Opinion: Future governance system of Bangladesh

A while back, in the old PDF, I proposed a 2030 plan (obviously wanted Hasina to stay until 2030):

1. New presidential system and PR based parliament.

2. Changing the name of Bangladesh to “Sultanate of Bangladesh”.

3. Adopting the Mughal era flag as the current one is awful because it conveys victimhood.

4. New national anthem that regales the Mughal era glory.

5. English as the official language to stop illiterates from assuming public office. And to align the quality of Bangladeshi civil service with that of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer

I agree with all apart from 5. as that is the language of the British coloniers that destroyed what may have been the richest area of the planet in the mid-18th century and stopped any possibility of industrialisation of Bengal. Bengal was one of the few non-European countries that saw indigenous proto-industrialisation(precursor to industrialisation) in the world at that time.

As for getting rid of illiterates you can do that with a standardised test on reading, writing and general knowledge before anyone can stand for office.
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I agree with all apart from 5. as that is the language of the British coloniers that destroyed what may have been the richest area of the planet in the mid-18th century and stopped any possible of industrialisation of Bengal. Bengal was one of the few non-European countries that saw indigenous proto-industrialisation(precursor to industrialisation) in the world at that time.

As for getting rid of illiterates you can do that with a standardised test on reading, writing and general knowledge before anyone can stand for office.

Come on, dude!

It is embarrassing watching Bangladeshi politicians and civil servants trying to speak English. Especially when they are on a platform with fellow South Asians!

Lack of English is holding Bangladeshis back.

It means they are restricted to a few poorly translated books.

When they land in the west - they always start off with the worst paid jobs!!!
As for getting rid of illiterates you can do that with a standardised test on reading, writing and general knowledge before anyone can stand for office

Good idea in principle

Buy you know with the level of corruption, any form of tests ultimately have zero meaning.

One solution to that is to have official real life live examination, but with a private internatinal corp as auditor or examinator.
A while back, in the old PDF, I proposed a 2030 plan (obviously wanted Hasina to stay until 2030):

1. New presidential system and PR based parliament.

2. Changing the name of Bangladesh to “Sultanate of Bangladesh”.

3. Adopting the Mughal era flag as the current one is awful because it conveys victimhood.

4. New national anthem that regales the Mughal era glory.

5. English as the official language to stop illiterates from assuming public office. And to align the quality of Bangladeshi civil service with that of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

@UKBengali @Joe Shearer

Sultanate of Bangladesh? - is that a democracy?
Come on, dude!

It is embarrassing watching Bangladeshi politicians and civil servants trying to speak English. Especially when they are on a platform with fellow South Asians!

Lack of English is holding Bangladeshis back.

It means they are restricted to a few poorly translated books.

When they land in the west - they always start off with the worst paid jobs!!!

This will take time and the easiest way is to teach English as 2nd language from as soon as children start school. I think this is already the de-facto standard anyway.

You cannot forge a confident and proud nation if the official language is that of your former colonial occupier!
This is the Mughal flag.
Easily the most stylish and beautiful official flag in history.


These were the flags og Sultanate Of Bengal in the Medival and late-mediaval/early modern period.
I never knew that the red represented the blood that BD'shis shed for independence.

Talk about getting something as basic as this wrong!

Of course you cannot create a proud and great nation when you have a constant reminder of being weak and victimised. 😥

Let's get the Mughal flag as new one for BD and children in BD at school can use the flag to learn about the glorious history of Mughal Bengal. 50% of Mughal GDP with 25% of the population.(y)
I never knew that the red represented the blood that BD'shis shed for independence.

Talk about getting something as basic as this wrong!

Of course you cannot create a proud and great nation when you have a constant reminder of being weak and victimised. 😥

Let's get the Mughal flag as new one for BD and children in BD at school can use the flag to learn about the glorious history of Mughal Bengal. 50% of Mughal GDP with 25% of the population.(y)


Both the left and right uses victimhood as the basis.

Right uses 1947 and left uses 1971.

Thus surrendering 700 years of history.

Can you imagine the English starting their history from WWII?

President (Sultan) shall be directly elected for a 5 year of two maximum terms.

Both the left and right uses victimhood as the basis.

Right uses 1947 and left uses 1971.

Thus surrendering 700 years of history.

Can you imagine the English starting their history from WWII?

President (Sultan) shall be directly elected for a 5 year of two maximum terms.

I would like BD to move to 7 year terms like French President as 7 years is just long enough to enable a government to start and finish(or mostly finish) large infrastructure projects, but not too long that people do not have a regular choice to kick them out if they do not perform.

This new system would make it much easier for BD to be able to get countries like Russia willing to partner to build infrastructure like nuclear power plants.

Maximum of two 7 year terms and so 14 years in total.
I would like BD to move to 7 year terms like French President as 7 years is just long enough to enable a government to start and finish(or mostly finish) large infrastructure projects, but not too long that people do not have a regular choice to kick them out if they do not perform.

This new system would make it much easier for BD to be able to get countries like Russia willing to partner to build infrastructure like nuclear power plants.

Maximum of two 7 year terms and so 14 years in total.

I believe in fail fast.

7 year cycles will be fail in slow motion.

And 14 years is too long.
Want to also add that 50% of the voting age adult must vote or there will be a re-take
My point is to make it next to impossible for anyone to think about grabbing all power to be the tyrant.
Want to also add that 50% of the voting age adult must vote or there will be a re-take
My point is to make it next to impossible for anyone to think about grabbing all power to be the tyrant.
Percentages may not be possible to administer.
You might like to look at the Australian compulsory voting system.


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