Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel expands war into West Bank... Where there is no Hamas.

Munafiq Arab leaders keep belly dancing with the Zionists.

The western press has smoothed Israels plans very nicely

Will they call it invasion or unprovoked violence?

Just a raid

Or an operation

Something that sounds sane, procedural or operational
Barely a fraction of the world but will engulf the world in WW3

And we in America will be far less likely to be affected in case of a regional or a World War, just like in the previous two World Wars!! Two mighty oceans, two peaceful land neighbors are a lot of buffer, plus the best defense systems.

In a yesterday's video I shared, I think that's what Lavrov was trying to say: The safety accorded to America due to the oceans. Of course it is all relatively speaking.

And I would laugh at those idiotic Europeans here who are more Zionists than the Zionists, and who are more Ukrainians then the Ukrainians!! Once again, the American Neo Cons would burn Eurasia and watch the fireworks from a distance--and maybe even stimulate the American economy. After all, war is a big business here!!

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