Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Source: Turkish

Applause that Pakistani Aid is being sent to help victims of war

The number of people died 85,000 that is massive figure
Difficult to imagine or visualize in such sort time span

View attachment 48989

Almost 100,000 people dead , stuck in area where they can't get out , go different country , or stay and live life

Human Life sure has become cheap these days if it is specially Muslim life
85 000 injured not died!
Thank you for your observation

37,800 People Dead
87,000 Injured

So Total people impacted : 124,800

40,000 is almost whole big football stadium filled with people like that is lot of people still

May Allah forgive Muslims on our Silence in such travesty, I think everyone alive is accountable in some part for it for allowing such deaths to happen
We will be asked about it in afterlife no doubt

Value of Muslim Blood sure is like water anyone can spill it without repercussion
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All the Muslim countries in region have Ships , doctors , Air Ambulance etc but they don't dare go in to the ones who need the help

That is the state of affairs

Or At least build up pressure , to force a stop and end the crisis

Critically injured people , it is close to impossible to rebuild your life in that area , 87,000 what a massive number

May Allah Protect the weak , and have mercy on the Muslims who can't protect themselves or others
now we finally get the reason the IDF recently announced it would "recruit additional 300K reservists into the IDF"!

Its so weird (but cool in an ironic way) that Israel is showing the same signs of military failure that Ukraine is showing- US weapons dont bring wins, they just delay defeat and bring more global hate, forced and increased recruitment doesnt strength their armies, it exposes that their armies are in DEEP trouble aka going to lose soon. Propaganda about the conflicts doesnt convince enough of the world that they are on the right side, on and on.

Israel losses this conflict- US foreign policy in Middle east Comes under Iranian control

Ukraine loses this conflict- US foreign policy in Europe comes under Russian control.

This is what is at stake. And no! any new war after this means immediate collapse of the empire, that should be obvious to the informed.

This is why I am trying to talk some sense into my fellow Americans.

When it happens, it will be us that suffers, not the Zionists.

I remember your post from the old PD Forum post on May 9th regarding geofencing and intelligence gathering through mobile networks. That was basic information; the Israelis controlled everything in Gaza, including cell towers, the internet, and other forms of telecommunications. Add to this; the UAVs are used to intercept any other communication.

So, if they started preparing and putting together a report, they knew it was coming - the time and date do not matter. You might also recall that a month after the attack on Israeli illegal settlements and bases, the soldiers who stood guard notified commanders of the activity, and they were dismissed. Now, Hamas had to break through multiple layers of fencing, and if I recall, every couple of yards, there was a lookout with a sniping team.

One would not be far from thinking that this was allowed to occur to create a pretext for a conflict.
This is why I am trying to talk some sense into my fellow Americans.
When it happens, it will be us that suffers, not the Zionists.

This very long conflict, on top of the various conflicts in that region going back to 1940s or even earlier, has made me re-think my own long-held understanding of what's going on in the Middle East. I used to think it was just the Israeli Lobby like AIPAC supported by the Christian Evangelic working through, what Eisenhower originally intended, 'Military Industrial Congressional Complex'. But I think, as the dear departed John Pilger said not long before his death: It is the American empire itself fighting for its survival.
And, like you, I don't want bad economy or dead bodies of Americans coming to the airports and seaports of America, especially not for the Zionists in Israel. However, I do think America has enough natural and human resources to still be a great power by not being an empire.

PS. You, personally, are on the right side of History! Never forget that and also take pride in that, and I believe you are already being proven correct as I write these lines. There will be others here--hypocrites or not--pro Israel supporters for 4000 pages about this thread, counting the old PDF, who have to figure out how to 'cope' with what's unfolding before us all.
Thank you for your observation

37,800 People Dead
87,000 Injured

So Total people impacted : 124,800

40,000 is almost whole big football stadium filled with people like that is lot of people still

May Allah forgive Muslims on our Silence in such travesty, I think everyone alive is accountable in some part for it for allowing such deaths to happen
We will be asked about it in afterlife no doubt

Value of Muslim Blood sure is like water anyone can spill it without repercussion

The dead figure is what we currently know. Remember, there are still people stuck in the rubble who are nothing but bones now. So, there will be a long-term clean-up and determination of the actual toll.
According to your logic, any nationalist group, who happens to be white, and want to protect their homeland from foreigners, are Nazis.

Please do not be a hypocrite. White people, too, deserve their own homeland and culture free from foreign intrusions.

Just like the Palestinians, and your people too.
Before calling people hypocrites I would suggest that you actually read about the topic you want to engage in a discussion on

The NMR are referred to as a Nazi movement by the Swedish Security services (Säpo). The Swedish national TV service (Swedish version of BBC) refer to them as a Nazi movement. This is not a far right political party but rather an unapologetic Neo-Nazi movement.

I won't bother to translate the below as you can at least make an effort to copy paste this into Google translate to learn something about them.

"Nordiska motståndsrörelsen, NMR, är en våldsbejakande nazistisk organisation och enligt Säpo Sveriges farligaste nazistgrupp."


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