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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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Zionists and Americans are pushing this narrative that the will of people and Muslim masses of Arabian peninsula (KSA) or their revolution is an Iranian invasion of Arabian peninsula.

Of course, the will of majority of Sunni brothers and sisters in today's KSA is to thoroughly support Palestinians and making alliance with Iran.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Zionists and Americans are pushing this narrative that the will of people and Muslim masses of Arabian peninsula (KSA) or their revolution is an Iranian invasion of Arabian peninsula.

Of course, the will of majority of Sunni brothers and sisters in today's KSA is to thoroughly support Palestinians and making alliance with Iran.

I refuse to belief that the general population of Saudi Arabia actually wants any "normalisation" with the entity.

It is only the ruling regime and a few of their hangars on that are in favour.

When the day comes that all the Zio-US supported royal desports in the Arab world are toppled, then Arabs in these countries will finally be a free people.

Yes I am sure that most Arab Sunnis want nothing but harmony and close co-operation with Shia Muslims.

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