Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Will it be Iranian strike on Israel or Israeli pre-emptive strike or replay of damp squib response by Iranians like that in April. I believe it will be re-run of April again.

Israel has only destroyed 2/24 Hamas battalions after 10 months of genocide in Gaza, 7 battalions have rebuilt their forces

24 Hamas Battalions

16 Hamas battalions are in north/central Gaza (most heavily targeted areas)

2/16 battalions have been destroyed

9/16 battalions have been degraded but are still functional

5/16 battalions are still combat effective

the above numbers include 7/16 battalions that have been reconstituted (4 of these are degraded, 3 of these are combat effective), with thousands of new recruits


This suggests that as soon as Israel leaves Gaza, Hamas will rebuild very quickly. It is already rebuilding during the genocide...

I believe there was a hadith giving prophecy about the group of Mujahideen working/operating around Masjid e Aqsa and they were blessed in a sense that they will never get defeated until the judgment day arrives. I am trying to find that hadith. If anyone knows please post here.
The United States has purchased nuclear bombers in the Middle East in preparation for the upcoming war with Iran. The United States wants to deter Iran from using nuclear weapons, which it recently announced it possesses. Unconfirmed reports indicate six to seven active warheads are already deployed on the missiles!

More and more there is talk of nukes! Yesterday Matthew Hoh, a respectable American analyst, said Pakistan could supply Turkey nukes to neutralize the Israeli nukes. And today there is this prominent news on an Israeli site about Pakistan's help to Iran; it is to be noted, the OIC Foreign Minister meeting was requested by Pakistan and Iran. Also, the Comments to the video suggests Israelis are thinking of Pakistan's nukes going to Iran.

n emergency meeting of the foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), requested by Iran and Pakistan, took place yesterday in Saudi Arabia, with Iran examining its response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

The meeting in the coastal city of Jeddah included discussions on "the crimes of the Israeli occupation" and "the assassination of Haniyeh," said the Saudi OIC representative. The Iranian Foreign Ministry in Tehran said that Iran requested the meeting alongside Pakistan.

The OIC, representing 57 Islamic countries, sees itself as the voice of the Muslim world. Unlike the smaller Arab League, it also includes influential non-Arab countries, including Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Meanwhile, The New York Times reported that two Iranian sources, one of them a member of the Revolutionary Guards, indicated that Moscow has begun supplying Iran with advanced radar and air defense equipment.


I think that this is the result of the extreme weakness of the Biden Administration.

Pakistan never dared to get involved in the Israeli/Arab conflict or in the conflict between Israel and Iran.

The fact they are offering their support to Iran is extremely serious because they are a nuclear power.

The US must use all its leverage with Pakistan so that they don't get involve

All the aggressiveness of Iran comes from that weakness of the Biden Administration and their veiled support for the totalitarian regime of the Ayatollahs.

In the Muslim world, weakness is interpreted only and only as an invitation to aggression. Only a resolute attitude and decisive confrontation can stop Islam's relentless and barbaric aggression against Israel and the Western civilization.

When will the US understand that? When will the US Democrats free themselves of the destructive and sinister influence of Obama?

Also Israel security establishment must understand that. Weakness in front of Islam is just suicidal."

"So much for the Biden-Blinken cotton-candy dream narrative of Saudi normalization. At an OIC meeting hosted by Saudi, Pakistan agreed to supply Iran with Shaheen-III medium-range ballistic missiles. It is a highly advanced, proven, nuclear-capable missile, with which Iran leapfrogs from threshold R&D to nuclear delivery capability. This is a very grave development. Meanwhile, President Biden is wandering around the tarmac, and SecState Blinken is Rockin' in the Free World."
Will it be Iranian strike on Israel or Israeli pre-emptive strike or replay of damp squib response by Iranians like that in April. I believe it will be re-run of April again.

Iran has no choice but to at least 'appear' to have done significant blow to Israel. Otherwise, it could be the Ayatollah himself who could be assassinated in Tehran next time.
What's more important and unpredictable is: What will be Israel's response to Iran's attack. Too bad, the rogue terrorist state of Israel controls a Superpower so much that the tail is indeed wagging the dog!

Officials in the US-led multinational coalition that is reportedly preparing to assist in repelling an expected Iranian attack have preemptively warned Israel not to respond too strongly to such an assault, according to a Tuesday report.

“Don’t push it,” the unnamed officials told Jerusalem, according to Kan news. “Think carefully before you attack in return. The goal at the end of the day is not to lead to an all-out war.”
More and more there is talk of nukes! Yesterday Matthew Hoh, a respectable American analyst, said Pakistan could supply Turkey nukes to neutralize the Israeli nukes. And today there is this prominent news on an Israeli site about Pakistan's help to Iran; it is to be noted, the OIC Foreign Minister meeting was requested by Pakistan and Iran. Also, the Comments to the video suggests Israelis are thinking of Pakistan's nukes going to Iran.
JP is copying the S-3 news from social Media conspiracy house.
Pakistani nukes are going nowhere.Its Israeli propaganda to draw the attention of Americans.Nothing else.
JP is copying the S-3 news from social Media conspiracy house.
Pakistani nukes are going nowhere.Its Israeli propaganda to draw the attention of Americans.Nothing else.

Israelis already have Americans attention--and balls--in Israeli grasp.
It is good to be aware of 'propaganda' and alternate viewpoints. This obscure forum can't 'influence' anything out there but we should try to be aware of all viewpoints, otherwise it becomes an echo-chamber.
But I tend to think Pakistani nukes will be coming to a sharp relief because there is more and more talk of nukes in this conflict.
Iran has no choice but to at least 'appear' to have done significant blow to Israel. Otherwise, it could be the Ayatollah himself who could be assassinated in Tehran next time.
What's more important and unpredictable is: What will be Israel's response to Iran's attack. Too bad, the rogue terrorist state of Israel controls a Superpower so much that the tail is indeed wagging the dog!
Also if they don't it will mean that Hamas are on their own, it will also embolden Israel to go after Hezbollah after they are done with Hamas in maybe after another 3 months and try and impose a final solution to the Palestinian problem of theirs.

On the other hand US/Israel will surely threaten Iran that if they cross certain threshold, it will rain hell in Tehran, also in a big time all-out war if Israel is loosing they may go nuclear.

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