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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Maybe the settlers should end the genocide on Gaza by removing Netanyahu. Instead, Netanyahu wants to go to the US in August to speak in front of Congress. To do what ? Dehumanize Palestinians and seek approval for annexation or continued persecution of Palestinians? Netanyahu has ruined Israel and the narcissistic megalomaniac is just worried about his speech at the Congress.



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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The Egyptian army mobilized 160 Egyptian tanks in addition to 140 military vehicles near the Rafah crossing.

According to what was published in Hebrew pages



Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Eternal glory to the Warriors of God the mujahedin are fighting very hard. May Allah be with him



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I think you both mean well but if you saw the history of this conflict then that would leave you in no doubt that the Arab countries are a beaten force; they tried multiple times but failed. They have too heavy odds against them.

The United States not only won World War II but also a few decades later prevailed over the Soviet Union Superpower. And since the early 90s, the Americans have been prevalent and unchallenged. Lot of countries, including even China and Russia, heavily invested their fortunes in America and its rich powerful allies. Compared to them, the Arab countries are small fries for the Americans to freeze their assets, expel from the SWIFT banking system, and even carpet bomb them using the American attack dog Israel and the American vassals in Europe. It would be a war Americans could afford to lose more than the regional countries: Americans can always go back to their distant island nation which is blessed with lots of abundance and geographic protection. The wreck will be in the Middle East and Europe. You don't want a war where Americans would be forced to 'mobilize' their immense resources.

Do you remember my post to you about the benefits of great education? You keep proving that point more and more and more with every post you make, but especially the ones that involve looking at the Arab countries' situation from a most neutral and more importantly, an objectively educated sense that isn't influenced or coerced by any external pressures or individualistic motivations, which sadly are mostly the reasons for the anti-Arab bashing motivations & sentiments that are explicitly enumerated all over this forum, especially in the ME & Arab Defense sections.

But reading your views (and I mentioned this to you before) is so refreshing not because they're in line with my own, but because they're the gaddam friggin truth of the matter! It's clear as day and if only the other fellas would inject a pinch of pragmatism, mixed with a sprinkle of objectivity and a dash of unbiased views and see the truth which is exactly what you just said, it would be a glorious world and the unnecessary & unproductive in-fighting which helps the zionist cause and is self-defeating (serves absolutely no purpose but to denigrate, insult, exhibit narcissism from a pre-existing vitriolic sentiment that's sectarian-based & derived), it would make us so much stronger and make for a much healthier interaction. More importantly, it would strengthen the ultimate reason we're all in this fight for, unity and not division. You know that old union saying, united we stand divided we fall. Please continue to point that out whenever you get a chance like you just did. It's ever so truthful and it's only for an all-around noble cause.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Not really that but more because they want to be accepted by the US/west in general.

Entity has turned the most powerful western country US into a vassal and Germany is a total cuck to it due to WW2. UK is close behind these two.

These donkey regimes are not legitimate and think the US/west can guarantee their continued rule.
Think about it from the GCC view

The Zionists want acceptance in the region from the Arabs

The Arabs want acceptance In the west and know the Zionists have a powerful lobby that they can use

So between the Zionists and the GCC, they can see the positive of working together

The only problem being the occupation of Al aqsa and Palestine

Now the Jews are telling the Arabs bullshit about making the lives of Palestinians better, but in reality continue on their murderous oppression

And the GCC Arabs are happy to accept the lies with the eye on possibilities

With U.S, Europe, Israel and GCC all involved in a grand circle jerk patting each other on the back

It suits all of them that the Palestinians are broken, it's just the iman and resistance of the Palestinians that stands in the way

Iran is also forging an empire in the middle east and the GCC Arabs are scared shitless and would rather work with the Jews who they think are too weak and pathetic to go beyond Palestine, then the iranians who they fear could take it all

Everyone is scum, except the Palestinians and Iran and iranian proxies who frankly come out looking like the resistance in all of this


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Glory to the mujahedin vex for the mujahedin success with Majeed mujahedin

Oh Allah, give them the victory

Massive attack by the Warriors of God today on shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza



Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Just in:

Iran wants to conquer Saudi Arabia!

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 20-47-30 Iran Plans Middle East Conquest 7-Front War Netanyahu's New ...png
Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 20-48-08 Iran Plans Middle East Conquest 7-Front War Netanyahu's New ...png
Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 20-48-40 Iran Plans Middle East Conquest 7-Front War Netanyahu's New ...png
Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 20-49-57 Iran Plans Middle East Conquest 7-Front War Netanyahu's New ...png
Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 20-50-22 Iran Plans Middle East Conquest 7-Front War Netanyahu's New ...png


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Think about it from the GCC view

The Zionists want acceptance in the region from the Arabs

The Arabs want acceptance In the west and know the Zionists have a powerful lobby that they can use

So between the Zionists and the GCC, they can see the positive of working together

The only problem being the occupation of Al aqsa and Palestine

Now the Jews are telling the Arabs bullshit about making the lives of Palestinians better, but in reality continue on their murderous oppression

And the GCC Arabs are happy to accept the lies with the eye on possibilities

With U.S, Europe, Israel and GCC all involved in a grand circle jerk patting each other on the back

It suits all of them that the Palestinians are broken, it's just the iman and resistance of the Palestinians that stands in the way

Iran is also forging an empire in the middle east and the GCC Arabs are scared shitless and would rather work with the Jews who they think are too weak and pathetic to go beyond Palestine, then the iranians who they fear could take it all

Everyone is scum, except the Palestinians and Iran and iranian proxies who frankly come out looking like the resistance in all of this

What a brilliant post that sums up why the Arab traitors are behaving the way they do.

Only problem is that we will soon be in a "multi-polar" world and the Arab regimes may end up on the wrong side of history.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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What a brilliant post that sums up why the Arab traitors are behaving the way they do.

Only problem is that we will soon be in a "multi-polar" world and the Arab regimes may end up on the wrong side of history.

The worst thing about all of this, is the utter lack of confidence Arabs and Muslims in the wider world are showing in themselves

The Muslim world is massive
We have a mountain of resources
We have a massive world wide population of over 2 BILLION
We have over 50 countries
Multiple militaries

All that is required is some sensible strategic thinking
And Muslims can start working together, instead of buying endless overpriced crap from the U.S or Europeans WHO HATE YOU

You could use that money to set up industry within the Muslim world
Get joint weapons development going, with over 50 potential Muslim country customers

We could have a single tank with multiple supply lines across the world
M Multiple jet programs
Missile programs
The list is endless

We haven't even maximized trade or education between us

Lack of self confidence, has led these donkeys to fail to seize the moment and the Arabs especially are using massive funds to BUY WESTERN SUPPORT which is only skin deep and their militaries are useless

The answer for the entire Muslim world is staring us in the face
And everyone else knows it from the Americans to the Jews and they are eager to stop it by supporting the worst leaders in the world who are utter cockroachs


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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The worst thing about all of this, is the utter lack of confidence Arabs and Muslims in the wider world are showing in themselves

The Muslim world is massive
We have a mountain of resources
We have a massive world wide population of over 2 BILLION
We have over 50 countries
Multiple militaries

All that is required is some sensible strategic thinking
And Muslims can start working together, instead of buying endless overpriced crap from the U.S or Europeans WHO HATE YOU

You could use that money to set up industry within the Muslim world
Get joint weapons development going, with over 50 potential Muslim country customers

We could have a single tank with multiple supply lines across the world
M Multiple jet programs
Missile programs
The list is endless

We haven't even maximized trade or education between us

Lack of self confidence, has led these donkeys to fail to seize the moment and the Arabs especially are using massive funds to BUY WESTERN SUPPORT which is only skin deep and their militaries are useless

The answer for the entire Muslim world is staring us in the face
And everyone else knows it from the Americans to the Jews and they are eager to stop it by supporting the worst leaders in the world who are utter cockroachs

These pathetic regimes are unlikely to exist mid-century.

Whenever they are mentioned, it makes me embarrased that they are of the same religion as myself.

It is because of them that Palestine is still occupied to this day.

All they had to do was no recognition and a total siege on the entity. It then would have become too costly for the west to sustain over anything more than a few years or a decade at most.

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