Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Now they will destroy West bank completely, jewish nazis can not tolerate any non enslaved palestinian subject.
We are witnessing end solution and ending of palestinians as political subject.
jews have west behind their back as collective imperial force meanwhile palestinians have only limited and fragmented support which can not be manifested in full extent beside Yemen and that is harsh reality.
500000 killed in Syria,
500000 killed in Sudan
400000 killed in Yemen
300000 killed in Iraq
250000 killed in Afghanistan

So many perfectly round numbers 🤡
It's the Hamas speciality, hiding rockets lauchers and themselves in Hospitals, schools, mosquees.
Not 1 neutral or reliable source can vouch for your statement. Now post a source for your proof or else.
On the other hand we have plenty of evidence of the war crimes - rape -
Genocide - collective punishment and bombing of hospitals - let’s not forget the mass graves
500000 killed in Syria,
500000 killed in Sudan
400000 killed in Yemen
300000 killed in Iraq
250000 killed in Afghanistan

What is exactly are you trying to imply? Not since the time of Genghis Khan has the world seen the sort of mass slaughter that the Europeans have inflicted on each other, apart from the hundreds of millions they’ve killed around the world.

Napoleonic Wars: 6.5 million dead
World War One: 20 million dead
World War Two: 40+ million dead (in Europe)

All those Muslim countries you mention were peaceful and some were quite prosperous until you Euro-Zionists created mischief. By some estimates over 10 million Muslims have been killed by the West in the last 20-30 years.

Planet Earth won’t see peace until the Anglo-Euro-Zionists are crushed completely.
At least 10 Palestinian martyrs in Israel's attacks in the occupied West Bank

IDF is now besieging the main hospitals in Jenin
Qassam lurs a force of 23 soldiers and finishes it off in a tight ambush in one of the houses in “T-Biji” and on another through a tunnel opening.

UAE - France
UAE cancels 19 Billion Dollar contract , because France , kidnapped UAE citizen (Telegram Company CEO or Russian birth also holds UAE citizenship)

In context of Gaza conflict seems UAE does have enough balls to make the Big call. However UAE , felt the French detaining a UAE citizen violates their Sovereignty

Any sources/references on the "cancellation"? not seeing anything anywhere..
Huge losses that were not announced...and the Israeli media reported that the soldiers killed in the past weeks exceed the losses of October 7th''

Time to invade Israel and deNazify them, that's what the goal should be , war needs to go to the streets of Tel-Aviv.

To finish what Hitler started


⚡ A Palestinian girl cries and searches for hers among the remains of those killed during the massacre that occurred as a result of the Israeli attack on the Al-Tabin school in the Gaza Strip.

This was a school converted into a shelter for displaced persons. Israel attacked, but the West is silent about it.

Over 100 people were killed, mostly children.

worldpravda ** those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo

I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs
**From the River to the Sea'
No longer 2 state solution
Just one single state.
The state of Palestine
Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine.
They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork
And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from*
Not 1 neutral or reliable source can vouch for your statement. Now post a source for your proof or else.
On the other hand we have plenty of evidence of the war crimes - rape -
Genocide - collective punishment and bombing of hospitals - let’s not forget the mass graves

This is a unique attempt at murder, human degradation and then DELETION at once, or i know no other examples

We see the bombing, it's not just the bombing

The entire possibility of human existence has been wiped out of gaza, food, sewage, water, electricity, shelter

It's like pressing delete on a computer game, each dropping of a bomb is as casual and impersonal as pressing delete on your computer

Public record offices are destroyed, this is historical proof and documentation of Gazans existence

Graves are being destroyed because that's also proof of their prior existence

The level of rubble created will ensure no one can live there for years or decades

At this rate, the native American are far better off and preserved than what the Gazans will be.

This is a comprehensive physical and historical removal of a people, with decades of human degradation in the middle
It's the Hamas speciality, hiding rockets lauchers and themselves in Hospitals, schools, mosquees.

You are a good goyim.


A brainwashed fool and I'm more than happy for you to remain in this state until your demise.

We have no need to convince your otherwise. Drown in your own haterd whilst sat in your little flat living a miserable life only to be partially relieved by antidepressants and alcohol.

Your only enjoyment appears to be online enjoying the killing of brown people by white European squatters.
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"In Rome live as a roman".
We are tired to see strangers, 90% muslims (sorry) that want to change our way of life, while they are jobless and left their own muslim paradise (case of Algerians for exemple).
Is it so difficult to understand?

Tough shit for you. Plenty of Africans were tired of seeing your peoples faces all over their continent too. Karma is a bitch.
"In Rome live as a roman".
We are tired to see strangers, 90% muslims (sorry) that want to change our way of life, while they are jobless and left their own muslim paradise (case of Algerians for exemple).
Is it so difficult to understand?

Also rome ain't shit. Wakanda forever.

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