Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I don’t know what you are on about - I just been informed your nearly 80 odd so I’m not going to batter a senior into submission. Will just let it be
Well, thank you for taking pity on the elderly. I will be 79 in four more weeks. Part of being this ancient is that I can easily survive "battering" from young whippersnappers, as long as it's verbal, not physical. I'm from the generation whose mothers told us time and time again: "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you".

Hamas is taking an inevitable adventure, facing an unjust world that is already accusing it of failing the negotiations before this announcement, an environment that is not supportive of it, and the people of Gaza who are very exhausted from the war.

This may be the boldest declaration since the beginning of the war, but the negotiations were going in a closed circle without any benefit. Concessions are considered surrender and encourage Israel to demand more and become greedy.

A very difficult situation, but a decision had to be made. Giving false hope and then taking it away is a deadly feeling.

There is no need to play a game that is known in advance. Netanyahu declared it frankly: "I will complete the stage and release the largest number of Israeli prisoners alive, and then we will return to war." So, what is the point of making a deal?

Hamas announces its refusal to participate in the round of negotiations scheduled for August 15, sponsored by the United States, Qatar and Egypt.

A horrific and deadly moment.

Watch the force of the explosion of a heavy American missile dropped by Israel on a civilian area in Gaza, completely destroying it, but that was not all.

The force of the explosion, impact and ricochet sent shrapnel hundreds of meters away, crowded with children and women, killing and wounding many. These missiles are designed to wipe out an entire area, not to hit a specific, limited target.

Of these missiles, the terrorist Israel dropped hundreds on the Gaza Strip.
Well, thank you for taking pity on the elderly. I will be 79 in four more weeks. Part of being this ancient is that I can easily survive "battering" from young whippersnappers, as long as it's verbal, not physical. I'm from the generation whose mothers told us time and time again: "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you".

Just a few more weeks and you'll be old enough to run for president.
Israeli officials told Axios: Iran's attack will be direct and will begin before the talks on Thursday, August 15

There is no need to play a game that is known in advance. Netanyahu declared it frankly: "I will complete the stage and release the largest number of Israeli prisoners alive, and then we will return to war." So, what is the point of making a deal?

Yes, Netanyahu's is saying that and going to do that, sooner or later. On the other side, the Gazans are also saying that, short of getting the rights of the Palestinians, they will try to launch another October 7.
To have a meaningful ceasefire or any long term peace between Israel and Gazans, there will have to be concrete guarantees for both sides and perhaps even boots on the ground dispersed in Gaza which would be mutually acceptable so that Israel doesn't go back to invading and bombing Gaza.
I don't see a change in the conflict except escalation or even a big regional war, under the Biden Presidency. I wish he steps aside right now--as I keep saying, Kamala can't be worse than him. Not even Trump can be worse than Biden, is my guess.

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