Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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People identify a lot more than just their religion. Their homeland, city, social class, job, political views etc are all aspects that they may or may not identify more strongly with their religion. The idea that the muslims around the world will all identify with similar goals is outrageous and definitely proven wrong over time.

Even during crusader era, many muslim states help the crusaders attack muslim entities by giving them food, shelter, passage etc. Its never a zero sum game. Islam may be your key identifier but for other muslims it may only make up a small part of their identity.

You are not a Muslim and this is not the same time as The Crusades. Muslims live in the modern world and they are aware about Muslims in other continents and what is happening to them like the current genocide on Gaza.

Being a Muslim like being a Jew gives you that intrinsice sense of brotherhood with others in your religion.

Christians, buddhists, atheists and others simply won't understand this mindset.

Being Muslim is an all-consuming identity even to those of us who are not religious as it affects every aspect of our lives like prohibition in not eating pork, drinking alchohol etc.

I appreciate that westerners and Chinese won't like this one bit but there will be a 3rd great power on this planet this century, that will control most of the important strategic areas and "choke points" of the globe.
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Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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How many times did they have a United Arab Republic?

All of them failed. Muslims right now are more divided than ever.

The Gulf monarchies were closer back in the 90s to the 2010s. Remember what happened then? Qatar blockade,war on Yemen,some supported it,some didn't. Saudi Arabia and UAE now getting closer with Israel. Qatar getting closer with Turkey.

Jordan was very close with Iraq,then Saddam was toppled and now Iraq is mostly a Shia Iranian protectorate.

Pakistan and Bangladesh are supposed to be friends now,but how close are they really?

Pakistan and Afghanistan,how close are they? Morocco and Algeria against each other. Half of Libya is pro-Turkish and the other half is pro-Egyptian. Morocco won't recognize the Sahrawi Republic.

Indonesia and Malaysia,are they cooperating with each other?

Albania and Kosovo have dreams of EU. Iran and Azerbaijan are not in good terms. Turkey wants to lead the Turkic countries AND the muslim world.
You don't understand. When it comes to Palestine and Quds, we are one people. Don't you see it?


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
Netanyahu the terrorist and Jewish terrorists in general are going to trigger a world war. Israel is waiting for Trump election, thinking he will approve a attempt at ethnically cleansing Palestinians into Egypt. As if this war on Gaza hasn't been genocidal enough, there is a long term policy of ethnic cleansing in play here. Jewish facism and terrorism is going to derail the global economy and global security in the next few years.

You cannot have a world war if most of the waring nations are with Israel and the rest of the few nations that are not have no means of going to war against Israel.


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
What does this rant have to do with my post about the disunity of the Muslim world?

There is no disunity in the Muslim world leadership.... They are all united in being slaves to the West. You only have a single nation like Iran that is standing alone against Israel... Hezbollah and Houtis are not nations...

So you are completely wrong! Muslim nations are united completely as slaves cucks of the West.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Post in thread 'United States elections 2024'

Perhaps the subject of Christian Nationalism deserves it's own thread, but it cannot be ignored because it explains much of the US government support for Israel.

I put together a few posts over on the US 2024 election thread, but it was quickly buried by another few dozen posts of cable TV fluff that few Americans pay attention to anymore.
"At the heart of that movement is this thing called the Seven Mountains Mandate, and it is this idea that Christians are to take control of all sectors of society, government, even media and entertainment," Jones said.

At the heart of Christian Zionism is not a love for Israel but rather Christian nationalism. Christian Zionists maintain that the Book of Genesis says that God will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse it. They insist that if America, as a country, does not “bless” Israel (that is, offer its government its unconditional support), God will curse America. Conveniently, those who Christian Zionists claim are insufficiently supportive of Israel are usually Democrats. In his recent sermon, Hagee baselessly accused President Biden of “treason,” without specifying why.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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I appreciate that westernerss and Chinese won't like this one bit but there will be a 3rd great power on this planet this century, that will control most of the important strategic areas and "choke points" of the globe.
And most people fail to appreciate the growing power of Christian Nationalism, especially in the Bible Belt.

Christian Nationalism makes up a good one third of the Republican party. Many of Trump's endorsements are Christian Nationalists.

These people cannot be reasoned with.

They think they will be bringing on the 1,000 year reign of Jesus when they get rid of the Muslim devil worshippers in the Holy Land.

This is why the genocide of the Palestinians doesn't matter to them, just collateral damage on the way to their Promised Land.

Yes, these people are nuts.


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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US backing means endless resupply of BMD missiles and offensive weapons, and diplomatic protection and activating its allies in region to act as air defence shield for Israel (like on April 14th)

This is why currenty Israel is difficult to beat - it is the endless supply of weapons and a strong israeli economy compared to the other countries in the middle east. One of those two pillars has to be undermined for Israel to be beaten.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Your post is confusing

Your talking about disunity in the Muslim world, and I gave you the example of the same people who are now part of the European union mass murdering each other by the MILLIONS only 75 years ago
Oh you think we all act together? There's a gazillion differences between us and various countries disagree on various subjects. Also,there's differences between Europeans and most of the Muslim world in mentality. A massive part of the Muslim world has tribal mentality. You can't pull them all together into one body. Or else,you'd have eliminated Israel since the 1970s.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Christian Nationalism makes up a good one third of the Republican party. Many of Trump's endorsements are Christian Nationalists.
They are Evangelicals,they are a heresy.One of those Protestant heresies. They tend to focus more on the Old Testament and Jews,rather than the New Testament.

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