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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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He is a mouth piece of the US Zion Jews and he won't be banned.

Some holders of the Torah , some Zionists, don't give a Damn about what is written in their holy book:-

"Peace is a concept that is central to Judaism. Along with truth and justice, it is one of the three key Jewish values. Peace, according to the Jewish sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole Torah: “All that is written in the Torah was written for the sake of peace.” Tanhuma Shoftim 18"
Yes but he is a war criminal and a mass murderer too so should be banned unless the US condones genocide and mass murder.

Hassan Al-Somal

Elite Member
Jan 18, 2015
Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades affiliated with the Popular Resistance Committees announce the downing of what is believed to be a Heron drone.

What was dropped is a larger drone than the Skylark and Mavic drones that are typically dropped.

It is most likely a Heron TP drone

(Source: https://drones.rusi.org/countries/israel/).



Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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There are a few factors in determining how efficiently militias with certain armaments will perform once they are deployed on the field. It's a long topic, but the main concern will be the Israeli Air Force and, more importantly, can the group deliver an equivalent and proportionate response to an Israeli aerial assault back on Israel. The group will have to make it costly. As shown in various conflicts, the edge of manpower is replaced by high-tech advantage.
Militarily Hezbos can absorb and fight back any Israeli attack but it is the civilian toll that is of concern. IDf soldiers are beginning to refuse to fight a ground offensive because they are too frightened for their lives so most likely we will see air dropped 1 and 1.5 ton bombs.


Sep 19, 2010
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It's a statement of reality

It is demonstrably false as fact, and therefore only a personal opinion.

For example, this is your claim:

No one asked the Jews to come to the middle east, they came as OCCUPIERS, to occupy the land and subjugate the local population

FACT: Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end.

Thus, they came under the UN mandate of Resolution 181.

Oh, and before you reject the Resolution as invalid, please know that the same Resolution is the basis for the Palestinian quest for equal statehood, so clearly they accept the Resolution as valid and established historical FACT.


Dec 27, 2023
It is demonstrably false as fact, and therefore only a personal opinion.

For example, this is your claim:

FACT: Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end.

Thus, they came under the UN mandate of Resolution 181.

Oh, and before you reject the Resolution as invalid, please know that the same Resolution is the basis for the Palestinian quest for equal statehood, so clearly they accept the Resolution as valid and established historical FACT.

You have it backwards. The West is the one that supports the UN. The UN and Western world is evil for making Israel. You should tell the million+ refugees that were displaced that they should stop complaining because they asked for the existence of Israel.

The reason you are backwards is because the West (you) supported UN then and are refusing to listen to the UN now. It is only the West that claimed the UN has authority and now the West claiming it does not have authority. Arabs point out the UN ruling for two state solution because the West is supposed to agree with the UN. Arabs do not point to the UN because we think the UN should actually have any authority.

You logic is completely backwards and reeks of white supremacy. You think the white UN should have any authority to boss around lowly brown people. Go be racist somewhere else.


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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Militarily Hezbos can absorb and fight back any Israeli attack but it is the civilian toll that is of concern. IDf soldiers are beginning to refuse to fight a ground offensive because they are too frightened for their lives so most likely we will see air dropped 1 and 1.5 ton bombs.

Indeed, hence, that warning yesterday from the Israeli Defense Minister they will turn Lebanon back to the Stone Ages will confirm that. If, and once the conflict starts.


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
All resistance forces on the 5-7 fronts that Israel says it is fighting on.

You think the resistances 500K-900K ground troops + 1000Ks of drones missiles,other weapons is not enough? That is questionable IMO or not so certain, they may be enough to bring down this neo- colonialist govt in Israel this time.

Iran + the resistance forces may just be ok fighting Israel and its allies alone, because after all, if they win, and disintegrate Israel's govt and military, they get and keep all the credit. No worthy victories will be shared with the traitorous Sunni leaders in the ME.

I hope so!...



Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Israel HUMILIATED as Iran, Yemen, Lebanese and Gaza Forces Crush IDF w/ Prof. Mohammad Marandi​



Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Biden’s poor performance in the debate, and Trump’s we will see answer about supporting a Palestinian state means if Biden has any hope of winning over those in his base looking for some kind of peace in Palestine, he will have to act firmly and force a peace upon Israel.

Trump already has the support of the pro-Israelis, Biden might as well go for gaining back those looking to see an end to the war before the elections.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Biden’s poor performance in the debate, and Trump’s we will see answer about supporting a Palestinian state means if Biden has any hope of winning over those in his base looking for some kind of peace in Palestine, he will have to act firmly and force a peace upon Israel.

Trump already has the support of the pro-Israelis, Biden might as well go for gaining back those looking to see an end to the war before the elections.
To the Israelis either Biden or Trump is a win win. US political system sucks , a political pyramid scheme run by AIPAC with circulating US tax payer dollars.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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To the Israelis either Biden or Trump is a win win. US political system sucks , a political pyramid scheme run by AIPAC with circulating US tax payer dollars.
For Biden, he can either go out in total shame or try to save a shred of his dignity. The choice is his. After this election, either way, he has no fight left to wage. Why not stand on some principles.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Atrocities in Gaza trigger more resignations in Biden administration

Anwar Iqbal Published June 24, 2024

People inspect the damage next to a building destroyed during Israeli bombardment at al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City on June 22, 2024. — AFP

People inspect the damage next to a building destroyed during Israeli bombardment at al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City on June 22, 2024. — AFP
WASHINGTON: Three more US officials, including two from the military, have resigned this week in protest against Washington’s support for Israeli military operations in Gaza, US media reported on Sunday.
Larry Hebert and Juan Bettancourt announced their unwillingness to continue serving in light of the US military’s role in the conflict.
The development follows the resignation of Andrew Miller, a senior official at the US Department of State and an expert on Israeli-Palestinian affairs. Miller expressed his discontent with the Biden administration’s policies amid the eight-month-long conflict in Gaza.
The death of six-year-old Hind Rajab in February, after she was trapped under Israeli fire in Gaza, prompted Larry Hebert Jr., an active-duty US airman, to seek conscientious objector status from the US military.

Some officials say Israeli actions in enclave amount to ‘genocide’
“She looks almost just like my daughter, and that was something that was extremely hard to grasp, is that all these children that have aspirations and dreams and lives that many of us are living and want, and it’s wholly unjustified to support what’s happening,” said Hebert. He revealed in an interview with NBC News that he worked directly on a US operation to provide weapons sales to Israel.

Similarly, after witnessing footage of the death and destruction in Gaza, senior US Airman Juan Bettancourt stated he could no longer ignore the US government’s role in the conflict, including its supply of weapons, diplomatic support, and intelligence.
“I see the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians, all while the world watches through their smartphones,” Bettancourt told NBC News.
Both Hebert and Bettancourt said the scale of atrocities pushed them to question their participation in a military system that they believed was perpetuating the heavy death toll. They referred to Israel’s attack on Gaza as “genocide” and noted that the footage coming out of the region was weighing heavily not only on them but on many Americans.
The number of US officials resigning has now reached approximately a dozen. Among them are Josh Paul, Harrison Mann, Tariq Habash, Annelle Sheline, Hala Rharrit, Lily Greenberg, Alex Smith, and Stacy Gilbert. Their disagreement with the US policy highlights the growing dissent within the ranks of the government.
The issue gained global attention in February when Aaron Bushnell, a member of the US Air Force, set himself on fire in a dramatic protest against the administration’s support for Israel. Bushnell later succumbed to injuries in the hospital.
As the conflict in Gaza continues, the internal opposition within the US government underscores the increasing controversy and division over America’s foreign policy in the region.
Miller was sceptic of President Joe Biden’s “bear hug” approach towards Israel’s government, The Washington Post reported. He played a key role in the executive order issued in February, which imposed sanctions on several Israeli settlers for attacking Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank, according to CNN.
Previously, he served as a senior policy adviser to the US ambassador to the United Nations and as the director for Egypt and Israel military issues on the White House National Security Council during the Obama administration.
In May, Major Harrison Mann announced that he had resigned from the US Defence Intelligence Agency because of his country’s “unqualified support” for Israel’s aggression in Gaza. He quit in November.
In February, Airman Bushnell set himself on fire in protest outside Israel’s embassy in Washington and later died from his injuries.
The Biden administration has yet to respond to these recent resignations and the broader criticism of its support for Israeli military actions.
Published in Dawn, June 24th, 2024


Jun 23, 2011
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For Biden, he can either go out in total shame or try to save a shred of his dignity. The choice is his. After this election, either way, he has no fight left to wage. Why not stand on some principles.
8 months and Biden has simply slept through the holocaust. He hasn’t lifted a finger. Cant see Trump being any different.
What shocks me is the USA are going to pick a leader between a senile man that goes to sleep on the stage and doesn’t know what day it is or a man who had a criminal record that has shown how vile he is….. what a choice?

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