Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Sounds delusional.
Also, it will be interesting to see how long the new American naval presence in the region will remain in battle-ready positions.

Sinwar is finished and the iron is hot for Israel to hit Hezbollah in force - opinion​

Yahya Sinwar's time is running out, and while there is little interest in an all-out war, Israel must take decisive military action to secure its borders and citizens.​

Taiwan is just another pawn to the US to be used and sacrificed at the right time. Taiwan's only function is to keep China on the defensive so it can't involve itself in the Middle East.

USA is not even able to stop the Houthis armed with basically garage DIY home made missiles not even 1% the potency of Chinese hypersonic AShCMs

Biden’s Policy of Deterrence Has Failed in the Red Sea​

President Joe Biden attends the dignified transfer of the remains of Army Reserve Sergeants William Rivers, Kennedy Sanders and Breonna Moffett, three U.S. service members who were killed in Jordan by Iran-backed militants, at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Del., February 2, 2024. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

Jim, I hear you on the concern (or lack thereof) over the “severe ecological disaster” that could result from the Houthis sinking a crude-oil tanker in the Red Sea. But, while I agree that the environmental factor is one that should be taken seriously, what we are witnessing in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait is a disaster of a potentially much greater significance: The sun may be setting on the Anglo-American guarantee of the security of the sea-lines of communication, a guarantee that has ensured our prosperity and safety for 200 years.

It remains an astonishing fact that Joe Biden — he ...

America failed at trying to cover the Zionist Nazis genocidal Lebensraum and America think they big enuff to take on China

minions-laugh.gif 🇮🇱🇮🇱❌🇵🇸❗ — Video: The Israeli Minister of National Security Ben Gvir stated that their goal policy is clear:

To allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, inside the area where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located

During an interview, Ben Gvir also confirmed one thing that many muslims feared since Ben Gvir and his movement got into the Government:
❗ He wants to raise the Israeli flag there, demolish Al-Aqsa and establish a New Jewish temple, the Third Temple, over the Ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque 😘😘😘

I WILL LOVE HITLER IF HE FINISHED ALL THE JEWS INTO BARS OF SOAP INSTEAD OF NOT COMPLETING THAT WHOLESOME TASK ⚡🇮🇱🇵🇸 A Palestinian girl cries and searches for hers among the remains of those killed during the massacre that occurred as a result of the Israeli attack on the Al-Tabin school in the Gaza Strip.

This was a school converted into a shelter for displaced persons. Israel attacked, but the West is silent about it.

Over 100 people were killed, mostly children.

those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo

I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs

**From the River to the Sea'
No longer 2 state solution
Just one single state.
The state of Palestine
Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine.
They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork

And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from* 🇮🇱🇮🇱❌🇵🇸❗ — Video: The Israeli Minister of National Security Ben Gvir stated that their goal policy is clear:
To allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, inside the area where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located
During an interview, Ben Gvir also confirmed one thing that many muslims feared since Ben Gvir and his movement got into the Government:
❗ He wants to raise the Israeli flag there, demolish Al-Aqsa and establish a New Jewish temple, the Third Temple, over the Ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Ben Gvir is an integral part of the Netanyahu cabinet; without him and Shmotrich, the govt. will fall. This gives Gvir considerable freedoms. Also, Netanyahu is itching to start a regional war and may well hide behind Gvir's 'mistake' of destroying or building in parts of the Al Aqsa Mosque location to finally be able to succeed in provoking a regional war. I have noticed Gvir is getting more and more active about Al Aqsa in last few weeks.
Sounds delusional.
Also, it will be interesting to see how long the new American naval presence in the region will remain in battle-ready positions.

Sinwar is finished and the iron is hot for Israel to hit Hezbollah in force - opinion​

Yahya Sinwar's time is running out, and while there is little interest in an all-out war, Israel must take decisive military action to secure its borders and citizens.​

Those child killing Zionists are full of nonsense. The Palestinians in Gaza are hitting hard the enemy. The Netzarim axis has been turned into killing fields, with daily barrage of rocket attacks from the mujahideen hitting that section of Gaza where Zionist forces are present in large numbers.

‼️🚨 Scenes of the Al-Quds Brigades, in cooperation with the resistance factions, shelling the Zionist settlements and military gatherings with rockets.

‼️🚨 The Martyr Omar Al-Qassem Forces publish scenes, in cooperation with the Palestinian resistance factions, of the occupation’s sites and gatherings in the Netzarim axis and the Gaza envelope settlements.
Hamas warns against Israeli hawkish minister's plan to build temple at al-Aqsa Mosque

Monday, 26 August 2024 5:34 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 26 August 2024 6:14 PM ]


Israeli minister Itamar Ben Gvir walking through the courtyard of al-Aqsa mosque compound on 3 January 2023. (Photo by AFP)

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has warned that the confirmation by Israeli extremist minister Itamar Ben-Gvir of his intention to build a Jewish synagogue inside al-Aqsa Mosque is a dangerous declaration.

"What was revealed by the terrorist minister Ben Gvir this morning represents a dangerous declaration that reflects the true intentions of the occupation regime towards Al-Aqsa and its Arab and Islamic identity, as well as its criminal steps aimed at Judaizing it and tightening control over it," the resistance group said in a statement on Monday

The far-right Israeli minister earlier said that if he could, he would build a synagogue on the al-Asqa Mosque complex in occupied East al-Quds.

"If I could do what I wanted, a synagogue would also be established on the Temple Mount," Ben Gvir, who has a long record of making inflammatory statements, told Israel's Army Radio on Monday morning.

Hamas called on Palestinian youth to mobilize at the al-Aqsa compound to maintain a presence in its courtyards and to confront the plans of the occupying regime.

"We also call on our valiant resistance and our revolutionary youth in the occupied West Bank to escalate their clashes with the criminal enemy and its settler herds," the statement read.

By slaughtering by bombs and disease and pushing out the Israelis are steam rolling to change the demographics of Palestine very much how the Whites were attmepting demograhic change in apartheid South Africa. Pre 1945 the population of PAlestine was 95% Palestinian Muslims.

The population ratios between Black South Africans and white South Africans during apartheid and between Palestinians and Israelis today are not directly comparable, but they do reflect significant demographic imbalances.

During apartheid South Africa, the ratio of Black South Africans to white South Africans was roughly 6:1, with about 26 to 27 million Black South Africans compared to around 4.5 million white South Africans.

In the context of Israel and Palestine, the demographic ratios are different:

  • Israel: As of 2023, the population of Israel is approximately 9.7 million, with about 74-75% being Jewish and the remaining 25-26% being non-Jewish, which includes a significant Arab Palestinian minority.
  • Palestinian Territories: The Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is around 5 million.
If you consider the combined populations of Israel and the Palestinian territories, there are roughly 14.7 million people in total. The Jewish population in Israel is around 7.3 million, so the ratio of Jewish Israelis to Palestinians (both in Israel and the territories) is roughly 7:6, indicating a closer balance compared to the historical apartheid ratio.

These ratios highlight different dynamics and historical contexts. The South African apartheid regime was a system of racial segregation and oppression enforced by a minority government, while the Israeli-Palestinian situation involves ongoing territorial and political disputes with complex historical roots.

Source : Chatgpt mini
Population is on thing,
power (in kind of money, position, political power) another.
This is called propaganda. Wokism is a mental decease.
Christian Nationalism is a mental disorder.

And most people fail to appreciate the growing power of Christian Nationalism, especially in the Bible Belt.

Christian Nationalism makes up a good one third of the Republican party. Many of Trump's endorsements are Christian Nationalists.

These people cannot be reasoned with.

They think they will help bring on the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ by helping the Zionists fulfill Bible prophecy.

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