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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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Did you know that King Hussein called Golda Meir in 1973 a week or so prior to Egypt & Syria launching the October War to rat out both Arab countries and warn her that they were going to attack and specifically on the 6th of October and that Jordan wasn't a participant just because he was scared shitless that the zionist would see that they're being attacked from the south in Sinai and the north from Syria just 6 years after 1967 when the zionist attacked all 3 countries and stole land from all 3, including the West Bank & Jerusalem from Jordan and he thought the zionist would assume Jordan was also going to launch a war and being the closest to the occupied territory, they would attack his kingdom first. He was afraid of that so he ratted out his Arab brethren that they were going to launch a war after Egypt & Syria tried to get him to join them in the attack and try to reclaim the WB & Jerusalem. Instead, he turned into a rat betraying the cause. Luckily the zionist didn't believe him thanks to an Egyptian double agent who played a spy for the zionist when he was actually an Egyptian operative just to fake them out, and it worked. But we'll never forget that ultimate treachery from the so-called king of the Hashemite Kingdom.

LOL! Yeah, from the Jew York Times, check out the names of the "authors" journalists! Barak, Harel, Grossma lmao.

Speaking of Hitler, here's a great one I saw today loool. Enjoy!

I recall reading about it and just shaking my head. Ultimately, they ended up in a worse situation and lost key areas, as you mentioned. They should have fought. In some Syed families, you can even end up with a dirty egg being born.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Azerbaijan: Israel’s quiet friend​

Benjamin Netanyahu became the first Israeli premier to visit Azerbaijan, in 1997, and since then trade and security cooperation has increased. By the mid-2000s, Azerbaijan had become Israel’s fifth-largest trading partner, with oil headed to the eastern Mediterranean and weaponry and other military material headed to the Caspian Sea.

Today, Azerbaijan, alongside Kazakhstan, supplies 60 percent of the crude oil Israel uses.



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Very sad that Jamaal Bowman lost. Once again shows that the Israeli Lobby is behind much of American Middle Eastern policy.
Just a few days ago, Miriam Adelson, the widow of Sheldon Adelson, announced $100 million for Trump campaign because of Trump's unambiguous support for Israel, as she even stated. This has really irked the Democrats--good! Democrats may not care about Palestine but they sure do care about their own station in the US Congress.


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Apr 2, 2024
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A global wave of anger after a clip of an Israeli police dog attacking an elderly Palestinian woman spread

It caused her fractures and bleeding..Leaked footage from a camera installed by occupation soldiers on a police dog shows the dog attacking an elderly Palestinian woman in her home in #Jabalia, northern Gaza Strip.

Absolutely barbaric behaviour.
We are told Israel represents the west, sp we will take it at face value.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Absolutely barbaric behaviour.
We are told Israel represents the west, sp we will take it at face value.

We are only probably hearing half of the stuff. I am convinced that these Zionists have been on an absolute rampage. They have already committed henious crimes against humanity.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Well that is a surprise for me.
Ah,you haven't heard of Julia Boutros? She's Greek Orthodox.like Fairuz.

Check this out:

Boutros was born in Beirut, Lebanon, on April 1, 1968. Her father is originally from Lebanon, while her mother is from Palestine, with an Armenian background. She was educated at the Rosary Sisters Schools where she sang in the school choir. Growing up, she and her brother were heavily influenced by Ziad Rahbani's works. When she was 12 years old, she recorded her first song, entitled "A Maman",[1] at Elias Al Rahbani Studios. She also recorded two other songs, "C'est la Vie" & "Viens dans Ma Vie".[1]

On October 11, 2006, she released a new single titled "Ahibaii" (Dearly Beloved). The lyrics are based on a letter sent by Hezbollah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah to the fighters in South Lebanon during the 2006 Summer War between Hezbollah and Israel. The poet Ghassan Matar adapted the original text. The music is composed by Ziad, brother of Julia and arranged by Michel Fadel. The profits from the song's sale went to help the families of Hezbollah fighters and to all Lebanese who died during the Israel-Lebanon conflict. Sales eventually garnered USD$3 million for the families of the Lebanese civilians, soldiers, security forces, and Hezbollah fighters who have been killed in the Israel-Lebanon conflict. The sum was triple the original aim, which was only USD$1 million. The families of Lebanese soldiers killed during operation Naher el-Bared also received a portion of the proceeds.[4]

Besides support for Hezbollah she has also given her support for Palestinian armed resistance groups in Gaza with the song "Al-Haq Silahi" (Righteousness Is My Weapon), as well as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.[5][6][7]

In December 2023, during the Israel–Hamas war she sang a song titled "Yamma Mwel Lhawa" (Oh mother, what's with the wind?) in support of Palestinians.[8]



Sep 19, 2010
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We blame the west and the big bad USA - we don’t look in our Muslim leaders first. They are an embarrassment

Because it is easier to blame others and very hard to rectify ourselves: a classic tactic to avoid responsibility for one's own actions.


Sep 19, 2010
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by that logic - Israel is nothing more than an American proxy.

Isn't that exactly what is preached here endlessly? Why ignore that Iran and its proxies are doing exactly the same thing?

No one is an angel in international geopolitics: the present conflict is just another example.


Jun 23, 2011
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Because it is easier to blame others and very hard to rectify ourselves: a classic tactic to avoid responsibility for one's own actions.
I blame the Islamic world but that doesn't mean i dont hold those in the west responsible - most of the leaders in the Muslamic world dont forget are appointed by your beloved US. They are absolute complicit.
I blame both sets unlike you. You just want to wait and see when anyone points out American involvement in this genocide.
Lets wait and see and then after that - we will again wait and see. Nothing like a bit of waiting and seeing.


Sep 19, 2010
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I blame the Islamic world but that doesn't mean i dont hold those in the west responsible - most of the leaders in the Muslamic world dont forget are appointed by your beloved US. They are absolute complicit.
I blame both sets unlike you. You just want to wait and see when anyone points out American involvement in this genocide.
Lets wait and see and then after that - we will again wait and see. Nothing like a bit of waiting and seeing.

Utterly unfair assessment. My condemnation of the suffering and carnage has been constant, and my posts merely take into account geopolitical realities in an utterly non-emotional way, which is the only way to analyze such situations. Hysteria as practiced here is cathartic for sure, but not much more.

The present carnage and suffering is a consequence of both USA and Iran playing out their geopolitical strategies using pawns. I am not giving USA a pass on this, but also not Iran either, unlike you and most here.


Jun 23, 2011
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Isn't that exactly what is preached here endlessly? Why ignore that Iran and its proxies are doing exactly the same thing?

No one is an angel in international geopolitics: the present conflict is just another example.

Without the assistance of the US - there is no need for resistance groups like Hamas because the 70 years of killing innocent Muslims would come to an end.
God sake man - take a look at the slaughter imprisonment of innocent over the last few decades and stop thinking the world started on October 7th.
Your posts are smothered with western hypocrisy - one rule for them and another for Muslims.
40,000 innocent deaths - genocide and collective punishment - killing people trying to get water and food - yet you want to still - lets wait and see. Whats to wait and see for? You constant circular lets wait and see is getting boring.
Now i am voicing my personal opinion and not management so dont cry a river to third parties.
Attempt to try looking at the conflict objectively. Would be nice to see.
Have a good day VC.


Sep 19, 2010
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Without the assistance of the US - there is no need for resistance groups like Hamas because the 70 years of killing innocent Muslims would come to an end.
God sake man - take a look at the slaughter imprisonment of innocent over the last few decades and stop thinking the world started on October 7th.
Your posts are smothered with western hypocrisy - one rule for them and another for Muslims.
40,000 innocent deaths - genocide and collective punishment - killing people trying to get water and food - yet you want to still - lets wait and see. Whats to wait and see for? You constant circular lets wait and see is getting boring.
Now i am voicing my personal opinion and not management so dont cry a river to third parties.
Attempt to try looking at the conflict objectively. Would be nice to see.
Have a good day VC.

As administrator, you should know to establish the rules by following them yourself: the thread - as you said - is about the conflict and not the history.

Further, there are other avenues available for expressing personal views amongst ourselves, please consider using them rather than grandstanding here.

And finally, I left; I was asked back. I did not, nor ever will, cry a river to anyone. Tell me to leave and I shall be happy to do so.

And read this please:; it may help you see the other side of the geopolitics involved in the present conflict:


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