Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel might be bankrupted in a year if it starts a conflict in Lebanon: 500,000 residents have already left Israel, there is no tourism, the economy has dropped by 20% when annualized, it would need to pull 300,000-400,000 people from its workforce and foreign investment would dry up.
Sooner or later, the amount of $$ support and resources that Israel and Ukraine will need to bounce back (infrastructure and wealth) will be too much for the US to handle. If Americans accepted how broke their country is, they really wouldn't be smiling with these politicians that are up for election in few months. smh.
Normalisation is off the table for a long time
The Palestinians (esp. Gazans ), Shia and the conscious global citizens prevented the pathetic leaders of Sunni Islam from selling its dignity to Israel for so little. Most countries that support "Normalization" are the same countries that created and fostered Iranophobia and anti-Shiite sentiments.

"Normalization", "Two-state solution"- these are now redundant terms, because Israel went on a genocide campaign against Palestinians because it was attacked justifiably by the Palestinians it oppresses.

I guess the resolution of this Gaza conflict may have a big impact on the future and trajectory of international law.
BTW, when Kamala boycotted the Netanyahu speech in US Congress a few weeks ago AND bypassed Josh Shapiro for the VP nomination, she signaled her Jewish spouse doesn't have that much influence on her; Israelis are acutely aware of the two snubs she has given them and are definitely nervous about her Presidency!

Her decision not to meet with Netanyahu publicly was a ploy to fool the Democratic voters who oppose the genocide that Biden and she support. She met Netanytahu privately.

She bypassed Josh Shapiro because 1) she needed someone with labor and union credentials that can help her in the Midwestern states. Josh Shapiro doesn't have the same background as Tim Walz who ha championed labor rights throughout his life; 2) Josh Shapiro had a past that would provide ammunition to Republican attacks.

Kamala is an AIPAC stooge who wouldn't be different than genocide-Joe wrt to Palestine. She even refused the supporters of Palestine to speak in the DNC's convention. Netanyahu, George Sorrows, and her extremist Zionist husband are the people who helped her to move the latter up.
The Palestinians (esp. Gazans ), Shia and the conscious global citizens prevented the pathetic leaders of Sunni Islam from selling its dignity to Israel for so little. Most countries that support "Normalization" are the same countries that created and fostered Iranophobia and anti-Shiite sentiments.

"Normalization", "Two-state solution"- these are now redundant terms, because Israel went on a genocide campaign against Palestinians because it was attacked justifiably by the Palestinians it oppresses.

I guess the resolution of this Gaza conflict may have a big impact on the future and trajectory of international law.

Saudis need to see what state the region is left in to decide what to normalise with

Maybe there is more coordination than we see
Israel is like the mad dog with rabies in the region biting everyone and destroying everything in its path, and America is protecting the rabid dog saying this crazy Rabid Dog has the right to bite everyone to protect itself and providing that dog with Armor, USA/Israel and their leadership has gone nuts.
I want the Zionists to destroy Al Aqsa mosque. Not because I want Al Aqsa to be destroyed, but I want to see the Islamic world and particularly the Gulf Arabs to be humiliated. I want to see the reaction of this so-called ummah. I bet you that not one would dare to speak up.
I was thinking along the same lines earlier today.
There is a lesson in this for all muslims, we can clearly see what bad leadership looks like and how most of the leaders of the muslim world only care about their hold on power. We can also see the shameless racist liars and their backers what they are really like and that they cant be trusted even with a copper coin.

The Genocide in Gaza will create an awakening, not for this current dead generation but the future ones.
I want the Zionists to destroy Al Aqsa mosque. Not because I want Al Aqsa to be destroyed, but I want to see the Islamic world and particularly the Gulf Arabs to be humiliated. I want to see the reaction of this so-called ummah. I bet you that not one would dare to speak up.

I was thinking along the same lines earlier today.

This is the most insane and ignorant thing I have read on this forum

I can feel and see the unity for the last 10 months. If there was ANY iota of unity - 40,000 Palestinians would have still been alive. Instead I see fractures in our Muslamic states hence the reason why the Israeli have been getting away with murder

Gaza was "sacrificed" years ago by everyone, they all knew this day was coming, ultimately every one is working on the logic of the nation state

we mere mortals are catching up now and suddenly it's too much to process at once

The Saudi strategy was to use Gaza as a chip for economic benefit and security, the establishment was already comfortable with pawning off Gaza, they just had to find the right optics

The Iranian strategy was to use Gaza as a pawn in a broader conflict to harm Israel, but to preserve itself, the Iranian people, not Gazans

Same result each way because the Gazans have no agency themselves

Really, the Muslim world failed Gaza for years and years prior to October

The heart wrenching sadness is that even a Gazan child knows their best fate is an inevitable martyrdom, so that their suffering not be in vein

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