Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Trade between Morocco and Israel explodes

Trade relations between Morocco and Israel are flourishing. In June 2024, trade between the two countries reached $8.5 million, an increase of 124% compared to the same month last year, according to figures from the Abraham Institute for Peace Accords.

In the first six months of 2024, total trade between Morocco and Israel amounted to $53.2 million, a growth of 64% compared to the same period in 2023. The institute points out that these figures, taken from a report by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, are proof of the good economic ties between Rabat and Tel Aviv.

Trade with other countries that have signed the Abraham Accords, such as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt, also increased significantly in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The Abraham Institute emphasizes that "regional cooperation in the spirit of the accords is key to stability, prosperity and peace in the Middle East".

I don't know about a 'collapse' because there is virtually unlimited $$ and weaponry coming from the Americans. But indeed Israel is suffering every day, more and more, in this war of attrition. If Tel Aviv gets rockets then very very bad--its the jugular vein of Israel. Already I saw an Israeli source saying the Ben Gurion Airport maybe temporarily shifted to more safe Eilat if things heat up in central Israel.

I'm curious what 2025 will bring; we are entering a very dangerous phase in history. It's beyond just Israel-Gaza now; I will say this is just one piece in global conflicts picking up, and people have scores to settle.
Money and material is coming from America but not Isreali soliders, at one point even Isreali people will be pissed off at the attrition rate
And then what, insist on the need for us troops in the region, at war?

Is this feasible? Will American soldiers fight
...and Hezbollah's "big toys" havent come out yet.

Bro, if there was ever a time for the "big toys" to come out it was yesterday. How much more destruction and humiliation can the Islamic world take? These Zionists vermin will only understand when what they inflict on others is inflicted upon them.
And then what, insist on the need for us troops in the region, at war?

Is this feasible? Will American soldiers fight
That's preceisly my point. US will never put boots on ground fighting for Israel unless its a wider war. Apart from some Special ops and Mercs here and there. they wont be commiting to anything.

Israel has to come to the negotioans table accept terms or risk losing Israel in the longer term
Bro, if there was ever a time for the "big toys" to come out it was yesterday. How much more destruction and humiliation can the Islamic world take? These Zionists vermin will only understand when what they inflict on others is inflicted upon them.

Jewish Blinken started these peace talks at a tactic. But yes Palestinians cant wait
That's preceisly my point. US will never put boots on ground fighting for Israel unless its a wider war. Apart from some Special ops and Mercs here and there. they wont be commiting to anything.
Israel has to come to the negotioans table accept terms or risk losing Israel in the longer term

I am afraid the American troops, who are basically sitting ducks in various bases in Iraq and Syria, could be used as cannon fodders to make the American public rally for a major war.


A Palestinian girl cries and searches for hers among the remains of those killed during the massacre that occurred as a result of the Israeli attack on the Al-Tabin school in the Gaza Strip.

This was a school converted into a shelter for displaced persons. Israel attacked, but the West is silent about it.

Over 100 people were killed, mostly children.

those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo

I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs

From the River to the Sea'
No longer 2 state solution
Just one single state.
The state of Palestine
Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine.
They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork

And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from*
Regarding the six bodies that the Israeli army recovered from Khan Yunis a few days ago.

The army says that the guards executed the prisoners before the Israeli army arrived at the scene and fled

The Israeli Army: Gunshot wounds were found on the bodies of all the rescued kidnappers.


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