Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

"A major event took place on the Netzarim axis, where all the security measures taken to protect this axis were destroyed.

At 12 o'clock, an Israeli army logistics force entered the outskirts of the Zeitoun neighborhood, "Netzarim axis" in the Gaza Strip, as part of a logistics convoy. It was on its way to deliver resources to the Israeli forces, where it detonated an explosive device that led to the death of Officer Yotam Yitzhak Peled, commander of an administrative support company in Battalion 8119, Logistics Corps, and injuries. Three resistance fighters then came out and opened fire with machine guns at the forces and withdrew from the area safely.

According to the Hebrew media"

"There is another soldier to be announced and 10 people were injured.At first, the Hebrew media made a mistake about the location of the event and announced that it was in Rafah."

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