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United States elections 2024


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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This was about as painful as it could've been.

Biden lost this debate from the first comment that came out of his mouth. This was a MAJOR disaster and Trump didn't exactly light up the screen either and won the debate by default. He actually lied so bady like he usually did but did it on a whole other level but it still won't matter because of the disaster that was Biden. It was an embarrassment for Joe Biden and he will lose this election without a doubt. Wow, that was so bad I can't even find enough words to describe what an unmitigated disaster that was! WoWOwoWOWow!

This country will get the leader it deserves. This was a mental asylum evaluation between dumb and dumber.

A hadith states that towards the end of the times, there will be fools and sons of fools who will rule.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Trump was the "grown up" when they discussed Biden's age and fragility:

Biden: "Look I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap when I was vice president down to a six. By the way, I told you before I'm happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?"
Trump: "That's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all."
Biden: "I was a eight handicap--"
Trump: "Let's not act like children."
Biden: "You are a child."


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2017
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Both parties in the states are done, and neither has anyone fit to rule. At this point, Trump is just the better option.

My goodness US. has got a problem with their choices for president but look who we've got . Absolute Hobson's choice. Cannot believe the state of politics and politicians in UK country today.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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This country will get the leader it deserves. This was a mental asylum evaluation between dumb and dumber.

lol, it was sooooo baaaad on so many levels between the lies and the ineptitude and inability to articulate any decent talking points but especially Biden's incompetence. I think no matter how many lies Trump came out with (which I think he actually set a record tonight I believe the CNN panel mentioned that) Biden still couldn't get past his old age lack of coherence. It was a disaster for Genocide Joe and Kalamity Harris was reeling to save the day did you see her after trying to shift all the negativity onto to Trump and away from the obvious failure? Horrible.

There are tons of 3rd world countries' leaders out there with higher IQs and much better speaking skills than what we witnessed tonight from the leaders of the most powerful country in the world. Absolutely pathetic.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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This country will get the leader it deserves. This was a mental asylum evaluation between dumb and dumber.

A hadith states that towards the end of the times, there will be fools and sons of fools who will rule.
Then the Hadith predicted the Bush crime family.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Genocide Joe

Genocide Joe was doing the obligatory genuflecting to the Zionists, even brought up antisemitism and Nazi references gratuitously when asked about the Capitol riots.

Did Genocide Joe say a single word about Islamophobia or Israel's killing spree (except that one time to justify it as a reaction to Hamas)?

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Surprised Trump composed himself and didn’t start laughing. When your enemy is F..king up, don’t interrupt him.

I was thinking the same exact thing! Except he had no choice since CNN predicted this kind of thing based on the disaster that was the last debate and the brutal Trump interruptions and talking over Biden that they automatically cut off each candidate's microphone as soon as their time was up LOL! Brilliant, and it worked.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Genocide Joe was doing the obligatory genuflecting to the Zionists, even brought up antisemitism and Nazi references gratuitously when asked about the Capitol riots.

Did Genocide Joe say a single word about Islamophobia or Israel's killing spree (except that one time to justify it as a reaction to Hamas)?

So true. Genocide Joe was termed by Muslim Americans and he's effectively lost their votes. They won't vote for Trump, either, since he's equally greased by zionist as Biden is, but Biden won't be getting all those swing state Muslim American votes anymore despite all the reeling in he's tried doing once his campaign managers realized that was his assigned nickname by those exact voters, but it's a little too late.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The only fascinating thing to look at now is who Trump is going to pick for VP. The rest is a foregone conclusion.

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