Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

What an idea !
For you all non muslims are homosexuals and drug consumers? pityfull.

France, as whole Europe, is a country of immigration, for centuries. No problems with Spanish, with Italians, with Polish, with Boat people men and women from Vietnam, with Armenians... Not all were Christians. No special problem with them.

We just want the strangers to accept and respect our way of life. We are forcing no one to come in France. If our rules are not good for you, you just have to choose another destination. It's as simple as that.

Sharia is not acceptable for us. Muslims knows that. So don't be surprised if we are fighting islamism organisations and peoples. Once again, there are 57 muslim country in the world, so why coming in mine to try to impose me somethning I don't want?

Some like to see their women veiled. We dont. So do it in a country where it is the rule and avoid even just to try in western country.
How many countries did you colonize ? How many Algerians did you massacre?

We don’t need your morals.

Who made these ghettos? Didn’t France built these ghettos to house immigrants you know to segregate them ?

Why does someone else’s choice of covering up bothers you?

Do Nuns bother you too? Should they be forced into a bikini?

Anyone who comes into France knowing their culture should not be forcing their way of life on to them. The thing is though, anyone should be able to live their life as they see fit as long as they don’t force it on anyone else.

France does have too many ghettos and the government needs to find a solution to that. It’s not like the government did not have a hand in it.
Soviet Union lost 15-20 million civilians + soldiers during WW2. Did they lose the war? Who wins/loses wars can be decided in many ways.

Hamas primary objective has been to derail the Saudi-Israeli peace deal and put the Palestine question at the forefront of global politics. They have succeeded in both of these initial goals.

A measured response from Israel post October would have resulted in a Hamas loss as it would give the Saudis leeway to proceed with the deal. However the ongoing genocide has more or less killed any prospect of a Gulf -Israeli alliance (unless an independent Palestine emerges at the end of it) and thereby Israel has played right into the Hamas goals.

There are reports after reports from Israel suggesting there is no clear goal for what it is trying to do in Gaza. What is certain is that an army that has no clear goal of what it is trying to achieve can never win a war.
There is a goal, a real one which is over looked. They want to kill, maim, expel as many Palestinians as possible because they want more land. That goal is proceeding.

A longer term goal IMO would be to take more arab land, like the sinai. Israel knows it lacks strategic depth so will want to create buffer areas it controls to protect itself.
  • Monday, August 26, 2024
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon

Ben Gvir didn't say anything wrong about the Temple Mount

Muslim media is going crazy, claiming that National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir plans to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

That isn't what he said. He said, "If I could do what I wanted, a synagogue would also be established on the Temple Mount."

And obviously that is not something he can do.

Now, reasonable people can argue whether he was impolitic in saying this, or whether it is a stupid thing to say, Ben Gvir is being pilloried as much in the Israeli media as in the Arabic media.

But Ben-Gvir is correct. Jews should have equal rights on the Temple Mount, including prayer, including even building a synagogue.

Why would any reasonable person disagree with equal rights? They can say that it is not a good idea practically, but no one can say that Jews have no historic or religious or legal claim to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.

All the other issues - politics, security, public relations - exist and are real, but they are all secondary to human rights. The right for Jews to access and pray at their holiest spot is a human right.

The "status quo" is inherently a violation of Jewish human rights.

If it was up to me, yes, I would build a synagogue there. Perhaps in the large plaza on the southeast of the Mount, where one hardly ever sees Muslims (except playing soccer.) This is part of the Mount that was not a part of the original site, only built as an extension in Herodian times, and there is no possible way it is on the site of the original Temples which would be forbidden under Jewish law.

There are also solid reasons why building a beautiful, large synagogue there would be good for Israel and for the region.

I have no problem with the government of Israel promising to uphold the status quo for temporary political reasons, but it should make it clear but we will never concede the rights of Jews to ascend and worship there.

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