Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Also rome ain't shit. Wakanda forever.
I think that is what might be of annoyance

The younger generation are more likely to know about wakanda than Rome

But blame someone else for it🙄
Now they will destroy West bank completely, jewish nazis can not tolerate any non enslaved palestinian subject.
We are witnessing end solution and ending of palestinians as political subject.
jews have west behind their back as collective imperial force meanwhile palestinians have only limited and fragmented support which can not be manifested in full extent beside Yemen and that is harsh reality.
The West Bank slaughter is the number one news on NY Times right now. The West Bank was one of the seven fronts per Israelis. If only Jordan had half the fortitude of Lebanon! The 'Germany of the Middle East' Quisling State of Jordan is a veritable American vassal state!

This is a unique attempt at murder, human degradation and then DELETION at once, or i know no other examples

We see the bombing, it's not just the bombing

The entire possibility of human existence has been wiped out of gaza, food, sewage, water, electricity, shelter

It's like pressing delete on a computer game, each dropping of a bomb is as casual and impersonal as pressing delete on your computer

Public record offices are destroyed, this is historical proof and documentation of Gazans existence

Graves are being destroyed because that's also proof of their prior existence

The level of rubble created will ensure no one can live there for years or decades

At this rate, the native American are far better off and preserved than what the Gazans will be.

This is a comprehensive physical and historical removal of a people, with decades of human degradation in the middle

Sad, accurate description of Gaza. It is a systematic destruction to make Gaza inhabitable for a long time, to sear into the Arab hearts the price to pay for asking for their rights.
But this conflict is not over by a long shot.
Sad, accurate description of Gaza. It is a systematic destruction to make Gaza inhabitable for a long time, to sear into the Arab hearts the price to pay for asking for their rights.
But this conflict is not over by a long shot.

All existing language that describes what's happening in gaza has minimal effect, people are desensitized to bombing and violence in general

Hence, I considered a new word, firstly to accurately capture what has happened

Secondly a unique description so as not to compete with anything

That word is DELETED.

BTW, not just Arab hearts.
All existing language that describes what's happening in gaza has minimal effect, people are desensitized to bombing and violence in general

Hence, I considered a new word, firstly to accurately capture what has happened

Secondly a unique description so as not to compete with anything

That word is DELETED.

BTW, not just Arab hearts.
might is right, word mincing around it is weakness, that is lesson i learnt decades ago on local level of world affairs, now that lesson is available worldwide.
Muslims are weak and divided and easy prey to the stronger civilizations.
"In Rome live as a roman".
We are tired to see strangers, 90% muslims (sorry) that want to change our way of life, while they are jobless and left their own muslim paradise (case of Algerians for exemple).
Is it so difficult to understand?
Just look at the title and look at the crap you are posting. I dont like banning people on here as we need diverse views but when an Indian like you comes on here - trying to be more white than the whites especially with a second account. Now go forth and multiply. Your natural hatred for Muslims shines through my little brown Indian desperately trying to be white...............
Saudi Arabia and their ultimate weapon of eternal condemnation

Game changer statement. Jews across the world will be trembling when reading this statement.................or perhaps not.

Saudis - the ones allowing their airspace to be used to protect Israel now trying to be the beacon of hope for the Muslamic world - twats...........
This was an accurate reporting... Butv rather than saying the obvious it remains unsaid

Glad that people around the world have seen that this is not a normal country like any other.

It still thinks in terms of how the European colonialists thought about native Americans in past centuries. Their lives are worth no more than animals and are there at the colonialists pleasure.

Just think for a moment that if the genocide ended now, then 10% of Gazans will still end up dead as a direct result.

Also remember that half the ME is destroyed as a direct result of protecting the Zionist entity to exist in the region. What would have been one of the most beautiful regions of the world has turned into the most war-torn due to solely having to accomodate Zionist Jews in Palestine.

Africa, the Americas, Asia and South Asia all underwent the same savage conduct of European colonialism. Then, after world war 2, the Europeans awoke and claimed to have realised the barbarity of their conduct. What surprises me is the so called horror of countries like the UK regarding the concentration camps and torture of Jews but nothing was said about the Brits' massacre of the Afrikaner in South Africa, the Irish, the Indian, the Jamaicans, the native Americans, the indigenous Australians and the Chinese to enforce their drug trade amongst others. The Middle East problem was caused by the British with their Balfour Declaration giving land which they did not own to Jewish settlers. Right now the Middle East is a burning pot. The average Palestinian must feel the same hopelessness that all victims of colonialism and genocide felt in the past. And like the past victims of colonialism and genocide, the Palestinians are fighting against oppressors with advanced weapons.
Africa, the Americas, Asia and South Asia all underwent the same savage conduct of European colonialism. Then, after world war 2, the Europeans awoke and claimed to have realised the barbarity of their conduct. What surprises me is the so called horror of countries like the UK regarding the concentration camps and torture of Jews but nothing was said about the Brits' massacre of the Afrikaner in South Africa, the Irish, the Indian, the Jamaicans, the native Americans, the indigenous Australians and the Chinese to enforce their drug trade amongst others. The Middle East problem was caused by the British with their Balfour Declaration giving land which they did not own to Jewish settlers. Right now the Middle East is a burning pot. The average Palestinian must feel the same hopelessness that all victims of colonialism and genocide felt in the past. And like the past victims of colonialism and genocide, the Palestinians are fighting against oppressors with advanced weapons.

That is why we need to be clear that there is no place for colonial settler states in the 21st century.

If the Zionist entity ever had a chance of being accepted as a permanent part of the region, it is now gone.

It's days are numbered and will be consigned to history in due course.

It has destroyed Palestine and half the ME and must be gone and erased as a part of this world.

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