Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Holy Quran and hadiths have told us about the enmity in their hearts towards the believers. If they couldn't and wouldn't spare the prophets and messengers (peace be upon them all) that Allah (subhana wata'aLLAH) sent to them, certainly they wouldn't spare us.

What that minister described is truly who these people were throughout their history. No wonder they endured 2 divine punishments. Let us pray the third divine punishment against them comes soon.

Now, try to understand this verse in the Holy Quran:

Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 82:

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Translation: "And you will certainly find that the people most hostile against the believers are the Jews and the ones who ascribe partners to Allah. You will certainly find that the closest of them in friendship with the believers are those who say, “We are Christians.”That is because among them there are priests and monks, and because they are not arrogant."

By looking at the situation we're in today, you can clearly understand the extreme hostility that Muslims today face from Jews, Hindus, and their Freemasonry backers. The situation in Palestine is truly showing us the people that we're dealing with today.
Don't miss to make prayers to our beleaguered brethren in the Holy Land and Shaam (Levant) in general. Also don't miss to make donations. بارك الله فيك

Jewish supremacist society.

My WASP friends, who are ignorant of the history of Palestine, often say things like 'What's new? There has always been a war there'. To which I counter that, No, it wasn't always like that. There was peace in that region for considerable part of human history.
Israel may have its origin as a safe-haven for the global Jewry, which were persecuted for a long time by white Christian West, but for the last several decades, Israel has turned into an increasingly fanatical state and as a tool of imperialism. The rich GCC countries buy weapons worth hundreds of billions which they can't even use effectively to beat a dirt poor Yemeni militia but that money surely helps the warmongers in Washington and other Western capitals.
Follow the money, as Americans say!
The rich GCC countries buy weapons worth hundreds of billions which they can't even use effectively to beat a dirt poor Yemeni militia but that money surely helps the warmongers in Washington and other Western capitals.

To win a war there must exist a significant CAUSE that people would want to even die for. Even the most advanced machines in the world, are just that…machines… dead steel and wires. The GCC really couldnt rally around a common strong cause, which made the entire Yemen operation a half-hearted intervention which ended in a conplete fiasco.

The yemenis otoh have a strong cause. A strong motivation to do what they do.

Strong cause and motivation can lift mountains and win wars, even against percieved superior force.
But combine a strong cause with good equipment and logistics, and you have a unbeatable force.
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We can all do something to help the Palestinians in a non-violent democratic civilized manner that shows power and you independence to stand up for justice and against Zionist Genocide... Boycott works!

One is an expansionist entity with a rich economy and a Superpower and its allies behind it

I don't have a problem with anyone being rich or a superpower. I can even accept expansionism as a stabilizing and civilizing influence if the rights of the conquered peoples are respected, as happened under many empires throughout history.

The only problem is when the expansionism is driven by an ideology of racial superiority and subjugation of others as subhuman.
Special and exclusive for the Ambassador of Al-Aqsa Flood, Brother Rashid Al-Tararwa
This is the Israeli pig that was hit with a hammer today by one of the resistance heroes, and his weapon and 4 ammunition magazines were seized from him.

Hebrew media

First published:

Estimates have changed. Shin Bet at the site of the truck explosion in Tel Aviv. It is suspected to be a terrorist attack. It seems that a major disaster has been averted. As is known, a truck bomb exploded earlier today in Tel Aviv, killing two people at the site. One of the dead was carrying an explosive device and is believed to be the perpetrator.


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