Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Morocco becomes the second Arab country to allow an NGO to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism​


Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui and Jason Guberman attend The U.S. Premiere Of Entourage Production's "Morocco: A King, A Vision, An Ambition" at Walter Reade Theate in New York City on November 7, 2019 . (Paul Bruinooge/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

(JTA) — A Moroccan institution has with official government backing signed an agreement with the U.S. State Department to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, the second such agreement in the Arab Middle East.

The agreement signed Friday by El Mehdi Boudra, the president of Association Mimouna, and Elan Carr, the State Department’s envoy to combat anti-Semitism, signals the far-reaching ambition of the Trump Administration’s Abraham Accords, to normalize among Arabs the acceptance of not just Israel, but of Zionism.

The Memorandum of Understanding says the sides “intend to work together to share and promote best practices for combating all forms of anti-Semitism, including anti-Zionism and the delegitimization of the State of Israel” and “for combating other kinds of intolerance and hatred, including Islamophobia.”


The brilliant Swedish-based, Moroccan-born anti-zionist Ahmed Rami has written about the nefarious jewish influence in Morocco in his excellent Swedish-language autobiography Ett liv för frihet ("A life for freedom"). In the book he stated that the country's king Hassan II was a jew-puppet, and that he had participated in the 1972 Moroccan coup attempt which sought to overthrow him. Unfortunately, the coup failed, so Rami sought and obtained political asylum in Sweden in 1973:

And yes, folks, Rami was right about Hassan II being a jew-puppet. For example, one of the king's close advisers (read: handlers) was the very influential jew André Azoulay:é_Azoulay

And look at Wikipedia's list of famous Moroccan jews:

Is it any wonder that the country's government is so pro-jewish?–Morocco_relations

This relationship was secret because the crooked jew-lackey Hassan II knew very well that the Arab/Muslim population despises the genocidal bandit state of Pissrael.
This relationship was secret because the crooked jew-lackey Hassan II knew very well that the Arab/Muslim population despises the genocidal bandit state of Pissrael.

Americans can turn an acre of woods into Dollar bills and give that in suitcases to govts. As long as USD is the Reserve Currency, it is not just the American military might behind Israel but also virtually unlimited $$ bills.
Besides that, the global media is still influenced by the American media and their allied media in Europe. If the American govt wanted to, they can portray even the Pope in Rome as a genocidal person and a chunk of the world would believe that. People have lives to live and they don't want to 'analyze' issues unless its hitting their own bottom lines.
The Gazans are facing an enormously difficult struggle and it is only the Iranians who are keeping the Palestinians' chances alive. Iran has the wealth, the intelligence, the resilience to be able to do so.
Muslim clerical council adopts definition of anti-Semitism that includes vitriol on Israel

OCTOBER 30, 2020 11:03 AM


(JTA) — Citing recent “peace efforts” between Israel and several Muslim countries, an international council of Muslim religious leaders adopted a definition of anti-Semitism that includes some forms of vitriol against the Jewish state.

The Global Imams Council, a body created in 2007 in a bid to heal sectarian divisions in war-torn Iraq, announced Thursday its adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism, which includes demonization of Israel alongside more traditional forms of anti-Semitism. Palestinian and Muslim groups have long opposed the IHRA definition, as have many critics of Israel, who say it limits free speech.

In its statement, the council, which says it has 1,300 imams in its ranks, wrote that it decided on the move “in light of the current peace efforts being achieved throughout the Middle East,” a reference to Israel’s recent agreements normalizing relations with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan.

GIC recent statements.

These Zionist Jews simply do not understand the Muslim mindset.

Muslims are never cowed but one day rise up and regain what they have lost.

Just creating even more hatred for themselves and means they are laying the seeds of their own demise.

Exactly,, people are more angry then ever

This inspires resistance, not ends it

Maybe they are thinking about hindus
In an Arab first, Bahraini institution joins with State Dept. to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism



WASHINGTON (JTA) — A Bahraini institute has signed an agreement with the US State Department to combat anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and delegitimization of Israel.

The memorandum of understanding, signed Thursday in Washington, D.C., marks the first time an Arab country has embraced a key Trump administration agenda item, to get countries to include anti-Zionism and some forms of harsh criticism of Israel in their definitions of anti-Semitism. It comes as the Trump administration has in recent weeks brokered a series of normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan.

It was signed at a ceremony in a downtown Washington hotel by Elan Carr, the State Department’s anti-Semitism monitor, and Shaikh Khalid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, a member of Bahrain’s extended royal family who is the chairman of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence.


Morsi vs Sisi: Who really supported the plight of Palestinians?​

Ahmet Alioglu-al-Burai
Published date: 5 July 2016 14:57 BST|Last update: 8 years 1 week ago
Egypt's first democratically elected leader was toppled for many reasons, one of them his stance toward Gaza

Highlights of Sayed Nasrallah's speech of July 10th:
  • Our front has been able to keep the enemy's troops occupied. By destroying much of their surveillance equipment, they have been forced to recruit their officers and soldiers at the border to make up for the loss out of the fear of infiltration into the Galilee.
  • We are not waiting for the outcome of the negotiations. For us, Hamas negotiates on behalf of the entire Axis of Resistance. Whatever Hamas accepts, we all accept, and whatever it refuses, we all refuse. Gaza, after all, is the one bearing the greatest burden.
  • The enemy also wishes to force the Redwan forces to retreat from the border area. Do we only have the Redwan forces? We have Nasr, Aziz, Badr, Al-Abbas, and many other of these beautiful names...
  • Gallant issued his threats from the occupied Golan a couple days back only for our drones to later shower the highest enemy base on Jabal Al-Sheikh (Mount Hermon).
  • And here? Your tanks are hiding in the bases and do not dare to approach. They are immediately targeted once they appear even for a couple of minutes! Our men are alert and are very skilled fighters, as I've said before.
  • The enemy is in deep trouble, while the Resistance, through its wide operations, delivers the message that we do not fear war. We fired the largest attack after the martyrdom of Abu Taleb, then fired the largest number of missiles after the martyrdom of Abu Nehmeh.
  • I must also thank the Iranian president for going out of his way & responding to my telegram, although he was not obliged to, assuring that Iran will continue to support the Resistance unconditionally, & here lies a very powerful response to those who raised doubts.
  • It is very important for us to ensure that Gaza is not defeated as that would inspire the enemy to attack the surrounding countries with more confidence, & first Lebanon, drifting us away from the era of victories we have witnessed for the past 40 years.
  • We have offered martyrs during this battle, but no one should measure gains or losses by how many we have killed from the enemy or how many they have killed from us. In reality, the number of martyrs on our front is not high considering the odds.
  • We must certainly look into any faults or gaps we may have and tackle them. We do not claim infallibility. We are fighting an enemy that is supported by the world and who has all surveillance techniques recruited for their benefit.
Netanyahu European “begging for support” tour cancelled as countries are not wanting him on their soil.
The United States has announced new visa restrictions against Israelis who have committed “violent” acts against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, calling on Israel to hold those individuals accountable, TRT World reports.

“This is about a broad trend of increased violence that we have sadly seen over the past months and the need for Israel to do more to hold people accountable for it,” US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters.

The measures bar certain Israelis and their loved ones from entering the United States. Miller said Israel’s government has taken “some steps to crack down on settler violence in the West Bank,” such as arresting some perpetrators.

“But those steps have not been sufficient,” he added.

BBC News

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