Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The people who defend 'two sides' as being equal in this Palestine conflict are intellectually dishonest. They would never dare to defend the Nazi ideology of racial superiority and claim that both sides had legitimate views in that conflict.

There are no two sides here. One is an expansionist entity with a rich economy and a Superpower and its allies behind it while the other, if that doesn't resist, will vanish as a 'people'. Israelis have been in peace with Jordan and Egypt for decades--and that shows the Arabs/Muslims can live in peace with Israel. But the Israeli plans are different--and if you noticed what Trump alluded to as Israel being too small--then you'd see that further landgrab, after totally subjugating the Palestinians--is definitely on their mind.

Zionism started out as a worthy and legitimate ideology to save Jewish lives but, over time, it has been hijacked by extremist fanatics into an ideology of racial superiority at any cost.

You are right. And Israel's rapid descent is guaranteed if/when the more educated/liberal Israelis leave Israel.
Roadside bomb in central Gaza (Netzarim) liquidates 2 IDF terrorists, several more injured

A second IDF terrorist was liquidated in the roadside bomb attack in the central Gaza Strip earlier today, the occupation announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Sgt. Maj. (res.) Mordechai Yosef Ben Shoam, 34, a truck driver with the Jerusalem Brigade's 8119th Battalion, from Geva Binyamin

Ben Shoam was part of a convoy to supply terrorist Zionists in Gaza City’s southern Zeitoun neighborhood with equipment.

During the drive in the Netzarim Corridor, a roadside bomb exploded, killing the Zionist terrorists Ben Shoam and Maj. (res.) Yotam Itzhak Peled.
You are right. And Israel's rapid descent is guaranteed if/when the more educated/liberal Israelis leave Israel.

It's the Liberals that support the Zionist Genocide....
Liberal France
Liberal American Democrats
Liberal Western Media
Liberal Western Corporations
Liberal Canada
Liberal Germany

It is also the Conservative Right
American Republicans
Evangelical Church
Right wing European Governments

It's the Western establishment and institutions that support Zionist Genocide. All of them irrespective of the left right illusion.
Same with Syria - the bombing of Syria too is totally normalised now. And the killing of Iranians. All normalised.

It's normalized also by the Liberals in the Muslim nations. Because they cry more over the terror that occurs by some nutjob so-called Muslim in the West versus West's terror in the East.

Until you treat all lives as precious, you will suffer inequality.
What an ambush against the invading Zionist forces. According to Al-Qassam Mujahideen, these fighters were recruited this year. As you can see, they were quick learners as they setup those IEDs, hit at least 2 vehicles, and followed up the explosions with a commando operation.

After the operation, they all withdrew to safety after they carried out this magnificent operation.

"Al-Qassam Brigades Recruitment 2024"

Powerful video from Al-Qassam about infiltration and carrying out an operation in the Netzarim axis in the central Gaza Strip
It's the Western establishment and institutions that support Zionist Genocide. All of them irrespective of the left right illusion.

I don't think you read my comment correctly. Yes, no disputing your quoted part but it is the 'productive' Israeli 'liberals' who are making Israel rich and powerful. You remove them and you'd be left with essentially Taliban backward religious fanatics. This point is a big source of worry for Israelis--the exodus of smart, liberal Israelis. And why wouldn't they leave? Brooklyn or Paris or Berlin or London are far safer and greater place to live.
One of the reasons Israel is a rich economy is the brain they brought from Western Europe and America to Israel. But since the early 90s, lesser quality brain, especially from eastern Europe is going to Israel. Garbage In, Garbage Out!
It's normalized also by the Liberals in the Muslim nations. Because they cry more over the terror that occurs by some nutjob so-called Muslim in the West versus West's terror in the East.

Until you treat all lives as precious, you will suffer inequality.

They arent liberals in its true sense. Neither the western or muslim ones.
They just hide their ruthless expansionism under «liberal» garb, just like many in muslim lands hide their corruption and opression under «Islamic» guise.

Most of the liberals in the muslim world are either paid single agents or government controlled groups.
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The Holy Quran and hadiths have told us about the enmity in their hearts towards the believers. If they couldn't and wouldn't spare the prophets and messengers (peace be upon them all) that Allah (subhana wata'aLLAH) sent to them, certainly they wouldn't spare us.

What that minister described is truly who these people were throughout their history. No wonder they endured 2 divine punishments. Let us pray the third divine punishment against them comes soon.

Now, try to understand this verse in the Holy Quran:

Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 82:


Translation: "And you will certainly find that the people most hostile against the believers are the Jews and the ones who ascribe partners to Allah. You will certainly find that the closest of them in friendship with the believers are those who say, “We are Christians.”That is because among them there are priests and monks, and because they are not arrogant."

By looking at the situation we're in today, you can clearly understand the extreme hostility that Muslims today face from Jews, Hindus, and their Freemasonry backers. The situation in Palestine is truly showing us the people that we're dealing with today.
Don't miss to make prayers to our beleaguered brethren in the Holy Land and Shaam (Levant) in general. Also don't miss to make donations. بارك الله فيك

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