Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The kafir will only be happy when we abandon our creed completely.

They want to see our men turn to women, like theirs.

They want our women to walk around naked, like theirs.

They want our children to grow up in broken households, with kids not knowing who their fathers are, like them.

Only then will the kafir be happy with the Muslim......

So obvious, but it is natural for people to stick in their own communities and mix with those who speak the same language and share the same culture. Just look at the vast expat communities of Brits in France and Spain, the vast majority of whom are friends with other Brits and who even organise cricket matches, English evenings, and speak very little more French than is necessary for a bit of shopping and watching the weather on the French news! There is nothing wrong with this, and westerners should not apply different standards to those coming into Britain compared to those we expect of those leaving the country.
Noa Arghamani dancing and on the shoulders of another man while her boyfriend is in captivity.

So much for the trauma and abuse they portrayed. She even denied their claims.

Palestinians hostages are actually the ones suffering being tortured, raped, starved, losing limbs, death, dogs and objects used to sodomize them, etc

She went straight to dancing and partying while her people genocide another people.

He is one of my topmost favorites about diplomatic matters. Come to think of it, no one knows the diplomatic angle better than Alastair Crooke. And what a gentleman!!

In different ways, using different approaches him and Imran hosein are aligned to the same direction, that eschatology and Al aqsa is a big consideration in explaining all of this

Alistair crook takes it seriously
Noa Arghamani dancing and on the shoulders of another man while her boyfriend is in captivity.

So much for the trauma and abuse they portrayed. She even denied their claims.

Palestinians hostages are actually the ones suffering being tortured, raped, starved, losing limbs, death, dogs and objects used to sodomize them, etc

She went straight to dancing and partying while her people genocide another people.

Beyond repair, not ounce of sanity there.
Beyond repair, not ounce of sanity there.

It is a settler colony of immoral and genocidal pretend "Jews".

That is absolutely disgusting what she is doing there after being a Hamas prisoner for many months and a "boyfriend" that is still held as a Hamas prisoner.

No sane culture in the world would find that behaviour acceptable.
  • Monday, August 26, 2024
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon

The best Hezbollah chicken memes - and the Gaza chicken story that no one is covering

Hezbollah is being roasted mercilessly on social media for its "henocidal" attack on Israel Sunday morning that only managed to kill several chickens.

Some of the memes are really funny.
BREAKING: Hezbollah leader Nasrallah issues stern warning to chickens and roosters:

— Hashem (@HashemAllMighty) August 25, 2024

However, there was another chicken story from the region this past month that the media missed.

Fresh chickens are being imported into Gaza.

Gaza restaurants - yes, there are open restaurants in Gaza - have been offering chicken this month, at quite reasonable prices.

The Elomda Restaurant in Deir al Balah offers chicken and shawarma.

Sara and her friend went to a shawarma restaurant in southern Gaza a week ago...
  • Haha
Reactions: BP2

The price is less than $2.50 a pound.

In late July, Al-Marai al-Taibeh meat and fish importers showed huge pallets filled with fish and poultry imported from Israel.

Gaza doesn't exactly look like sub-Saharan Africa.

All of this comes from the incomparable Imshin who follows Palestinian social media and brings stories that are way too difficult for the professionals to publish.
So integration means for you taking drugs being homosexuals Which other "Christian " or western values you want to impose?
What an idea !
For you all non muslims are homosexuals and drug consumers? pityfull.

France, as whole Europe, is a country of immigration, for centuries. No problems with Spanish, with Italians, with Polish, with Boat people men and women from Vietnam, with Armenians... Not all were Christians. No special problem with them.

We just want the strangers to accept and respect our way of life. We are forcing no one to come in France. If our rules are not good for you, you just have to choose another destination. It's as simple as that.

Sharia is not acceptable for us. Muslims knows that. So don't be surprised if we are fighting islamism organisations and peoples. Once again, there are 57 muslim country in the world, so why coming in mine to try to impose me somethning I don't want?

Some like to see their women veiled. We dont. So do it in a country where it is the rule and avoid even just to try in western country.
What an idea !
For you all non muslims are homosexuals and drug consumers? pityfull.

France, as whole Europe, is a country of immigration, for centuries. No problems with Spanish, with Italians, with Polish, with Boat people men and women from Vietnam, with Armenians... Not all were Christians. No special problem with them.

We just want the strangers to accept and respect our way of life. We are forcing no one to come in France. If our rules are not good for you, you just have to choose another destination. It's as simple as that.

Sharia is not acceptable for us. Muslims knows that. So don't be surprised if we are fighting islamism organisations and peoples. Once again, there are 57 muslim country in the world, so why coming in mine to try to impose me somethning I don't want?
Have you actually met any or many Muslims who advocate for Sharia?

Not media people, just everyday people
Have you actually met any or many Muslims who advocate for Sharia?

Not media people, just everyday people
Yes, in a city near the one where I was born : Roubaix in the north of France. I have seen it from my own eyes in an open air market.

Same can be said in the east suburb of Paris, of the north of Marseille, or the suburb of Lyon, in the east of France where my son live....
Yes, in a city near the one where I was born : Roubaix in the north of France. I have seen it from my own eyes in an open air market.

Same can be said in the east suburb of Paris, of the north of Marseille, or the suburb of Lyon, in the east of France where my son live....
Ok, so you mean some guy with a stall in the market?

So a few guys at most

I am not saying you are not telling the truth but that doesn't sound like a ground swell

Ofcourse France has a problem of ghettos which make it look like it could be true
What an idea !
For you all non muslims are homosexuals and drug consumers? pityfull.

France, as whole Europe, is a country of immigration, for centuries. No problems with Spanish, with Italians, with Polish, with Boat people men and women from Vietnam, with Armenians... Not all were Christians. No special problem with them.

We just want the strangers to accept and respect our way of life. We are forcing no one to come in France. If our rules are not good for you, you just have to choose another destination. It's as simple as that.

Sharia is not acceptable for us. Muslims knows that. So don't be surprised if we are fighting islamism organisations and peoples. Once again, there are 57 muslim country in the world, so why coming in mine to try to impose me somethning I don't want?

Some like to see their women veiled. We dont. So do it in a country where it is the rule and avoid even just to try in western country.

You frenchies & Brits are getting a taste of your own medicine. You colonised millions and now it's your turn.

No we don't Mr French, you and Brits are the warmongers of this world and responsible for mostly everything that is wrong “ Gaza” with the world today; compensation culture, capitalist greed etc etc! How you have the balls to criticise us Muslims or any other Islamic nation is laughable!
"In Rome live as a roman".
We are tired to see strangers, 90% muslims (sorry) that want to change our way of life, while they are jobless and left their own muslim paradise (case of Algerians for exemple).
Is it so difficult to understand?

The cheek of this uncircumcised, slug munching, garlic stenching pompous French git.

I'm sure the Algerians, thousands of whom you murderd, felt the same. Guess what buddy, the Algerians are there because of your past actions.

Deal with it. It is now your turn to be colonised and civilised. Islam will spread throughout your land and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Supporting the killing of Palestinians by European fascists might make you feel better, but it won't halt the juggernaut an iota.
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