Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is the most insane and ignorant thing I have read on this forum

It is henious, but it should happen. It would prove my point. The Islamic nations are dead.
100 million Egyptians have done nothing, Jordanian population done nothing. There is no distinction between people and government

100 million unorganized men against the zio-secular establishment of the Egyptian and Jordanian army. Yeah right.
100 million Egyptians have done nothing, Jordanian population done nothing. There is no distinction between people and government

It's easy to demand revolution and upheaval.... For others....what about yourself?

It's like everyone here has a guilty conscience and are looking to find someone to dump the blame
2 months marks the 1st year of the conflict/genocide and there have been zero development.
It is henious, but it should happen. It would prove my point. The Islamic nations are dead.

Al aqsa destroyed, the temple rebuilt and you get to post on a forum about how right you were about those nasty gulf Arabs.....happy days 🙃

Utterly unhinged.

People have said plenty of harsh harsh things against the gulfies, no one has advocated the destruction of Al aqsa 😐

Unless you are called Solomon.

The Saudis are custodians of Mecca and Medina, it would not effect them too much anyway. Just nuts .
Al aqsa destroyed, the temple rebuilt and you get to post on a forum about how right you were about those nasty gulf Arabs.....happy days 🙃

Utterly unhinged.

People have said plenty of harsh harsh things against the gulfies, no one has advocated the destruction of Al aqsa 😐

Unless you are called Solomon.

The Saudis are custodians of Mecca and Medina, it would not effect them too much anyway. Just nuts .

We beg to differ. I have explained my point of view. The Muslim leaders are worse than swine. Even the demolition of Al Aqsa won't change their behaviour.
100 million Egyptians have done nothing, Jordanian population done nothing. There is no distinction between people and government. Nation of cowards

"May the eyes of the cowards never rest."

Khalid ibn Walid
What an idea !
For you all non muslims are homosexuals and drug consumers? pityfull.

France, as whole Europe, is a country of immigration, for centuries. No problems with Spanish, with Italians, with Polish, with Boat people men and women from Vietnam, with Armenians... Not all were Christians. No special problem with them.

We just want the strangers to accept and respect our way of life. We are forcing no one to come in France. If our rules are not good for you, you just have to choose another destination. It's as simple as that.

Sharia is not acceptable for us. Muslims knows that. So don't be surprised if we are fighting islamism organisations and peoples. Once again, there are 57 muslim country in the world, so why coming in mine to try to impose me somethning I don't want?

Some like to see their women veiled. We dont. So do it in a country where it is the rule and avoid even just to try in western country.

The same applies to us as well, we don't want your secular Western style democracy, yet the West imposes it on Muslim land, classic example : Iraq. Where millions died so that the West could bring 'democracy'. There are plenty of European land so that this degeneracy called democracy could be applied, why come to Muslim land?

We will destroy you the same way you try to destroy us.
We beg to differ. I have explained my point of view. The Muslim leaders are worse than swine. Even the demolition of Al Aqsa won't change their behaviour.

You beg to differ🤣

You want Al aqsa to be destroyed to prove you were right about Muslim leaders all along 🤣

The swine is the one who is providing a beautiful justification for how to get the temple rebuilt

You beg to differ clown 🤣
Kamala is an AIPAC stooge who wouldn't be different than genocide-Joe wrt to Palestine. She even refused the supporters of Palestine to speak in the DNC's convention. Netanyahu, George Sorrows, and her extremist Zionist husband are the people who helped her to move the latter up.

Only time will tell about Kamala. It must not be forgotten that almost all prominent American politicians are in AIPAC pockets otherwise they would meet the recent fate of Jamaal Bowman and Cory Bush who lost their Primaries. IMO, no one can be worse than Biden. Trump is a wild card but he needlessly gave away the Golan Heights to Israel and recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. What was the need for that?? And yet he broke five decades of American policies (since 1967) and that too in totally unnecessary circumstances except to please his base and his donors. And he just $100 million campaign donation from Miriam Adelson to support Israel even more. Just think about all that when you think about the choices!!
But only time will tell.

On a different topic, here is the brilliant analyst Mathew Hoh about the strategy the Axis of Resistance has adapted and how it is already working. The first 12-15 minutes are enough to confirm that the strategy against Israel is indeed working and that to fall into Netanyahu's trap to drag in the Americans would be counter productive. And I believe all those who are sympathetic to the Palestinians agree with the strategy to bleed Israel through a war of attrition.

I want the Zionists to destroy Al Aqsa mosque. Not because I want Al Aqsa to be destroyed, but I want to see the Islamic world and particularly the Gulf Arabs to be humiliated. I want to see the reaction of this so-called ummah. I bet you that not one would dare to speak up.

The Zionists can even destroy all of Mecca Haram and Medina Masjid Al Nabi ... And trust me... Most Muslims will do nothing. They may foolishly come out and burn a few cars and smash windows in their own countries... But nothing else. Especially from the governments.

Most are IMF slaves the rest are slaves to the Petro dollar.

That's how pathetic we have become. Completely useless garbage.
This MBS is a coward liar. He is an illegitimate seed. Don't believe a word or even a letter that leaves his godforsaken gob.

The reason why we are in such a pathetic place is because some idiots still think these corrupt "leaders" are playing 4th dimension chess are are actually fighting for the good of the "Ummah"!!... Lol. Suckers.

I can feel and see the unity for the last 10 months. If there was ANY iota of unity - 40,000 Palestinians would have still been alive. Instead I see fractures in our Muslamic states hence the reason why the Israeli have been getting away with murder
100% on the money comment.
You want Al aqsa to be destroyed to prove you were right about Muslim leaders all along 🤣

What Ben Gvir is doing in Al Aqsa maybe a softer, slower movement to either directly destroy that place or to engineer a false flag in order to make this conflict a real big regional war. Netanyahu and his cabinet are desperate for a regional war which would drag in the Americans; otherwise, Israel is absolutely going down.

Speaking of the Americans... just first few minutes of this video is enough to convince you that Hezbollah has established the 'New Normal' that @UKBengali was talking about a few days ago. Even with the presence of the massive American naval presence, Hezbollah is not afraid to attack Tel Aviv itself.
I have only seen maybe a couple of videos of this Elijah guy but he finds info in events which not many find!

What an idea !
For you all non muslims are homosexuals and drug consumers? pityfull.

France, as whole Europe, is a country of immigration, for centuries. No problems with Spanish, with Italians, with Polish, with Boat people men and women from Vietnam, with Armenians... Not all were Christians. No special problem with them.

We just want the strangers to accept and respect our way of life. We are forcing no one to come in France. If our rules are not good for you, you just have to choose another destination. It's as simple as that.

Sharia is not acceptable for us. Muslims knows that. So don't be surprised if we are fighting islamism organisations and peoples. Once again, there are 57 muslim country in the world, so why coming in mine to try to impose me somethning I don't want?

Some like to see their women veiled. We dont. So do it in a country where it is the rule and avoid even just to try in western country.

No Muslim cares about France or Europe. Just stop occupying the middle east, take away your bases, eliminate the cancer colonizer Zionist state, stop interfering in our affairs, stop looting our resources... Basically F off. And we will all f off to our lands.

We have the best land and resources. Separation and segregation on a global scale. I'm happy with that... If not ... You will get "shari'a law" on your head.

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