Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

That is why we need to be clear that there is no place for colonial settler states in the 21st century.

If the Zionist entity ever had a chance of being accepted as a permanent part of the region, it is now gone.
Good points.
It's days are numbered and will be consigned to history in due course.
Yes, i think and hope so too.
It has destroyed Palestine and half the ME and must be gone and erased as a part of this world.
And when you think about it, since Israel has been/is trying to eradicate Palestinians from the earth with their genocide and mass bombing campaigns, that automatically makes it fair for Israel to be subjected attempts to wipe it off the earth, because it did the same thing, so an eye for an eye logic would agree that Israel is eligible to be erased as part of the Middle East, which is dangerous but karmic?
Israel can nuke any nation it wants... There will be no repercussions really.

It just might.
I think all very happy China exist.
And China very strong economically and very very strong military might

Water Desalination seems quite a interesting Engineering marvel
Remarkable project seems like supplies water to whole of Israel

Is Gaza and West Bank also getting this water or this is more for the settlements and illegal occupations ? Just curious

Heard Jews were destroying water wells and water sources for Palestinians , so was curious how does Israel gets their water

Dead sea is quite salty and it does not even rain much

What a Tragic incident it will be if some missile end up hitting a Water Desalination plan

Using water as a Weapon can end quite horribly wrong for Israeli

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Why do you have a Pakistani flag next to Disgusting replusive Israeli flag?
Did your mom have a Jewish boyfriend you are so thankful to??
If you will rephrase your questions politely I may answer you.
Enemy Media

A violent ambush in Nour Shams camp - details are unclear

The problem is in the Jewish faith, they do not have a truce that the Palestinians will reconcile with them over part of the land and money in exchange for safety and leaving them alone. As you saw, despite the calm of the West Bank and its appeasement to them before October 7, they seized 80% of it and broke their covenant. Their doctrine says that the city that is surrendered Without fighting, they take its people as slaves, and their property, their money, and their honor are permissible for them, and this is what they did in the West Bank. As for the city that is fighting them, if it is defeated, it kills the men, women, children, and animals, and this is what they did to the Palestinians in Lebanon when they surrendered after the fighting..... There is no doubt that the October 7 operation was an adventurous event. There was a mistake in it, and the operation was taken out of context and extended into the cities, but the bow came out of the arrow. If the factions surrender and we spare the blood, Gaza will be wiped out, along with the West Bank, and there will be nothing to negotiate over... Who said that the factions did not make a mistake? He made a mistake, but this is not the time to mention mistakes. Rather, support them until the end, after which everyone who made a mistake will be punished and lessons will be learned.
Here is the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, the father of the Egyptian military, explaining in detail that with the Jews there is no choice but to fight, regardless of the losses..

Terrible , Alhamdulila I am Muslim and my religion does not teach such cold bloodshed - specially after end of war what terrible scripture
to kill people in cold blood yuck

Past Conflict in Syria/Palestine region the cities were razed down many times - while after Muslim victories such scenes were not repeated

Viewing article on internet , I have also found evidence the reason why Jews were disliked in past was because of their "Sense of Superiority"
Or considering all None Jews as "Without any human rights"
The roman Empire was quite ruthless with them.
Also in Europe for these reasons they were often not welcomed

Ironic that they found refuge in often lands owned by Muslims
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Israelis don't trust the Egyptians. Many months ago I had said that the Philadelphi Corridor would become very important and thus it has. There was certainly official or unofficial Egyptian complicity in allowing so much weaponry into Gaza; there is no way the Gazans could have had such weaponry, in such large quantity, 'primitive' as it might sound to describe such weaponry.
The official Israel is quiet about Egypt so far. There are already too many fronts for Israel to deal with. But I don't think Israel is going to forgive Egypt--if Israel would even be in a position to forgive Egypt.
Why did the Egyptians allow the Jews to take the corridor is beyond belief and the Egyptians are accessories to the genocide.
Typically the Corridor is Symbolic , a tank or rocket barrage can open it up in few minutes just few walls

However in theory Egypt-Israel , created this buffer zone and egypt had maintained it in past

I think Egypt knows the future Egypt is tied to Gaza what ever happens in Gaza will likely happen in Egypt should they remain quiet
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