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United States elections 2024


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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I was thinking the same exact thing! Except he had no choice since CNN predicted this kind of thing based on the disaster that was the last debate and the brutal Trump interruptions and talking over Biden that they automatically cut off each candidate's microphone as soon as their time was up LOL! Brilliant, and it worked.

In the end, it didn't matter how much CNN stacked the deck in favour of their man. What they didn't - and couldn't - allow for, was the 'Biden Factor' - the one thing that draws viewers more than any other, watching a car-crash in real time. Trump didn't have to say a word, and his polling would have increased. Which it did.


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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lol, it was sooooo baaaad on so many levels between the lies and the ineptitude and inability to articulate any decent talking points but especially Biden's incompetence. I think no matter how many lies Trump came out with (which I think he actually set a record tonight I believe the CNN panel mentioned that) Biden still couldn't get past his old age lack of coherence. It was a disaster for Genocide Joe and Kalamity Harris was reeling to save the day did you see her after trying to shift all the negativity onto to Trump and away from the obvious failure? Horrible.

There are tons of 3rd world countries' leaders out there with higher IQs and much better speaking skills than what we witnessed tonight from the leaders of the most powerful country in the world. Absolutely pathetic.

A friend of mine once said Pakistan is a crazy monkey with a nuclear stick; sadly, today, it can be applied to the U.S. Just look at this forum with its three prominent American posters, then look at the debate you had with F-22 a month or two back that was all that was needed to show the mental state of this country.

China must be scratching their head at this shit show.


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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My goodness US. has got a problem with their choices for president but look who we've got . Absolute Hobson's choice. Cannot believe the state of politics and politicians in UK country today.

I know, brother; I'm watching the UK as well, and a country that once ruled the world has been reduced to a clown show.

I have family in Birmingham from my father's side settled there, and they are lost as to the direction of the island nation.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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I know, brother; I'm watching the UK as well, and a country that once ruled the world has been reduced to a clown show.

I have family in Birmingham from my father's side settled there, and they are lost as to the direction of the island nation.

Utterly depressing dear brother that Starmer and Sunik both will be Israel's men in Number Ten, simple as that


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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The only person the democrats can put, that has a chance to challenge Trump, with the name recognition to get people back to the democrats on brand name alone, not purely on substance of policies, is OBAMA.

Bench Biden, bring in Obama.

Now Obama can only serve 2 years of a 4 year term, as presidents are allowed a max of 10 years in office. So Obama will have to pick another democrat with some name recognition, that will energize the female base.

Gretchen Whitmer could be that running mate. She is only 52. Obama is only 62. Both Gen. X candidates.

Whitney could carry her state, Michigan, if Obama couples with a commitment to getting the two state solution implemented to meet the desires of Dearborn.

A vote for Obama, in this scenario, means there would definitely be a woman president in 2027, if Obama wins.

Obama carried many swing states in 2012.

Obama is still a major thinker in the democrat establishment, and the only one in such short time, to have a viable platform to challenge Trump:

3:00 Obama asks what he could have done to move this forward.
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Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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The only person the democrats can put, that has a chance to challenge Trump, with the name recognition to get people back to the democrats on brand name alone, not purely on substance of policies, is OBAMA.

Bench Biden, bring in Obama.

Now Obama can only serve 2 years of a 4 year term, as presidents are allowed a max of 10 years in office. So Obama will have to pick another democrat with some name recognition, that will energize the female base.

Gretchen Whitmer could be that running mate. She is only 52. Obama is only 62. Both Gen. X candidates.

Whitney could carry her state, Michigan, if Obama couples with a commitment to getting the two state solution implemented to meet the desires of Dearborn.

A vote for Obama, in this scenario, means there would definitely be a woman president in 2027, if Obama wins.

Obama carried many swing states in 2012.

Obama is still a major thinker in the democrat establishment, and the only one in such short time, to have a viable platform to challenge Trump:

3:00 Obama asks what he could have done to move this forward.

Obama cannot run again.

Witchmer cannot win.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Personally, I think it would be better for the US if Trump is elected. Power corrupts. It's better for a president to not be serving too long at a time.


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Oct 2, 2013
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Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Biden’s five biggest fails of the first Presidential debate​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Biden is never in power. He doesn't even know Belarus is not in NATO. He is just a figurehead of the war monger elite puppet masters.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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WATCH: Donald Trump Gives His Closing Remarks In First Presidential Debate​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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'Jaw-dropping': Bill O'Reilly, Geraldo Rivera react to Biden-Trump debate on CNN​



Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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There are two possible rational explanations for last night debacle, either democrats sent biden to be slaughtered on live and change him with random politician who can talk, stand and act like medically normal person or they are so deep in their delusions that simple antitrump sentiment is enough to ensure them presidential race.

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