Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

🚨The Chinese delegate to the Security Council:
Israel must immediately stop all its military operations and stop escalation in the region.

The Russian UN envoy has used pretty strong language against Israel. Per my observations, the Russians have been softer on Israel until now and much harder on Americans. I think the Russian diaspora and powerful/rich Jews in Russia even close to Putin are a big factor. But things are changing.
The more Russia takes losses in Ukraine, the more Russia is going to go against Israel. Why? Because it knows where the American balls REALLY are! LOL!

The Russian UN envoy has used pretty strong language against Israel. Per my observations, the Russians have been softer on Israel until now and much harder on Americans. I think the Russian diaspora and powerful/rich Jews in Russia even close to Putin are a big factor. But things are changing.
The more Russia takes losses in Ukraine, the more Russia is going to go against Israel. Why? Because it knows where the American balls REALLY are! LOL!

Russia is compromised like the USA and in sensitive positions too.
That's preceisly my point. US will never put boots on ground fighting for Israel unless its a wider war.
I agree...
Apart from some Special ops and Mercs here and there.
I agree...
they wont be commiting to anything.
how can this be when US has given Israel EVERYTHING but large # of ground soldiers except Spec Ops and mercs(like you also already said). US has given AND committed a ton to Israel already, even excluding the provision of regular #s of regular ground forces- is that why US C-5s fly into Israel weekly with warfare goodies? smh.
Israel has to come to the negotioans table accept terms or risk losing Israel in the longer term
This is what we hope, wish pray happens ASAP, but until it happens, it is unhelpful to Palestine and its interests to think Israel can't keep going (I realllly hope this isn't true though).
Only one human in a house of war criminals.

Russia is compromised like the USA and in sensitive positions too.

Compromised? Yes, to some extent. Too compromised, I don't think so.
The Zionist Lobby may have occupied American political system but the Zionist influence in Russia--heck, even in the UK--the second best ZOG--is still far less than in America.

Just like despite all 'ethno-religio' ties Pakistan dumped the Afghan Taliban after 9/11, just like the Indians dumped the Tamil Tigers in late 2000s, Russia may, and very likely, dump Israel for Russia's own interests.

Comments to this article shows how upset Israelis are with Russia--and rightly so: The video I posted above of the Russian UN envoy was the first video I have seen where the official Russian position is so openly against Israel!!

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Turkey is the biggest manufacturer of drones but still all talk and no action for Palestine:-


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