Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

8 months and Biden has simply slept through the holocaust. He hasn’t lifted a finger. Cant see Trump being any different.
What shocks me is the USA are going to pick a leader between a senile man that goes to sleep on the stage and doesn’t know what day it is or a man who had a criminal record that has shown how vile he is….. what a choice?
Biden has 130 days till the election, if he forces the ceasefire agreement now, ends the war with enough time to spare before the election, and leave it to the voters that he will enforce the ceasefire, he has a chance to win back many voters that are calling him Genocide Joe.

The election is his to lose.
Biden has 130 days till the election, if he forces the ceasefire agreement now, ends the war with enough time to spare before the election, and leave it to the voters that he will enforce the ceasefire, he has a chance to win back many voters that are calling him Genocide Joe.

The election is his to lose.
It's not his call, Israelis have him by the balls, only god knows what they have on him.
There is no right or wrong in international geopolitics, so it is impossible for me to adjudicate that in this thread.
I wonder if you'd be saying that if Israelis were slaughtering your kids. You're delusional and you really ought to stop embarrassing yourself publicly like this.
I wonder if you'd be saying that if Israelis were slaughtering your kids. You're delusional and you really ought to stop embarrassing yourself publicly like this.
It’s almost as if Palestinian lives don’t matter. Please refrain from making it personal. He has a right to his view. Let’s focus on the core. They have killed almost 40,000 innocent Palestinians - collective punished - committed genocide and simply blasted all infrastructure and some are still shouting Hamas Hamas…..
To the Israelis either Biden or Trump is a win win. US political system sucks , a political pyramid scheme run by AIPAC with circulating US tax payer dollars.
What I don't understand is why the Americans are OK with the AIPAC lobby. If you genuinely cared about your own country why be OK with foreign meddling and representatives that essentially work for a foreign state, not the American people.

If Israel does something that is in Americans interest, America will support.

So, why have a lobby? It is so that Americans can be convinced to support something that ultimately is not in their interests.
What I don't understand is why the Americans are OK with the AIPAC lobby. If you genuinely cared about your own country why be OK with foreign meddling and representatives that essentially work for a foreign state, not the American people.

If Israel does something that is in Americans interest, America will support.

So, why have a lobby? It is so that Americans can be convinced to support something that ultimately is not in their interests.
They are brainwashed and blackmailed. Israelis have through deception associated US with Israel even though they don't have any values in common and it is a onesided support relationship, as US only supports Israel amterially and financially. Through News channels ,Hollywod, Schools and corporate America the jews have concocted through repetitive messaging and selective money funneling devious control of minds of weak minded Americans. Many Americans are intelligent enough to hold out but many aren't. Insult Israel or a jew and they feel as if their mother has been insulted even though the Israelis have only been a financial and moral drain on the US.
They are brainwashed and blackmailed. Israelis have through deception associated US with Israel even though they don't have any values in common and it is a onesided support relationship, as US only supports Israel amterially and financially. Through News channels ,Hollywod, Schools and corporate America the jews have concocted through repetitive messaging and selective money funneling devious control of minds of weak minded Americans. Many Americans are intelligent enough to hold out but many aren't. Insult Israel or a jew and they feel as if their mother has been insulted even though the Israelis have only been a financial and moral drain on the US.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Years of treachery will come over people in which liars are believed and the truthful are denied, the deceitful are trusted and the trustworthy are considered traitors, and the disgraceful will deliver speeches.” It was said, “Who are the disgraceful?” The Prophet said, “Petty men with authority over the common people.”

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 4036

Your point about blackmailing is evident here:

It was basically a Jewish pedophile grooming gang and honeytrap operation. Explains why the Jewish lawyer and advocate for Israel Dershowitz was part his defense attorney.

Dear loyal goyems, I know you are silently reading this. Care to come out of the woodworks?

Why are you selling yourselves cheap for these abhorrent Israelis? Not only that, why are you purposefully docile enough to accept the lies they feed you?

I know you?
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You have it backwards. The West is the one that supports the UN. The UN and Western world is evil for making Israel. You should tell the million+ refugees that were displaced that they should stop complaining because they asked for the existence of Israel.

The reason you are backwards is because the West (you) supported UN then and are refusing to listen to the UN now. It is only the West that claimed the UN has authority and now the West claiming it does not have authority. Arabs point out the UN ruling for two state solution because the West is supposed to agree with the UN. Arabs do not point to the UN because we think the UN should actually have any authority.

You logic is completely backwards and reeks of white supremacy. You think the white UN should have any authority to boss around lowly brown people. Go be racist somewhere else.

My logic is robust. It is your side that likes the UN when it says or does you agree with as massive world opinion, but goes ballistic when it says or does something that goes against preferred personal biases, then it becomes merely a handmaiden of the "west". It doesn't work.

I wonder if you'd be saying that if Israelis were slaughtering your kids. You're delusional and you really ought to stop embarrassing yourself publicly like this.

The persistent embarrassment in this thread is a childish insistence on mixing personal concepts into the domain of international geopolitics where they simply do not apply.

It’s almost as if Palestinian lives don’t matter. Please refrain from making it personal. He has a right to his view. Let’s focus on the core. They have killed almost 40,000 innocent Palestinians - collective punished - committed genocide and simply blasted all infrastructure and some are still shouting Hamas Hamas…..

Incorrect. I have always maintained that all lives matter, and the Palestinians have just as much a right to live in peace, dignity and prosperity as all of their neighbors. I have always advocated doing whatever it takes to stop the carnage and suffering as quickly as possible. The unfortunate fact remains that the actions of Hamas clearly provided the opportunity for Israel to take the actions that it took, let us not forget that too. Please note I am not supporting what Israel is doing by saying that.
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There are a few factors in determining how efficiently militias with certain armaments will perform once they are deployed on the field. It's a long topic, but the main concern will be the Israeli Air Force and, more importantly, can the group deliver an equivalent and proportionate response to an Israeli aerial assault back on Israel. The group will have to make it costly. As shown in various conflicts, the edge of manpower is replaced by high-tech advantage.

Israel's so-called 'high-tech advantage' is yet to deliver a 'total victory' against the outnumbered, outgunned, imprisoned, and literally starving Gazans. So what @925boy said was correct: The power the various militias have arrayed against Israel in regions around Israel WILL be enough to cause a strategic defeat of Israel.

Manpower is still VERY important. It is not like the militias would be charging with swords against machine gun fire--something like that might have happened during World War I in a few places. The militias are dug in, deeply sheltered where even bunker busters can't go in and they have lethal-enough weapons. Israeli bunker busters have often been inadequate even on the sandy Gaza and here we are talking about the hilly areas north and northeast of Israel.

Finally, short of threatening a destruction of Teheran, I don't see Iranian would back off from a war. Of all the forces arrayed against Israel, it is the Iranian govt which is the most powerful and perhaps the only one which can stop a war. An analogy would be the Japan of 1945: Only when the destruction of Tokyo itself was proposed (after Hiroshima/Nagasaki) then the Japanese govt surrendered, otherwise the Japanese would have fought on even as Guerilla war to the bitter end.
8 months and Biden has simply slept through the holocaust. He hasn’t lifted a finger. Cant see Trump being any different.
The main difference between the two is that Trump is not as hypocritical as Biden. Biden is a life-log self-proclaimed 'Zionist'. A career war-monger. Decades in the US Senate, overseeing many wars and collecting from AIPAC. In short, Biden is not only 'on the take' but is also ideologically aligned with Zionist.
Trump is also 'on the take' from AIPAC and Jewish lobbies like Miriam Adelson but he is not ideologically aligned with Israel. And it is possible he will surprise us on his Middle East policy!! I thought in the debate last night, Trump dodged a question when asked if he would recognize a Palestinian State!

What I don't understand is why the Americans are OK with the AIPAC lobby. If you genuinely cared about your own country why be OK with foreign meddling and representatives that essentially work for a foreign state, not the American people.

The influence of money!! A non-entity Ross Perot ran on a 3rd party platform in 1992 and managed to win almost a 5th of the American votes by pumping in hundreds of millions of his own $$ into his campaign.
Israel's so-called 'high-tech advantage' is yet to deliver a 'total victory' against the outnumbered, outgunned, imprisoned, and literally starving Gazans. So what @925boy said was correct: The power the various militias have arrayed against Israel in regions around Israel WILL be enough to cause a strategic defeat of Israel.

Manpower is still VERY important. It is not like the militias would be charging with swords against machine gun fire--something like that might have happened during World War I in a few places. The militias are dug in, deeply sheltered where even bunker busters can't go in and they have lethal-enough weapons. Israeli bunker busters have often been inadequate even on the sandy Gaza and here we are talking about the hilly areas north and northeast of Israel.

Finally, short of threatening a destruction of Teheran, I don't see Iranian would back off from a war. Of all the forces arrayed against Israel, it is the Iranian govt which is the most powerful and perhaps the only one which can stop a war. An analogy would be the Japan of 1945: Only when the destruction of Tokyo itself was proposed (after Hiroshima/Nagasaki) then the Japanese govt surrendered, otherwise the Japanese would have fought on even as Guerilla war to the bitter end.
The problem as always is that Israel is a state with access to a states resources, with the backing of the U.S and western alliance

It's frankly incredible Hamas has been a Le to fight a d resist this long,

Hezbollah is of course better placed to to do more damage and hit Israel back

And Israel may not win any battle in terms or strategic or tactical victory however with its state level assets and support it can inflict murder and chaos upon innocent populations in the middle east

And the more you hit it's the more deranged Israel acts

It's needs a state level response from Egypt or a Jordan/Syria (once prepared and at peace) to really punish and start pushing it out of the middle east
USA has provided Israel with 3 bn dollars weapons and funding during the last month. French paper quoted an unnamed American official

It's why Israel can survive

Without this they would be financially bankrupt
Militarily exhausted and under equiped

They exist as a colonial outpost

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