the purchase of weaponry from Israel, citing the country's ongoing destruction of Gaza and killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians there.

We live here, the crowds have been massive, many white British, and minorities, people of all colours

I told you right from the start, by the end Israel will be a hated monster

White British majority only support for cease fire and peace, they dont support Hamas nor destruction of Israel.
1290 King Edward expelled all the Jews from England, that law has never been recended by the British Parliament. Which means that all Jews in England ,Wales and Ireland are illegal immigrants and as illegal immigrants their property has been gained through illegal means. So any support for Israel is illegal, according to the CURRENT BRITISH LAW.
People in Britain who support the Demons are well known cucks. The type of the cucks , who pressurised the government to apologise to the Jews, because a few of the Jews got drowned in 1290. No point of the apology since the culprits were tried and hanged in The Kings Court.
I can easily make the claim that in the early days was Hamas and Islamic Fundamelist Supporter, I'd you wish I can make the case
Also , I can make the case that more Muslims fought and died in the 20th century for the real right wing and the real European values than all Anglo-Saxons and Jews did.
Do want me to do that?
It is not problematic to me.

Expelled Jews to where? expelling jews of course wrong according to humanity, except to haters and anti semit.
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Expelled Jews to where? expelling jews of course wrong according to humanity, except to haters and anti semit.

No need to use the word expell. You take back the Kazars you exported and we.will take back the muzzies you imported.
No need to use the word expell. You take back the Kazars you exported and we.will take back the muzzies you imported.

UK doesn't need to follow your rule, she follows humanity and human right. She could deport or jail whoever doesnt follow their rule.

Kazars is frame/terminology for current jews in your own game, not in their game, they dont follow your game they follow science and evidence.

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