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United States elections 2024


Oct 24, 2012
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Am I the only one who think Biden wasn't really that bad in this debate. The thing is, we have spend the last 3.5 years talking about how senile Biden was, with all the "malfunction" and falling down. I mean, we aren't really expecting Biden to be sharp as a tack on this debate, him stuttering and seems forgetful is something we all expected in this debate. I mean we all know this and he was still ahead of Trump into the debate. Which mean the only thing we need to look at is Trump's performance.

Was looking at the Poll after debate, most of them have Mid-High 20 on Dem winning the debate, the problem is, Trump is still only mid-high 40, which mean even at that, Trump should have won by a landslide, and it did not. That did show the undecided cloud is still strong.

P.S. I am a double hater, I don't want neither Trump nor Biden to be President.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Somehow I'm glad I have no idea what this pic is all about.
Is this some foot fetish meme?

I must admit, regrettably so, despite my religious obligations to avoid all these types of sexual tendencies that I actually am familiar with the fact that yes, aside from the bizarre and incomprehinsible idea that feet are somehow sexually arousing and enticing, there is something out there that uses this strange foot fetish concept to make money.

Let me make it absolutely clear, lol, the only reason I found out about it was not because I went looking for it!!!! But becasue I stumbled on it from my weakness derived from curioustiy since I stumbled on an X-post that showed this young gal giving a brand new Mercedes to her mom. The mom was like WTF where did you get the money to buy this form? Daughter was like "mom, I sold pics of your feet online." Mom damn nearly collapsed on the floor out of dissbelief. Yep, turns out this foot fetish is actually a billion-dollar industry where people take pics of their feet, post them for a fee to millions of people who pay anything to get them, and they even take requests for certain "additional themes" to the feet pics. Absolutely DISGUSTING, but this is part of a capitalistic, free society. We just have to be cognizant of it and find ways to circumnavigate it if it doesn't sit well with our personal and of course, religious values which I know are not part of your standards and that's perfectly fine. I can respect that, but it is a large part of mine and lol, very conflicting when such decay is so prominent all around our everyday lives.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Am I the only one who think Biden wasn't really that bad in this debate.

No, but you are among the very few.

The thing is, we have spend the last 3.5 years talking about how senile Biden was, with all the "malfunction" and falling down. I mean, we aren't really expecting Biden to be sharp as a tack on this debate, him stuttering and seems forgetful is something we all expected in this debate.

We weren't expecting him to be sharp, but we saw his last state of the union address. He aced that (by his standards as an old hoagie) but still, he did VERY WELL with that and he also challenged Trump to this debate. Put all that together yes, there was some apprehension as to how he would perform, but no one, no one ever imagined he would blow it so badly and to this degree. This was baaaaaaaaaad beyond baaaaaaaaaaaad.

Which mean the only thing we need to look at is Trump's performance.

30 verified lies by Trump to 9 by Biden. Still, the disaster that was Biden's performance overshadows the lies by Trump. And everyone knows how Trump lies out of his ass with every other words he utters out of that McDonalds cheeseburger breath of his. It's no secret so that never really works against him since his base doesn't give a crap about that. As a matter of fact, they like it and they put it under the premise that he's speaking his mind and doesn't care what others think. Nothing is more attractive about him to the MAGA crowd than that.

Was looking at the Poll after debate, most of them have Mid-High 20 on Dem winning the debate, the problem is, Trump is still only mid-high 40, which mean even at that, Trump should have won by a landslide, and it did not. That did show the undecided cloud is still strong.

CNN had the winner of the debate based on polling as:
Trump - 67%
Biden - 33%

Coming from CNN, that tells a lot about who clearly won that debate despite all the lies, the convicted felon stuff, the sex with a porno stuff etc. Amazing how this is what comes up at a United States presidential debate. I'm stumped to tell you the truth, I don't know what to call it. Can you think of a word powerful enough to describes that embarrassing phenomenon?


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The U.S. Ṣalāt al-Janāzah will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, after Zuhr prayer.

If you need a ride, let me know.

It's all your fault, bro. You know it. I'll see you in court I'm suing you. 🖕

Ever since you posted that video and FORCED me to watch the stunningly beautiful and impeccably gorgeous Ana Kasparian at CLOSEUP, mind you, and my knees give out just by the sound of her voice! Let alone her immaculate beauty, I've been on a downward spiral with my weakness in that regard, ma man. Thanks a lot, I thought we were friends.


Oct 24, 2012
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No, but you are among the very few.

We weren't expecting him to be sharp, but we saw his last state of the union address. He aced that (by his standards as an old hoagie) but still, he did VERY WELL with that and he also challenged Trump to this debate. Put all that together yes, there was some apprehension as to how he would perform, but no one, no one ever imagined he would blow it so badly and to this degree. This was baaaaaaaaaad beyond baaaaaaaaaaaad.

I don't think he aced the SOU. The problem is for the last 3.5 years, we think of Biden as a senile old man, and we do expect a senile old man, which mean the bar didn't really change much.

30 verified lies by Trump to 9 by Biden. Still, the disaster that was Biden's performance overshadows the lies by Trump. And everyone knows how Trump lies out of his ass with every other words he utters out of that McDonalds cheeseburger breath of his. It's no secret so that never really works against him since his base doesn't give a crap about that. As a matter of fact, they like it and they put it under the premise that he's speaking his mind and doesn't care what others think. Nothing is more attractive about him to the MAGA crowd than that.
That's the issue, people are going to remember the lies Trump told, I mean, sure, if GOP nominee is not Trump, it was Hayley or even DeSantis, I would say Biden was cooked. But then don't forget this election is between a liar and a senile old man, again, it's the lessor of two evil. And we are saying senile old man perform senilely (Is that even a word)...

CNN had the winner of the debate based on polling as:
Trump - 67%
Biden - 33%

Coming from CNN, that tells a lot about who clearly won that debate despite all the lies, the convicted felon stuff, the sex with a porno stuff etc. Amazing how this is what comes up at a United States presidential debate. I/m stumped to tell you the truth, I don't know what to call it. Can you think of a word powerful enough to describes that embarrassing phenomenon?
That's because CNN don't allow people who are undecided. It made up to 100% between Trump and Biden. You need to look at poll like YouGov


There were another one that have similar percentage, but I forgot where it was done, and I can't find that article anymore..

On the other hand, Ipso had a pre-debate poll that predict Biden is going to perform badly in the debate.......I think the satisfaction score is somewhere about 2.8/5


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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It's all your fault, bro. You know it. I'll see you in court I'm suing you. 🖕

Ever since you posted that video and FORCED me to watch the stunningly beautiful and impeccably gorgeous Ana Kasparian at CLOSEUP, mind you, and my knees give out just by the sound of her voice! Let alone her immaculate beauty, I've been on a downward spiral with my weakness in that regard, ma man. Thanks a lot, I thought we were friends.



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I don't think he aced the SOU. The problem is for the last 3.5 years, we think of Biden as a senile old man, and we do expect a senile old man, which mean the bar didn't really change much.

Ok, maybe he didn't "ace it" but he did pretty well all senility factors included. So it wasn't out of reach to expect him to do much better in the debate than he did.

It's amazing how the panic from all the elected democrats that started voicing their opinions online immediately after. People were freaking out, that level of panic & anxiety was unprecedented.

That's because CNN don't allow people who are undecided. It made up to 100% between Trump and Biden. You need to look at poll like YouGov


That's the same thing, though. The only thing is the percentage of people who weren't sure who won is included but that doesn't affect the other numbers which are still similar.

22% - 43%
33% - 67%

The gap is still quite lopsided in favor of Trump, almost double in both cases.

And I highly doubt the unsure(s) will dramatically affect the other numbers once they do decide.
On the other hand, Ipso had a pre-debate poll that predict Biden is going to perform badly in the debate.......I think the satisfaction score is somewhere about 2.8/5

Predictions are different, though. Those can be way off since that's what they are, predictions. Just like gambling which interestingly enough, did you see the gambling choices I think from Las Vegas lmaoooo. Over/under on how many times Biden will stutter? How many times he'll cough or clear his throat. I think there was one on how many lies would Trump throw out, that was a popular one.


Oct 24, 2012
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That's the same thing, though. The only thing is the percentage of people who weren't sure who won is included but that doesn't affect the other numbers which are still similar.

22% - 43%
33% - 67%

The gap is still quite lopsided in favor of Trump, almost double in both cases.

And I highly doubt the unsure(s) will dramatically affect the other numbers once they do decide.
That's not the same tho, because essentially you are saying majority of those who were undecided would declare Trump won. The issue I had is, clearly Trump had won this debate, but why 35% of the people said he didn't (or at least do not want to admit to that)

In law, we have something call Juror Bias. Which is when you present a case that very obvious leaning one side, but the juror purposely did not declare that way, in statistic term, those are actually worse than people who had decided the other side win.

Now, the number even with the CNN poll are not really good, I mean, 33:67 yet the performance satisfaction is 45 (Biden) to 56 (trump)? On a debate very clearly Trump won? (which literally unchanged before the debate) I would be scared if I am a GOP pollster.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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That's not the same tho, because essentially you are saying majority of those who were undecided would declare Trump won. The issue I had is, clearly Trump had won this debate, but why 35% of the people said he didn't (or at least do not want to admit to that)

In law, we have something call Juror Bias. Which is when you present a case that very obvious leaning one side, but the juror purposely did not declare that way, in statistic term, those are actually worse than people who had decided the other side win.

Now, the number even with the CNN poll are not really good, I mean, 33:67 yet the performance satisfaction is 45 (Biden) to 56 (trump)? On a debate very clearly Trump won? (which literally unchanged before the debate) I would be scared if I am a GOP pollster.

I don't think the issue is so much who won since clearly Biden completely botched it, it's the level of the disaster that was the Biden performance. Anything beyond that could be argued but I think we're all in agreement that he failed badly. Whether we expected it or not is probably not as important at this point, but how is he going to recover from such a disastrous performance?

Which surprises me that they even let him out of the ward today to do this. Hell he almost coughed up a lung from saying the word "truth" so emphatically! Redemption?

This could've been another major fail and too close to what happened yesterday could've backfired on a spectacular scale. They need to reel this guy in and do it soon.


Oct 24, 2012
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but how is he going to recover from such a disastrous performance?
That's why I am saying this may not be as bad as many people think because of the CNN piece also said this


I mean the number effectively UNCHANGED even Biden stuffed up this badly........

Couple with the fact that Trump didn't even get a majority on a clear win on this debate, that saying something

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