Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


JD Vance Is Glad To Dance A Foolish Jig For The Ghoulish Gig Of Being A Tool To The Jewish Apes and the Jewish Pigs

So... We know that Donald J. Trump's pick for VP, JD Vance, is a wall-toucher, an AIPAC stooge and a bloodthirsty anti-Iranian warmonger. But just how bad is it... REALLY?!

First of all, he's anti-White as all get-out. I mean, he has language against "White Supremacy" that is so flagrantly Judaic, it reads like it could've been been written by an ADL staffer. And we know that anti-White sentiment is as Jewish as a kosher deli in Crown Heights.

Second off, as you can see from the photo, he married a cow-piss-drinking Hindu, Usha Chilukuri, who is also a registered Democrat and a graduate of Skulls and Bones central, Yale. And she is already being spoken of as critical to deepening ties between the US ZOG and India--which operates hand-in-glove with 'Israel' in committing Goyicide in Gaza. Chilukuri has also worked with Disney, the ultra-Zionist conglomerate controlled by Jewish fanatic Bob Iger. Hindutva is coming to the White House!

And thirdly, Vance's connections and services to Organized Jewish Interests are even more vomit-inducing than previously conceptualized. He is a RAGING "Christian" Zionist that sees "Christianity" as inextricably linked with supporting the Tumor. He wants anyone who engages in "antisemitism" prosecuted. And JD the J-bird-licker has also coordinated closely with Jewish tech entrepreneur David Sacks to raise money for Trump.

Benocide Shapiro, arguably the most rank Jewish supremacist in the entire Western commentariat, is fully backing Oy Vey Vance, who has parroted every illegitimate 'Israeli' regime talking point about the Flood from day dot. The Republican Jewish Coalition also "enthusiastically welcomes" him onto the ticket.

The kicker though? JD Vance's whole political career has been fueled and driven by multi-billionaire Palantir co-founder, Peter Thiel. Many have speculated that Thiel is Jewish... This is false. He is however... a flaming f*ggot and proud of it, not to mention a Zionist.

The misinfo/disinfo about Thiel's origins has thrown people off of the trail of his business partner, the REAL controller of Palantir: Alexander Caedmon Karp, who absolutely is Jewish. Forbes calls him a "deviant philospher" as well as the one "who ultimately decides the company's path."*And while Palantir's CIA ties are well-documented... It is also intimately linked to IOF, which uses its technology to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza, as well as 'Israeli' intelligence, which has been part and parcel of Palantir's inner networks for over a decade.

This is the TRUE face of JD Vance: A Sanhedrin slave; a Kehilla cuck; a Mishpucka maggot; the pusillanimous putz of Palantir. Alex Karp, who routinely and obnoxiously campaigns against "antisemitism" like the thought-policing Jewish supremacist devil he is, alongside his f*ggot frontman Peter Thiel, own Vance... Lox, Shlock and two smoking bagels.

Anyone that tells you this Shabbos Goy scumbag is "based" doesn't know their toenail from their elbow. Welcome to the American ZOG sideshow! Here, all the monkeys wear Small Hats! Specifically JD Vance!
Journalist Khalil Nasrallah:

The "Israeli occupation army" reveals that the commander of the US Central Command visited "Tel Aviv" and that he conducted a "joint assessment" of the security situation and discussed issues of "strategic security" and cooperation in the region.

In fact, it is an affirmation that the management of the war is not limited to “Tel Aviv” and that the Americans are the ones managing it at the regional level, that is, in confronting the axis of resistance.

They are trying to find common solutions to a major and growing dilemma.

In general, the region is witnessing a war between two axes, the first represented by an occupying and hegemonic force, and the other represented by the peoples of the region and sincere and determined resistance.

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JD Vance Is Glad To Dance A Foolish Jig For The Ghoulish Gig Of Being A Tool To The Jewish Apes and the Jewish Pigs

So... We know that Donald J. Trump's pick for VP, JD Vance, is a wall-toucher, an AIPAC stooge and a bloodthirsty anti-Iranian warmonger. But just how bad is it... REALLY?!

First of all, he's anti-White as all get-out. I mean, he has language against "White Supremacy" that is so flagrantly Judaic, it reads like it could've been been written by an ADL staffer. And we know that anti-White sentiment is as Jewish as a kosher deli in Crown Heights.

Second off, as you can see from the photo, he married a cow-piss-drinking Hindu, Usha Chilukuri, who is also a registered Democrat and a graduate of Skulls and Bones central, Yale. And she is already being spoken of as critical to deepening ties between the US ZOG and India--which operates hand-in-glove with 'Israel' in committing Goyicide in Gaza. Chilukuri has also worked with Disney, the ultra-Zionist conglomerate controlled by Jewish fanatic Bob Iger. Hindutva is coming to the White House!

And thirdly, Vance's connections and services to Organized Jewish Interests are even more vomit-inducing than previously conceptualized. He is a RAGING "Christian" Zionist that sees "Christianity" as inextricably linked with supporting the Tumor. He wants anyone who engages in "antisemitism" prosecuted. And JD the J-bird-licker has also coordinated closely with Jewish tech entrepreneur David Sacks to raise money for Trump.

Benocide Shapiro, arguably the most rank Jewish supremacist in the entire Western commentariat, is fully backing Oy Vey Vance, who has parroted every illegitimate 'Israeli' regime talking point about the Flood from day dot. The Republican Jewish Coalition also "enthusiastically welcomes" him onto the ticket.

The kicker though? JD Vance's whole political career has been fueled and driven by multi-billionaire Palantir co-founder, Peter Thiel. Many have speculated that Thiel is Jewish... This is false. He is however... a flaming f*ggot and proud of it, not to mention a Zionist.

The misinfo/disinfo about Thiel's origins has thrown people off of the trail of his business partner, the REAL controller of Palantir: Alexander Caedmon Karp, who absolutely is Jewish. Forbes calls him a "deviant philospher" as well as the one "who ultimately decides the company's path."*And while Palantir's CIA ties are well-documented... It is also intimately linked to IOF, which uses its technology to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza, as well as 'Israeli' intelligence, which has been part and parcel of Palantir's inner networks for over a decade.

This is the TRUE face of JD Vance: A Sanhedrin slave; a Kehilla cuck; a Mishpucka maggot; the pusillanimous putz of Palantir. Alex Karp, who routinely and obnoxiously campaigns against "antisemitism" like the thought-policing Jewish supremacist devil he is, alongside his f*ggot frontman Peter Thiel, own Vance... Lox, Shlock and two smoking bagels.

Anyone that tells you this Shabbos Goy scumbag is "based" doesn't know their toenail from their elbow. Welcome to the American ZOG sideshow! Here, all the monkeys wear Small Hats! Specifically JD Vance!

Did you write all that??! WOW! Whoever wrote that sure has some writing skills, whether one totally agrees with the content or not.

As for the Indians in the West. No blaming them: Opportunity given, opportunity taken! Any other immigrants would do the same. India has 1.4 billion people; it is a miserable, poor, overpopulated country (as is Pakistan) and a chunk of people want to leave India. And when you throw 1.4 billion darts to the dartboard then some of them would sure stick and that's why you see successful Indians in the West. The sheer numbers of them darting toward the board. Otherwise, as even some Indian bloggers would acknowledge: Back in India, they don't win Nobel Prizes much.
In short, I don't begrudge Indian success in the West as much as I dislike their support for Israel.

Please get back onto the topic in hand....
By an overwhelming majority, the Knesset approved a law proposal to oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state, and in the text of the proposal: “The Knesset strongly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel, which will constitute an existential threat to the entity of Israel and its citizens, and will lead to the perpetuation of the conflict and destabilization of the region, and it will only take time.” "Shortly until Hamas takes over the state and turns it into an extremist Islamic terrorist base."

By an overwhelming majority, the Knesset approved a law proposal to oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state, and in the text of the proposal: “The Knesset strongly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel, which will constitute an existential threat to the entity of Israel and its citizens, and will lead to the perpetuation of the conflict and destabilization of the region, and it will only take time.” "Shortly until Hamas takes over the state and turns it into an extremist Islamic terrorist base."

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Only one state solution is possible. Let Palestinians back to their homes, with jews and muslims side by side. But Israel will never ever allow “gentiles” to be amongst them. Zionist Israel is a racist entity and a threat to global peace
Only one state solution is possible. Let Palestinians back to their homes, with jews and muslims side by side. But Israel will never ever allow “gentiles” to be amongst them. Zionist Israel is a racist entity and a threat to global peace

And once we really understand what you are saying. I mean, really understand, then it is not hard to imagine that the ONLY solution in Palestine is through violence. Whether violence delivers now or 10 or 50 years later, only time will tell.
My own prediction remains: Israel is not going to last even 10 years in its current form--or in any form!--unless it radically mends it ways.
As I've been saying for months. Any Israeli operation in Lebanon will be centered around a rapid ground invasion in order to reduce range of Hezbollah rockets and denying Hezbollah the ability to deploy them in their intended capacity.

It's not going to be three-four weeks of airstrikes, during which Hezbollah can deploy lots of firepower. They can't stop Hezbollah rockets that way. Instead they will target Lebanese state and civilian infrastructure heavily, to put pressure on the state and the people of Lebanon. While rapidly deploy ground forces to distract Hezbollah and deny them ability to deploy their capacity.

This means Hezbollah could even struggle to heavily damage the north. Let alone the Israeli center, which is what needs to be leveled in order to deter Israel.

Israel will immediately try creating buzzer zone up to 15km into Lebanon, pushing Hezbollah short/medium range rockets out of range of more significant cities in the north. And trying to make it extremely lopsided against Lebanon to destroy Lebanese morale.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant threatened Hezbollah on Wednesday with a potential ground invasion of Lebanon that would “be rapid, surprising and decisive,” Israeli media reported.

“We can swiftly shift our main effort from the south to the north in an instant,” Gallant said during a visit to the northern border, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

As I've been saying for months. Any Israeli operation in Lebanon will be centered around a rapid ground invasion in order to reduce range of Hezbollah rockets and denying Hezbollah the ability to deploy them in their intended capacity.

It's not going to be three-four weeks of airstrikes, during which Hezbollah can deploy lots of firepower. They can't stop Hezbollah rockets that way. Instead they will target Lebanese state and civilian infrastructure heavily, to put pressure on the state and the people of Lebanon. While rapidly deploy ground forces to distract Hezbollah and deny them ability to deploy their capacity.

This means Hezbollah could even struggle to heavily damage the north. Let alone the Israeli center, which is what needs to be leveled in order to deter Israel.

Israel will immediately try creating buzzer zone up to 15km into Lebanon, pushing Hezbollah short/medium range rockets out of range of more significant cities in the north. And trying to make it extremely lopsided against Lebanon to destroy Lebanese morale.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant threatened Hezbollah on Wednesday with a potential ground invasion of Lebanon that would “be rapid, surprising and decisive,” Israeli media reported.

“We can swiftly shift our main effort from the south to the north in an instant,” Gallant said during a visit to the northern border, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

Hezbollah heavy mortars, rockets and anti-tank missile will destroy any invading Zionist terrorist force before they even come close to the Lebanese border.

Zionist entity has no military options against Hezbollah.
Hezbollah should slightly increase range of rocket fire and intensity. Netanyahu/Israel are aiming to do something in end of July or August. They want to catch Hezbollah by surprise with a rapid ground invasion and massive aerial campaign. This will spare their major cities from Hezbollah's rocket range and will be a big failure by Hezbollah as everything they've built over the years will be difficult to deploy.

For following reasons:

-Fighters will need to defend against ground invasion
-Destruction of entire blocks will make it difficult to plant launchers or access existing ones
-Israeli control over parts of Southern Lebanon will make these launchers inaccessible
-Hezbollah will not be able to level parts of the north with the number of huge rockets covering that range and will be rendered to precision longer range strikes due to lack of large long range rocket arsenal
-Iraqi factions and factions in Syria can come into play here

Israel is letting Hezbollah feel they're in control of escalation ladder. So ground movements can be predictable. No way will they give Hezbollah ample warning as they will greatly increase material and human costs for Israeli army.

This is assuming they're serious on their threats and there is no backdoor talks between both sides to go to a ceasefire.
Hezbollah heavy mortars, rockets and anti-tank missile will destroy any invading Zionist terrorist force before they even come close to the Lebanese border.

Zionist entity has no military options against Hezbollah.
Don't be overconfident. Weapons are there. But available landmass to use is the problem.

Give you example with Gaza. Most of longer range rockets in Gaza were all stored in the north. That's where much of the firing is done from. Israel carpet bombed the North, reducing much of it to rubble. As a means to punish people of Gaza and ethnically cleanse them. But one side effect was that you could no longer access some weapons stores nor place/utilize existing and new launchers.

With Lebanon, much of what is intended to deploy at the north, of Hezbollah's firepower, is mostly concentrated in southern Lebanon. Without air defense, Israel will keep doing saturation attacks on southern Lebanon leaving no space to deploy launchers even if tens of thousands of rockets are cached underground.

Even then, they believe that can't neutralize Hezbollah missile force. Which is why they're planning for a rapid ground invasion to push people out of southern Lebanon. Israel has dirty tactics and diplomatic cover to do these things. So don't underestimate them.

This is all assuming they will make due on their threats. And not just end the war on Gaza and seek a ceasefire in north.
Foreign Affairs Saudi Arabia:

We condemn in the strongest terms the storming of Al-Aqsa by an Israeli official and the Knesset’s adoption of a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state

Hamas and Jihad: The PLO must withdraw recognition of the Zionist entity in response to the Knesset not recognizing a Palestinian state


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