Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Because the zionist jew wanted the indigenous semitic Palestinian to live in a state of perpetual misery with no hope, no future. They wanted them to die quietly or suffer.

I am probably of a minority view here when I say this: Israelis wouldn't mind Gaza to be prosperous or even quasi-sovereign. Gaza is like the proverbial hedgehog in a snake's mouth: Can't gobble it and can't spit it out--would hurt either way. But Israelis thought a stable Gaza would be a peaceful Gaza.

But they were wrong! VERY wrong! The miscalculation was that Gaza was separate from the Palestine, especially the West Bank. Israelis thought they could do whatever in the West Bank but the Gazans wouldn't care. But Gazans did care and struck Israel with rockets over the years. Israel decided on the 'mow the grass' approach--a Netanyahu policy. But that blew up majorly on October 7, 2023.

Well, it's all water under the bridge. But I thought say what I believe went wrong.

Going forward: Without giving Palestinians their rights, there can't be peace in Gaza or in that region; Israelis are adamant about gobbling up the West Bank and turn Palestinians there into Israeli subjugates. Only by violence can Israel be brought to reason!
If only the surrounding Arab states were not such spineless weasels, Israel is under so pressure all it would require is some faith and strength shown by the Arabs and this would be over

Instead because they are such nodding obedient dogs they would rather work with the Zionists to target Iran

SHAME is not a strong enough word, in the hope that someone in the Arab world with influence and power is reading this, THINK WHAT MUSLIM HISTORY WILL WRITE ABOUT YOU and how future generations will see you
If only the surrounding Arab states were not such spineless weasels, Israel is under so pressure all it would require is some faith and strength shown by the Arabs and this would be over

Instead because they are such nodding obedient dogs they would rather work with the Zionists to target Iran

SHAME is not a strong enough word, in the hope that someone in the Arab world with influence and power is reading this, THINK WHAT MUSLIM HISTORY WILL WRITE ABOUT YOU and how future generations will see you

The Habibis only likes belly dancing, whiskey, and Bentley....
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Do you get sick at the way Geriatic Joe and Giggling Kamala continue to send arms to Zionist Nazi Lebensraumers to kill and murder Palestinian kids and babies?

And preventing all others from arming Palestinians with modern weapons to defend themselves.

The cowardice of Zionist Lebensraumers reknowned throughout the world.

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I am probably of a minority view here when I say this: Israelis wouldn't mind Gaza to be prosperous or even quasi-sovereign. Gaza is like the proverbial hedgehog in a snake's mouth: Can't gobble it and can't spit it out--would hurt either way. But Israelis thought a stable Gaza would be a peaceful Gaza.

Facts do not bear this out.

The Zionist entity always imposed a blockade on Gaza in order to limit its economic potential and make life unbearable so the population eventually leaves. The blockade started as soon as they left the strip and did not wait till Hamas came into power,

Now the Zionists use the withdrawal in 2005, that was done to save money and settler lives, as somehow they gave "independence" to Gazans who did not want to live in peace with them and randomly started firing rockets at them.
So the aparthied state gave its reply to targetting civilian infrastructure. Open seasib then Iran to hit the zionists where ever they want.
Taking review of the current situation -

It does seem that Israel has managed to establish deterrence against Iran, that Iran cannot create against Israel. ie Israel can hit anyone anywhere in Tehran, and Iran will dare not to retaliate now as it cannot handle the escalation ladded. The wild-man routine of Israel does seem to have worked, and the recent linking of the strike with the ceasefire talks just shows that Iran is looking for a way out of its bluster and fundamental military weakness. 2 weeks of 'military exercises' has probably impressed on the Iranian leadership that they are in no shape to wage a limited conflict, any escalation ladder with Israel, let alone a war with Israel.

Israel can precisely hit anywhere in Iran, at any time. Take the point of the S300 radar station it took out. Whereas the actual Iranian missiles strikes that made it through the ballistic shield destroyed nothing of value - ie F35 base did not destroy anything of value.

Iran should learn to be quiet in the future - all this bluster is just embarrassing Iran.
Biden: I expect Iran to withdraw from the retaliatory strike if we reach a truce in Gaza

The US State Department approves the possible sale of advanced F-15 fighter jets to Israel for $19 billion

The US State Department approves the sale of medium-range missiles to Israel for $102.5 million

The US State Department approves the sale of advanced armor and tanks to Israel for about $1.2 billion


So much talk about Israeli Army being this and that. Israel technology supposedly more advanced than extraterrestrial tech.

In the end, everythings just hot air balloon and daddy America have to spoon feed its illegitimate child bully with new shiny toys to kill Palestinians.
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Even a senior Israeli analyst like David Horovitz can't hide his despair!

More than 10 months later, high-intensity conflict against Hamas is long since over, but the IDF continues to exhaust itself in Gaza with diminishing returns — tiring out the standing army, placing intolerable strain on the reservists, battering the national psyche and exacerbating the mounting damage to the economy. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Israelis remain displaced from northern border communities, and the oft-promised switch of focus to tackle Hezbollah remains unimplemented.

While Netanyahu repeatedly asserts that Israel can defend itself by itself, the events of the last few months leave no doubt that Israel is unable to defang all of its highly potent enemies in isolation.

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