Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Ok, but that doesn't mean US didnt impose censorship on the companies that would release the satellite photos of IDF bases. Google, Maxar, etc have all been following US instructions, so dont fall for the propaganda ( or current absence of public evidence).

yes, IDF is marching towards accepting its biggest military loss in modern times. It promised to invade Lebanon some months ago but still cant muster the force to do so, because it is degraded After genocide, nowhere good to run i guess.

I so hope you are right on all accounts.

KKL-JNF, JNF-USA launch $50 million effort to rebuild Israel’s North and South​

Both KKL-JNF and JNF-US will contribute up to $25 million each, totaling $50 million, to fund the various reconstruction projects in the affected areas.​


A joint venture for the reconstruction of the northern and southern communities that the October 7 Hamas attacks have impacted will be carried out by the KKL-Jewish National Fund and the US Jewish National Fund, the organizations announced on Tuesday.

Both KKL-JNF and JNF-US will contribute up to $25 million each, totaling $50 million, to fund the various reconstruction projects in the affected areas, the organizations stated.

This is considered a significant collaboration, as both groups are among the largest Zionist organizations.

Additionally, both groups have made over $100 million in philanthropic investments in the region with the intention of allowing residents who were displaced from their homes during the war to return, the organizations explained.

Since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war, KKL-JNF and JNF-US have offered resources such as food, educational supplies, and employment services, as well as addressing civil defense needs, the groups said.

 Ifat Ovadia-Luski, Chairwoman of KKL-JNF and Dr. Sol Lizerbram, CEO of JNF-USA.  (credit: Gabby Lipton)
Enlrage image
Ifat Ovadia-Luski, Chairwoman of KKL-JNF and Dr. Sol Lizerbram, CEO of JNF-USA. (credit: Gabby Lipton)

Joining together during the war

KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski explained that the collaboration to rebuild the northern and southern communities is a "historic agreement" that "establishes an unprecedented and powerful partnership. "

Jewish National Fund-USA President Dr. Sol Lizerbram explained how, at this point during the war, "Zionist organizations everywhere must coordinate efforts to address these unprecedented challenges."

"We have grieved together, and now we must rebuild together. The challenges are immense, but so is our determination," said Nina Paul, the Jewish National Fund-USA Incoming Ambassador to KKL-JNF.
Jewish national fund charity status is being revoked in many western countries. The writings on the wall, only super Goy USA will be the bastion of this Israeli Cult and we'll see how long that will last.

Imagine the tax Israel citizens are saving thanks to US tax payer to pay for all this, can't last sooner or later Israel will start selling their foreign reserves again. The whole Israel economy is propped up by USA right now. Americans also pay for Israel's peace with Egypt too
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Jewish national fund charity status is being revoked in many western countries. The writings on the wall, only super Goy USA will be the bastion of this Israeli Cult and we'll see how long that will last.

Israelis know they have lost Europe and even say so.
Israelis know they have lost Europe and even say so.
Really? Israel hasn't lost any of the main powers in Europe, it still has them by the balls (and wallet and military factories)- UK, Germany, France.

As soon as UK's new prime minister took power, he wasted no time in supporting Israel's genocide.

These top EU powers have spent and sent considerable resources supporting Israel, especially during this Gaza war.
History don't lie..1927 Palestine coin..

Israelis know they have lost Europe and even say so.
Your Optimism is now sneaking into delusion my friend.. Israel still have EU backing them, and TBH they don't need them, they have America and its Govt/Military that's all they need, only country that can stop this massacre is America or Saudi Arabia, and both are in their pockets.
Your Optimism is now sneaking into delusion my friend.. Israel still have EU backing them, and TBH they don't need them, they have America and its Govt/Military that's all they need, only country that can stop this massacre is America or Saudi Arabia, and both are in their pockets.
America is understandable..but how can Saudi Arabia stop this massacre war.. care to explain!
🇮🇱🇺🇸🇵🇸🇺🇳⚡️ “It is the United States that bears the main responsibility for what is happening in Gaza now!”

If the rest of my colleagues lack the courage to say this to your face, I won't have such a problem🔥"

- Deputy Russian Ambassador to the United Nations

America is understandable..but how can Saudi Arabia stop this massacre war.. care to explain!
Saudi is not responsible, but Egypt is. Why do they shut the Rafah gate during the first phase of war is blown mind, now Rafah gate has been occupied by Israeli force
If you will rephrase your questions politely I may answer you.

Palestinian women are being murdered and raped and Palestinian children are going through the worst kind of Holocaust... And you are annoyed at people not being polite to you, a Zionist? GFY.

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