Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

So - they have moved one of their most expensive fighters within MLRS range of Iran ??? And lets not talk about the cheap drones either ...
The whole Qatar is a joke let alone Al-Udeid airbase. IRGC-N has already aimed hundreds of thousands of BMs and CMs at that little base.

The response will be calculated. Currently Spanish, American, French and British naval fleet are making moves in red sea and Arabian sea. American bases in Qatar, Kuwait, KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria are on high alert.

In case of American response, all of these bases will be bombed without a second thought.

I wonder about Arab nations. Do they really exist or we have to consider these f@khole kingdoms as the Arab nations? I'm running out of patience, these nations have to give us a reason to make us believe there is a difference between their will and these Sheikhdoms.
Going to take break from forum until I see some kind of significant game-changing event that occurs whether in forum of sanctions on Israel, arms embargo, or impactful military strikes on Israel.

For now we are getting propaganda and false promises of accountability.
The whole Qatar is a joke let alone Al-Udeid airbase. IRGC-N has already aimed hundreds of thousands of BMs and CMs at that little base.

The response will be calculated. Currently Spanish, American, French and British naval fleet are making moves in red sea and Arabian sea. American bases in Qatar, Kuwait, KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria are on high alert.

In case of American response, all of these bases will be bombed without a second thought.

I wonder about Arab nations. Do they really exist or we have to consider these f@khole kingdoms as the Arab nations? I'm running out of patience, these nations have to give us a reason to make us believe there is a difference between their will and these Sheikhdoms.

It seems the US is willing to put its global supremacy on jeopardy in order to save that little depraved zionist colony.
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I wonder about Arab nations. Do they really exist or we have to consider these f@khole kingdoms as the Arab nations? I'm running out of patience, these nations have to give us a reason to make us believe there is a difference between their will and these Sheikhdoms.

There are, its names are Yemen and Palestine. Rest are remote controlled puppets.

I feel bad for the Palestinians, but their own Arab brothers and sisters have abandoned them. The Americans and Israelis cannot lift a finger if the Arabs resort to economic measures.

We need to support the Palestinians at all cost, but we must call out the hypocritical Arabs. The Arabs have a great role in the suffering of Palestinians. The Arabs are complicit in the suffering of Palestinians.
The whole Qatar is a joke let alone Al-Udeid airbase. IRGC-N has already aimed hundreds of thousands of BMs and CMs at that little base.

The response will be calculated. Currently Spanish, American, French and British naval fleet are making moves in red sea and Arabian sea. American bases in Qatar, Kuwait, KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria are on high alert.

In case of American response, all of these bases will be bombed without a second thought.

I wonder about Arab nations. Do they really exist or we have to consider these f@khole kingdoms as the Arab nations? I'm running out of patience, these nations have to give us a reason to make us believe there is a difference between their will and these Sheikhdoms.

The Arabs are the problem.
I feel bad for the Palestinians, but their own Arab brothers and sisters have abandoned them. The Americans and Israelis cannot lift a finger if the Arabs resort to economic measures.

We need to support the Palestinians at all cost, but we must call out the hypocritical Arabs. The Arabs have a great role in the suffering of Palestinians. The Arabs are complicit in the suffering of Palestinians.
Arabs have absolutely SOLD the Palestinian cause - the likes of UAE, Saudi are a curse to ME. Worst than the Zews! They're sitting in their palaces munching on McDonalds whilst Palestinian kids are literally being slaughtered.
There are, its names are Yemen and Palestine. Rest are remote controlled puppets.
They are oppressed Muslims not Arabs literally. Arab means the rich Kuwaiti whose currency's value is more than dollar thanks to being a good servant of Anglo interests.

I am talking about the Arabs that you would see no sign of Islam in them. From their reporters and executives in their national channels who appear without proper Hijab to their ruling systems.

I was talking about the pillars of petro dollar, the ones that ensure dominance of Anglo Saxon savages in a global scale. The ones that traded Quds, the ones that are ready to draw their swords on Muslim masses but always on their knees when it comes to Anglo savages.

The Arabs that have always been a servant to satanic axis of Zionists-AngloSaxons-Evangelist maniacs.

The ones that you mentioned are poor allies of poor Iranians that hold flags of Islam at any cost my friend .
They are oppressed Muslims not Arabs literally. Arab means the rich Kuwaiti whose currency's value is more than dollar thanks to being a good servant of Anglo interests.

I am talking about the Arabs that you would see no sign of Islam in them. From their reporters and executives in their national channels who appear without proper Hijab to their ruling systems.

I was talking about the pillars of petro dollar, the ones that ensure dominance of Anglo Saxon savages in a global scale. The ones that traded Quds, the ones that are ready to draw their swords on Muslim masses but always on their knees when it comes to Anglo savages.

The Arabs that have always been a servant to satanic axis of Zionists-AngloSaxons-Evangelist maniacs.

The ones that you mentioned are poor allies of poor Iranians that hold flags of Islam at any cost my friend .

The non-Arab Islamic world needs to seriously contemplate and move away from Gulf Arab dominance. I think a good start would be to boycott and break up the farcical OIC. The OIC is absolutely shambolic under the Gulf Arab rule. It serves no purpose. It will send a very strong message to Gulf Arab bloc.
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So - they have moved one of their most expensive fighters within MLRS range of Iran ??? And lets not talk about the cheap drones either ...
Iran is not stupid to fire rockets on these fighters .These fighters are there only for deterrence.
Though if things escalate , Americans know how to defend them.
It's not like Iranians will launch hundreds of thousands of missiles in one go and everything is doomed for the US.
This is not how things go.
I'll pander to you. Let's use your logic.

Was God on Hitlers side when 6 million of them were exterminated?


No response yet old boy? Surely a few days are enough for a clever goyim like you to formulate one?

One assumed basking in holy jew spit / bodily fluids Improves mental cognition? Isn't that why goyims flock to "israel"?

I was hoping for a fruitful game of verbal ping pong. For example, when did christendom realise that the chosen ones should be worshipped like demi gods? Was it before or after you killed 6 million of them like rodents?

Or perhaps it was after the crusades when your ancestors all but exterminated them from the Holy lands?

When did christendom have this u-turn moment?
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