Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Close to the Iranian president told the Washington Post: The response to Haniyeh’s assassination will not be by launching missiles

Close to the Iranian president to the Washington Post: The response to Haniyeh’s assassination will be of an “intelligence nature”

Saudi Foreign Ministry: The Kingdom condemns in the strongest terms the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by an Israeli official

French Foreign Ministry: The Israeli government must respect the status quo in Jerusalem

French Foreign Ministry: Ben Gvir’s entry into Al-Aqsa Mosque is an unacceptable provocation

US State Department: Any provocative measures in Jerusalem are unacceptable

Biden: I expect Iran to withdraw from the retaliatory strike if we reach a truce in Gaza

The US State Department approves the possible sale of advanced F-15 fighter jets to Israel for $19 billion

The US State Department approves the sale of medium-range missiles to Israel for $102.5 million

The US State Department approves the sale of advanced armor and tanks to Israel for about $1.2 billion

The White House: All parties must participate in the Gaza talks, including Hamas

US State Department: Qatar confirmed that it will work to include Hamas in the Gaza negotiations

The White House: All parties must participate in the Gaza talks, including Hamas

US State Department: Qatar confirmed that it will work to include Hamas in the Gaza negotiations


No consequences for genocide? No tribunal? No retribution? No justice for genocide?.... Just a "peace" (i.e., Hamas Surrender) deal?...
No consequences for genocide? No tribunal? No retribution? No justice for genocide?.... Just a "peace" (i.e., Hamas Surrender) deal?...

Of course, if anyone was expecting anything else, they were living in a fool's paradise. As I mentioned in this thread, the stronger make the laws and bend them to suit their needs.
Of course, if anyone was expecting anything else, they were living in a fool's paradise. As I mentioned in this thread, the stronger make the laws and bend them to suit their needs.
As sad as it is, this is a FACT. We must remember that this remains dog eat dog world - and that the strongest survive, whilst the poor rely on mercy. Nothing has changed from centuries ago - laws of jungle apply even in today's world. This is why i want my nation to be strong, independent etc but our people would rather fight within 🤦‍♂️
No consequences for genocide? No tribunal? No retribution? No justice for genocide?.... Just a "peace" (i.e., Hamas Surrender) deal?...

"‼️🚨 Hamas leader Ahmed Abdel Hadi: Hamas will not send a delegation...and will not participate in the negotiations next Thursday in Qatar."

Hamas made it very clear they will not participate in the so-called "negotiation" that don't demand Zionist entity's forces to withdraw from Gaza and a guarantee that they won't invade the Gaza strip again on flimsy claims.
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Of course, if anyone was expecting anything else, they were living in a fool's paradise. As I mentioned in this thread, the stronger make the laws and bend them to suit their needs.

You and I are on the same side--the side of the oppressed ones here--and you and I agree that the stronger ones dictate a lot. But they can't always dictate all, all the time because the 'strong' may not be as 'strong' as they might seem on first glance.
You and I disagree about who really is 'winning' here. I don't think Israel is really 'winning' at this point. If it were, then Gantz wouldn't have bolted out some months ago and Gallant wouldn't have challenged Netanyahu within last two days. If Israel was 'winning' then there wouldn't be so much flight of capital, including the huge Intel 20+ billion investment. If Israel was 'winning' then the 'Gaza Pier' would be still there which, per you, would have been used to force migrate the 2 million Palestinians to Ghana or wherever. If Israel was 'winning' then there would be still talk of the 'Sinai Tent City'.
Nah, Israel is not 'winning'. It just can't. I can't speak for short term but IMO Israel can't even survive 10 years on the current trajectory of conflicts. Israel really really really has no friends except for the politicians it has paid for in the American Congress--and Israel knows that well. That's a very bad situation to be in given Israel's situation. Even the Israelis know the Abraham Accord countries hate Israel.

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