Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It's a mistake on Lebanon's part to sit this out; they need to mobilize and blitz ASAP the Israeli north; if not, they will sit and cry later like the last time.

Lebanon should prepare and if they are attacked/occupied - they should retaliate to defend themselves. Lebanon can formally ask for help aswell to defend their country. ie the Goverment of Iran and formally help the Goverment of Lebanon as it will be above board in the same way that it is for USA-Israel ( lets not talk about the boot shiners in Pakistan - we all know what they are focused on ). Maybe the Sultan of Turkey could supply weapons and supplies to Lebanon to the formal Lebanese Army ?!?!?

It would be a strategic mistake to sit this out as they will lose land like the Syrians did with the Golan.

Lebanon should mobilise their forces - as a show of force. The threat of mobilsation itself may reduce the risk of a conflict as the Americans would have to re-evaluate their strategy ?

Israel will not spare Beirut, or any part of Lebanon. So why sit and watch it all get destroyed without responding ??? There is no value in sitting it out and seeing Israel destroy all the country and then complain about it.
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A missile attack from southern Lebanon on the Galilee
A missile fell on a building in Katzrin
🚨 Deputy Russian delegate to the Security Council: “Israel” has no intention of stopping military operations in the Gaza Strip, and “Israel” insists on military stay in the Gaza Strip, including controlling the Philadelphia Crossing.

The American representative asks us to pressure Hamas to accept amendments to a deal that she did not explain to us


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