Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hey, Meengla, perhaps you should consider the Nietzsche quote more closely? Because the anti-Israel insanity I see here is awfully close to the madness that gripped W. Pakistan in 1971. Is that really something you need to continue to embrace, rather than work to reject?
You are right.
And from watching last few days of good analysts, especially Trita Parsi who I immensely respect for his reading of the American policy and the Iranian capabilities, he is saying that it would be 'suicidal' for Iran to engage in a direct war against America--a war which America doesn't even want.
Against that backdrop: Iran remains patient for now. Americans go back to America. A few weeks or months later, Israelis again assassinate someone in Iran to provoke, Iran again threatens, America is again forced to mobilize. Who continues to bleed people to emigrate, flight of capital, erosion of confidence of investors.
Rinse and repeat.
Who wins in that situation? Not Israel.
Iran's patience and their lip service doesn't help the daily massacres of Palestinian children, Iran can afford to be patient but Palestinian children getting killed and mutilated daily can't.

As for making Netanyahu the scapegoat for the whole genocide is highly problematic, the whole of West particularly US are equal partners in this worst of crimes and cannot be let off easily by shifting the whole blame to Netanyahu.

The end of Israel’s economy​

As Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza continues unabated, the Israeli economy is facing a catastrophe. The physical destruction in Israel from the war has been minimal, but one thing has been destroyed: its future.
By Shir Hever July 19, 2024

Wishful thinking, Israel through zionists controls whole Western economic bloc, both EU and US, this is a temporary blip. Israel's economy and living standards are propped up each year by massive subsidies, aid and financial backing from Western institutions, corporations and individuals. Whenever the assault on Gazans ends, all these entities will rush back in to prop up the holyland of their masters. Zionists will burn the whole Western world down to the ground before letting Israel struggle economically or let the baby killers in Israel go hungry.
Hey, Meengla, perhaps you should consider the Nietzsche quote more closely? Because the anti-Israel insanity I see here is awfully close to the madness that gripped W. Pakistan in 1971. Is that really something you need to continue to embrace, rather than work to reject?

I don't know why you keep bringing 1971 into this? By the 'madness' quote, it applies everywhere, every era, every civilization because that's what human beings are.--especially those who think they can get away with it. You know, the 'madness' in Rwanda in the 90s where one group thought they can massacre with impunity.

Iran's patience and their lip service doesn't help the daily massacres of Palestinian children, Iran can afford to be patient but Palestinian children getting killed and mutilated daily can't.

As for making Netanyahu the scapegoat for the whole genocide is highly problematic, the whole of West particularly US are equal partners in this worst of crimes and cannot be let off easily by shifting the whole blame to Netanyahu.

Yes, the Americans are truly the enablers of this genocide but I don't think there is a 100% match between Netanyahu's personal goals vs the American interests.
As to the massacres in Gaza, as long as the defacto Caliph of the Islamic World, which is currently Saudi Arabia, won't help the Palestinians, then a collective Muslim response was not happening--and hasn't happened. The Gazans had to start a conflict due to their circumstances and they are suffering--not even Iran is willing to risk total destruction of Iran for a few million Palestinians when the Sunni Arab rich govts are unwilling to help.
PS. When the World Jewry declared war on Hitler in 1933, they knew there were millions of Jews in Europe who'd be persecuted but the Jews were willing to pay the price--and they paid a price. So is the fate of the Palestinians, whose struggle is still ongoing. Wailing like women won't help--fight is needed!
Iran's patience and their lip service doesn't help the daily massacres of Palestinian children, Iran can afford to be patient but Palestinian children getting killed and mutilated daily can't.

As for making Netanyahu the scapegoat for the whole genocide is highly problematic, the whole of West particularly US are equal partners in this worst of crimes and cannot be let off easily by shifting the whole blame to Netanyahu.

Israel society and its supporters are collectively responsible for the henious crimes. No way talking out of it.

People must be held accountable for what they support, especially when it concerns animalistic genocide
Israel society and its supporters are collectively responsible for the henious crimes. No way talking out of it.

People must be held accountable for what they support, especially when it concerns animalistic genocide
It's just an inversion of truth on your part. Repeating it over and over doesn't make it "true".
I don't know why you keep bringing 1971 into this? By the 'madness' quote, it applies everywhere, every era, every civilization because that's what human beings are.--especially those who think they can get away with it. You know, the 'madness' in Rwanda in the 90s where one group thought they can massacre with impunity.

Yes, the Americans are truly the enablers of this genocide but I don't think there is a 100% match between Netanyahu's personal goals vs the American interests.
As to the massacres in Gaza, as long as the defacto Caliph of the Islamic World, which is currently Saudi Arabia, won't help the Palestinians, then a collective Muslim response was not happening--and hasn't happened. The Gazans had to start a conflict due to their circumstances and they are suffering--not even Iran is willing to risk total destruction of Iran for a few million Palestinians when the Sunni Arab rich govts are unwilling to help.
PS. When the World Jewry declared war on Hitler in 1933, they knew there were millions of Jews in Europe who'd be persecuted but the Jews were willing to pay the price--and they paid a price. So is the fate of the Palestinians, whose struggle is still ongoing. Wailing like women won't help--fight is needed!
Americans may not be willing partners in the heinous genocide of Palestinians and some politicians have even acknowledged the righteousness of Palestinian cause in private, but their continued capitulation and lack of moral fortitude only points to a case of extreme hostage situation. The zionist hold on every aspect of westerner's life is so absolute and so complete that they can't even voice disapproval of mass killing of children on a daily basis.

Americans have no luxury such as choice in this matter, Israel makes that choice for them and either willingly or unwillingly the former has to go along.
Nothing wrong with that.

Muslims and Jews got along very well in historic Palestine. They used to baby sit for one another.

Our problem is primarily with European zionists that have now taken over their religion.

These are Zionist they are rubbing their thighs with....
Tisha B'av is on 12th - Jewish holiday of sorrow and fasting where they contemplate why bad things happen to them - a divine consequence of their behaviour according to Rabbis

'Fanatics on both sides will lead us to destruction if we don't eradicate them'​

'Jerusalem was conquered not by the strength of the enemy on the walls, but by Israel's weakness. Internal battles between fanatical factions weaken us from within,' says Prof. Elbashan, Dean of Ono College.

Israel National News
Published: Aug 13, 2024, 4:37 PM (GMT+3)

Tisha B'AvOno Academic CollegeOctober 7th
  • 1 minutes
Prof. Yuval Elbashan
Prof. Yuval ElbashanErik Marmor/Flash90

Prof. Yuval Elbashan, Dean of the multicultural campuses at the Ono Academic College, says in a column in the Yedioth Ahronoth daily that he fasts on Tisha B'Av. "As a Zionist and secular Jew, I feel obligated to do this because Tisha B'Av is a national and not a religious holiday," he wrote.

Further on he explained, "The first Temple was destroyed because they despised the laws and did not keep them, while the second Temple was destroyed because they were strict with the laws and followed every letter of the law to the extreme. The juxtaposition of the two events shows that there is no real difference between the fanatics on both sides. All those who are convinced that they are the only ones who are absolutely right, and who are not ready to compromise on the smallest thing, will lead us to destruction if we don't eradicate them."

"Fanatics who insist on not learning from October 7th that the internal war is causing much more damage than their political opponent may cause, even if they win. Those who continue to set barns on fire just to bash their opponents and forget that only yesterday foxes were roaming among the ruins of Be’eri, and the fire set by the murderous attackers in the houses of Kfar Aza turned holy bodies into ashes and dust."

Amidst threats by the Iranians and their accomplices to destroy Israel, Elbashan calls on the Israeli society to show responsibility and strive for unity among the people of Israel. He ended with a story explaining his decision to fast on Tisha B'Av, "It is said that Napoleon entered a synagogue on Tisha B'Av and was surprised to see Jews sitting on the floor and sobbing. When it was explained to him that they were mourning the destruction of the holy Temple that occurred 1,700 years earlier, he said that for a people who lived their past this way, their future is guaranteed. I hope we all remember that, especially this year."

Americans may not be willing partners in the heinous genocide of Palestinians -
If you're talking "genocide of Palestinians" then you're distorting the meaning of the word "genocide". So why should anyone listen to you? Indeed, how do you justify yourself?

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