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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
You know, @GoMig-21, I wish the Jordanians would shut up for once and not make statements; same with other surrounding countries. I don't want to hear anything after Lebanon is hit, as everyone has seen it coming miles away, and none will do anything.

This Foreign Minister is the epitome of stupidity. Why would the Israelis need a peace partner when it's the one dictating terms in the region?

It's for domestic consumption by the low IQ population of their own kind....


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Wait, how the hell is Spain preventing India, which is in Southeast Asia from reaching Occupied Palestine all the way west through the Straits of Gibraltar? Instead of just sailing from southern tip of India to the Red Sea and up to the Port of Eilat, India is navigating all the way around Africa and through the Straits of Gibraltar and the entire Mediterranean Sea to reach Haifa just to avoid Bab El Mandab straits because of the Houthis?

Something doesn't add up there, sorry I'm calling BS on this story, especially coming from Iran Observer handle.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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A shooting incident today in Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv, killing 2 Israelis.

Wow, 2 Israelis actually died and no Palestinians? Amazing. Usually it's 12 Palestinians at least to maybe 1 wounded demon. Must've been demon vs demon.


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
All i can say is that Israel using a nuke in Lebanon will mean automatic Iranian entry into the war in the Levant. No ifs, ands or butts about that. The world is not at its peak retaliation against Israel, please never mistake that, i think some people on this thread think that the world cant do more to Israel if Israel escalates its war illegally and irresponsibly. The more countries that gang up together to punish Israel in real and tangible ways, the less effect US assistance to Israel has

Who will stand up to Israel. Only countries brave enough are Iran and a few.non-state militias. Not enough.


Jun 23, 2011
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A global wave of anger after a clip of an Israeli police dog attacking an elderly Palestinian woman spread

It caused her fractures and bleeding..Leaked footage from a camera installed by occupation soldiers on a police dog shows the dog attacking an elderly Palestinian woman in her home in #Jabalia, northern Gaza Strip.

Is nothing beyond these cockroaches? Still people try defending these actions or attempt to show neutrality? These bastards are committing genocide acts on a daily basis.


Jun 23, 2011
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I have already called it.

Turkey is the biggest and first traitor to Palestine.

It recognised the entity just a year after its formation!

Don't listen to Ergodan and the rest of the Turkish government clowns as they make speeches for optics on Gaza.
The oil could have been cut off by Erdogan in October - instead Turkey continued the supply chain. Partners in crime bro


Nov 3, 2008
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So called Islamic world could not unit for the sake of preserving the sanctity of first qibla Al-Aqsa then I don't know what will.

If Al-Aqsa fall then say good by to Mecca and Madinah.

"Ye musalman hai jinhe dekh ke sharmye yahood" Allama Iqbal


Nov 3, 2008
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The oil could have been cut off by Erdogan in October - instead Turkey continued the supply chain. Partners in crime bro

I just don't get it. When will be that time when Islamic world grow some spine and say enough is enough. Aakhir kab?


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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The attacks in size and scope

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