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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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And Israel may not win any battle in terms or strategic or tactical victory however with its state level assets and support it can inflict murder and chaos upon innocent populations in the middle east
And the more you hit it's the more deranged Israel acts
It's needs a state level response from Egypt or a Jordan/Syria (once prepared and at peace) to really punish and start pushing it out of the middle east

I think, as you keep saying in this thread for a long time, freedom is not going to come cheap to the Palestinians and the regional countries. They either live in fear of the Israeli blackmails should they stay too far from the script, given to them by Washington or they gain true independence. The choice is theirs. And those countries are not without means: Central global locations; human and natural resources. They can and should pool their resources and fates together.

To the bolded part: I think there is already 'state' level responses: Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, backed and prodded by Iran. But they are acting with whatever limited means via aiding and abetting various militias. They are all poor and/or destroyed countries and can only do so much. The way forward is using militias in prolonged wars of attrition; that avoids dragging in the Americans who don't want to get too involved.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Israel HUMILIATED as Iran, Yemen, Lebanese and Gaza Forces Crush IDF w/ Prof. Mohammad Marandi​

Iranian professor Mr. Marandi sees things very clearly and expresses his thoughts so calmly!! He is one of my favorites along with Max Blumenthal, John Ulmer, Mahmood OD, Larry C. Johnson, Scott Horton, Kevork Almassian (Syriana) to name a few.
And Marandi is right in this video: Israel has a lot more to lose in case of a war against Lebanon. Countries like Lebanon and Syria and Yemen are already suffering and/or destroyed. Israel, on the other hand, is a prosperous country with great infrastructure and, until now, a magnet for tech, tourism, and investments.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Obama has served two terms already- can he run again?!? I don’t think the American constitution allows that. 2 times is max.
You’re right, he can’t directly. Obama would have to be someone’s VP for 2 years, and upon that person’s resignation, could become president.

22nd amendment.



Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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I think, as you keep saying in this thread for a long time, freedom is not going to come cheap to the Palestinians and the regional countries. They either live in fear of the Israeli blackmails should they stay too far from the script, given to them by Washington or they gain true independence. The choice is theirs. And those countries are not without means: Central global locations; human and natural resources. They can and should pool their resources and fates together.

To the bolded part: I think there is already 'state' level responses: Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, backed and prodded by Iran. But they are acting with whatever limited means via aiding and abetting various militias. They are all poor and/or destroyed countries and can only do so much. The way forward is using militias in prolonged wars of attrition; that avoids dragging in the Americans who don't want to get too involved.
Militias can only do so much. It will take the diplomatic and financial heft of major Arab nations like Egypt and the GCC countries to cross the finish line, much like it was the French navy and French financial support that finally helped the Americans gain their independence at the battle of Yorktown in 1781.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Militias can only do so much. It will take the diplomatic and financial heft of major Arab nations like Egypt and the GCC countries to cross the finish line, much like it was the French navy and French financial support that finally helped the Americans gain their independence at the battle of Yorktown in 1781.

Exactly, the militias will wear Israel down, they will create havoc for Israel etc etc but I feel without a conventional military push Israel will only feel misery and pain as opposed to meeting it's end in the middle east


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Exactly, the militias will wear Israel down, they will create havoc for Israel etc etc but I feel without a conventional military push Israel will only feel misery and pain as opposed to meeting it's end in the middle east
Perhaps not the end, I doubt the major Arab nations will support that, but force them to come to terms, sure.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Exactly, the militias will wear Israel down, they will create havoc for Israel etc etc but I feel without a conventional military push Israel will only feel misery and pain as opposed to meeting it's end in the middle east

Perhaps not the end, I doubt the major Arab nations will support that, but force them to come to terms, sure.

I think you both mean well but if you saw the history of this conflict then that would leave you in no doubt that the Arab countries are a beaten force; they tried multiple times but failed. They have too heavy odds against them.

The United States not only won World War II but also a few decades later prevailed over the Soviet Union Superpower. And since the early 90s, the Americans have been prevalent and unchallenged. Lot of countries, including even China and Russia, heavily invested their fortunes in America and its rich powerful allies. Compared to them, the Arab countries are small fries for the Americans to freeze their assets, expel from the SWIFT banking system, and even carpet bomb them using the American attack dog Israel and the American vassals in Europe. It would be a war Americans could afford to lose more than the regional countries: Americans can always go back to their distant island nation which is blessed with lots of abundance and geographic protection. The wreck will be in the Middle East and Europe. You don't want a war where Americans would be forced to 'mobilize' their immense resources.

So... once again, the way forward is bleeding Israel through prolonged wars of attrition without involving the Americans directly. Israel's very own geography and its pampered dual-citizen population makes Israel especially vulnerable to any conflict, especially the prolonged ones. And we can already see the fleeing Zionists, a divided political class, a deeply worried society, and uncertainty about Israel's very survival. All that when the Resistance has barely used its resources against Israel.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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I think you both mean well but if you saw the history of this conflict then that would leave you in no doubt that the Arab countries are a beaten force; they tried multiple times but failed. They have too heavy odds against them.

The United States not only won World War II but also a few decades later prevailed over the Soviet Union Superpower. And since the early 90s, the Americans have been prevalent and unchallenged. Lot of countries, including even China and Russia, heavily invested their fortunes in America and its rich powerful allies. Compared to them, the Arab countries are small fries for the Americans to freeze their assets, expel from the SWIFT banking system, and even carpet bomb them using the American attack dog Israel and the American vassals in Europe. It would be a war Americans could afford to lose more than the regional countries: Americans can always go back to their distant island nation which is blessed with lots of abundance and geographic protection. The wreck will be in the Middle East and Europe. You don't want a war where Americans would be forced to 'mobilize' their immense resources.

So... once again, the way forward is bleeding Israel through prolonged wars of attrition without involving the Americans directly. Israel's very own geography and its pampered dual-citizen population makes Israel especially vulnerable to any conflict, especially the prolonged ones. And we can already see the fleeing Zionists, a divided political class, a deeply worried society, and uncertainty about Israel's very survival. All that when the Resistance has barely used its resources against Israel.
If it’s just militias, it will just be a low level conflict infinitum. If the Arab countries use just their economic might, it alone could change the course. The French army/navy didn’t fight directly in the American revolution, only showing up with military might when the outcome looked certain.

We can’t absolve the Arab nations from helping, granted at the cost of their economy for a while, if they want to see this conflict finally dealt with and Iranian influence pushed back.


Full Member
Sep 14, 2022
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To be fair I only watched all of 5 minutes of the debate but I knew it was going downhill quick 😂 one just tells straight out lies the the other looks like he’s about to die at any second crazy I don’t care for politics at all but jeez. The only thing this “debate” showed is neither of them are fit to be presidents but Trump seems like he might come back what he does know one knows but I think before his presidency is over or if it looks as if the election is going to trump Biden needs to support a Palestine to at least have some sort of positive legacy and at least give a middle finger to everyone Bibi and Trump 😂


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008

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