Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

To relocate Arabs/Palestinians is exactly what the Jews want

We must never tolerate or allow the Jews victory, every crime must be remembered and repaid hundreds of times of in sheer hatred to the Jews

...and who will make the Jews pay? In four months, it will be a whole year; I don't see any tangible movement that could or will result in actions against the belligerent state of Israel besides empty statements that have no power behind them.

Other than that, it's easy to say we must never allow migration while it's their babies that are being sent to the slaughterhouse and street dogs chewing on their carcasses as sustenance while the Sheikhs and Sharifs are eating it up in their humble abode. Those who are dying, permanently disabled, and future victims have as much to a peaceful right to life as you, me, and our children. We can’t deny them the same peace, security, and liberty we ourselves enjoy; thus, we become hypocrites; right now, they are cannon fodder for regional Arab temporary security. Want a more real example? Look at Rohingya; that should have been enough for Palestine to realize what their future results were. Bangladesh wanted them to stay, but their villages burned to the ground, bodies ripped apart, women raped. At the same time, their immediate families watched on, and children were chopped and thrown into rivers and fed to animals, but the Muslims wanted them to stay.

More so than the non-Muslims, the Muslims should seek refuge from other Muslims.

Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Ankabut 59:56, “O My believing servants! My earth is truly spacious…” There is a whole other context afterward, but this tells you the earth has enough space to house someone.

They don't have the people

They can barely keep up a 9 month conflict against Palestinians in Gaza, which is like shooting fish in a barrel and even then they need endless u.s and European support

Open up the battle field and the Israeli just don't have the forces

Israeli Air Force and artillery flattened Gaza; there is no utility, and the local populace is at the mercy of foreign aid coming through; if the Israelis so choose to choke Gaza down, they can kill the population through starvation and bombardment. You've already seen them bomb schools, hospitals, and refugee camps and the result was more deaths, right now they are limiting it to an average of 100 Gazans daily; who will stop them if they choose to go 500 a day killed and thousands more maimed for life, for sure not the TikTok King of Jordan.

The issue of them getting armament is no issue, as the West has opened its armory for it, and they take what they want at will. Meanwhile, you and I pay for it through our taxes.
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Israel commits a massacre of civilians in Lebanon. US has been putting out messages for past two weeks saying they don't see signs of escalation or war in Lebanese front. Misleading people of Lebanon just like they'd do with people of Gaza.

A day after Nasrallah threatened to escalate missile strikes if Israel continued killing civilians in southern Lebanon.

Israel responded by killing 9 people by bombing an inhabited house

A dangerous and different escalation on the northern front..

A massacre in southern Lebanon, a number of martyrs, injuries and missing persons in the occupation’s bombing of two houses in Majdal Salam in the vicinity of the Al-Jumaimma area and another in the vicinity of Safad Al-Batikh - direct and clear bombing of civilians..

As I've been saying for months. Any Israeli operation in Lebanon will be centered around a rapid ground invasion in order to reduce range of Hezbollah rockets and denying Hezbollah the ability to deploy them in their intended capacity.

It's not going to be three-four weeks of airstrikes, during which Hezbollah can deploy lots of firepower. They can't stop Hezbollah rockets that way. Instead they will target Lebanese state and civilian infrastructure heavily, to put pressure on the state and the people of Lebanon. While rapidly deploy ground forces to distract Hezbollah and deny them ability to deploy their capacity.

This means Hezbollah could even struggle to heavily damage the north. Let alone the Israeli center, which is what needs to be leveled in order to deter Israel.

Israel will immediately try creating buzzer zone up to 15km into Lebanon, pushing Hezbollah short/medium range rockets out of range of more significant cities in the north. And trying to make it extremely lopsided against Lebanon to destroy Lebanese morale.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant threatened Hezbollah on Wednesday with a potential ground invasion of Lebanon that would “be rapid, surprising and decisive,” Israeli media reported.

“We can swiftly shift our main effort from the south to the north in an instant,” Gallant said during a visit to the northern border, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

They should do a preemptive strike on the jew-terror state.

Anglo saxons won't have time to defend their rabid dog.
Israel commits a massacre of civilians in Lebanon. US has been putting out messages for past two weeks saying they don't see signs of escalation or war in Lebanese front. Misleading people of Lebanon just like they'd do with people of Gaza.

A day after Nasrallah threatened to escalate missile strikes if Israel continued killing civilians in southern Lebanon.

Israel responded by killing 9 people by bombing an inhabited house

Israel massacres at least 4 civilians and injures another 18 in an airstrike in south Lebanon.

Hezbollah promised to target new areas if Israel did this. This means an area not evacuated by Israel and not targeted before in this round.

Tens of thousands of Zionists will be spending their evening in shelters tonight.
They don't have the people

They can barely keep up a 9 month conflict against Palestinians in Gaza, which is like shooting fish in a barrel and even then they need endless u.s and European support

Open up the battle field and the Israeli just don't have the forces

They don't have the people

They can barely keep up a 9 month conflict against Palestinians in Gaza, which is like shooting fish in a barrel and even then they need endless u.s and European support

Open up the battle field and the Israeli just don't have the forces

NATO as a formidable force, US as a formidable force. Both countries have intel CIA/Mossad. Then New US base came up in Negev desert for logistical drop and then full time Marine battalion on the base. A great launching pad.

Only on this limited conflict, there are tens of thousands of volunteer/mercenaries who have flown form US, Europe and India to help Israel. At the moment, 10,000 Plus current or former US troops are fighting along side Israelis.

Israel has formidable man power... Ever heard of Crusade, every european country came to that region to fight.
i am taking factual data as of now and future it will be massive.
Sayyed Nasrallah vowed that Hezbollah will target new settlements - not struck previously - if Zionists targeted civilians in Lebanon.

Zionists just leveled a 3-story building near Majdal Selm & a home in Safad al-Batikh.

Almost 20 wounded and several martyrs

“The Al-Qassam Brigades pummel the enemy forces massed in the Netzarim axis with heavy-caliber mortar shells, inflicting direct hits on their ranks, and helicopters landing to evacuate the dead and wounded.”

-Qassam Brigades briefing
Arab states are afraid of refugees and collapse. Jordan and Egypt are poor countries. Despite how they may present themselves.

Now what this means, the people of these nations, need to make the choice now. This terrorist Israeli threat is sabotaging the rest of the region. Arabs will suffer now, like they've been for decades, in order to make for a better future. So why not make the sacrifice now. Ground invasion into Israel has to be put on table again. In the name of securing West Bank and Gaza perimeter area.
But who will do that, which armies?? There is not even a joint coalition... What a sad time to be born Muslims
But who will do that, which armies?? There is not even a joint coalition... What a sad time to be born Muslims
It's sad but it's the reality we live in. If Jews could build militias in early 1930s and 40s, then so can we. Armies will not fight. Not in the traditional sense. Maybe you'll see certain parts of armies participate and others that don't. But not a traditional style with upper command. Just not realistic.
Israel it trying to start a war with Hezbollah before Netanyahu goes to the USA

They control the USA. USA is likely already aware of their operational plans for Lebanon and also likely have green light and approval. You cannot 'drag' a country into a war that does everything you want and provides cover for you.

Hezbollah made a strategic miscalculation. You should never think developments in other places won't affect you. They and Hamas are looked at as the two primary well trained/armed paramilitary groups that pose a immediate threat to Israel. They both rely on each other for survival. A war on Lebanon would affect Gaza too, I'm talking before October 7. Gaza would get involved and support Lebanese front with all its might. Hezbollah made miscalculation of not going in with more force to disrupt Israeli operations on Gaza. If they had, much of Hamas and Gaza would still be intact, and they would be able to regroup and disrupt Israel's war agenda all together. Instead they just let Hamas absorb all the pressure, genocidal bombardment campaign for 9 months. Live coup attempts while being under bombardment, where Israel worked with a few traitor tribes to arm them to take over parts of Gaza. And where they tried sneaking in Fatah traitor members to take over Gaza.

Now they are facing consequences after Israel is close to done with Gaza. Gaza has been annihilated. It's a tragedy. Lebanon is now going to be isolated unless someone steps in on their behalf. Or unless Hezbollah agrees to Israeli conditions and makes a ceasefire. Netanyahu will not rush. But they did say they would start assassinating Hezbollah commanders more frequently. And it doesn't appear Hezbollah is taking proper cautionary measures. And Hezbollah also still does not enforce any red line. Israeli's are fine if 80 rockets are fired near Galilee and Safad.

You will say well if Hezbollah retailed in a fierce way, it will lead Israel to start bombing Lebanon harder. Yes it will. And that's what you want. Show them you're up for a battle. Reinforce red lines and establish deterrence. Israelis will not do any war longer than a month or two on Lebanon. They don't want. Their people can't handle it. They only invaded Gaza out of bloodlust and vengeance, and because they got international cover to do carpet bombing so Gaza stopped posing any threat to Israel and important regions in Israel after two months or so. Hezbollah is not in that situation and won't be. Israeli home front won't bear two months of attacks.
They control the USA. USA is likely already aware of their operational plans for Lebanon and also likely have green light and approval. You cannot 'drag' a country into a war that does everything you want and provides cover for you.

Hezbollah made a strategic miscalculation. You should never think developments in other places won't affect you. They and Hamas are looked at as the two primary well trained/armed paramilitary groups that pose a immediate threat to Israel. They both rely on each other for survival. A war on Lebanon would affect Gaza too, I'm talking before October 7. Gaza would get involved and support Lebanese front with all its might. Hezbollah made miscalculation of not going in with more force to disrupt Israeli operations on Gaza. If they had, much of Hamas and Gaza would still be intact, and they would be able to regroup and disrupt Israel's war agenda all together. Instead they just let Hamas absorb all the pressure, genocidal bombardment campaign for 9 months. Live coup attempts while being under bombardment, where Israel worked with a few traitor tribes to arm them to take over parts of Gaza. And where they tried sneaking in Fatah traitor members to take over Gaza.

Now they are facing consequences after Israel is close to done with Gaza. Gaza has been annihilated. It's a tragedy. Lebanon is now going to be isolated unless someone steps in on their behalf. Or unless Hezbollah agrees to Israeli conditions and makes a ceasefire. Netanyahu will not rush. But they did say they would start assassinating Hezbollah commanders more frequently. And it doesn't appear Hezbollah is taking proper cautionary measures. And Hezbollah also still does not enforce any red line. Israeli's are fine if 80 rockets are fired near Galilee and Safad.

You will say well if Hezbollah retailed in a fierce way, it will lead Israel to start bombing Lebanon harder. Yes it will. And that's what you want. Show them you're up for a battle. Reinforce red lines and establish deterrence. Israelis will not do any war longer than a month or two on Lebanon. They don't want. Their people can't handle it. They only invaded Gaza out of bloodlust and vengeance, and because they got international cover to do carpet bombing so Gaza stopped posing any threat to Israel and important regions in Israel after two months or so. Hezbollah is not in that situation and won't be. Israeli home front won't bear two months of attacks.

I agree as the entity has been testing the limits and continuing as there is no consequences of its genocide.

Hezbollah should have given the Zionist terrorists an ultimatum back in October and said we will go to full scale war if you do not stop the attacks on Gaza.

Yes it would have meant that Lebanese do not not all agree but would have saved Gaza from destruction and meant the entity risks everything or backs down as more likely.

Hamas + Hezbollah combined would have been too much for the Zionist dogs to take on simultaneously.

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