Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli attacking United Nation Aid company
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Hardly the odd stray bullet. The grouping is together - meant to kill. Another war crime.
Of course the Israeli will tell us the car was carrying legitimate Hamas targets........ and the world will believe.....................
Your question can't be answered by anyone--I had asked similar questions in the past before. However, this conflict is essentially secular in nature and no need to go into theological debates over it.

I will not deny your point of view. Muslims would act the same if in their countries Western women are out in revealing clothes. It's just in human nature. We are all tribal. We are all human beings. But you should know that, by being the vassals of the American Neo Cons, you Europeans are a party to the destruction in Eurasia and the destruction will continue to send waves of migrants to you. If you are French, then Libya is almost across from you. That country attracted workers from all over Africa. Now even the citizens of that country desperately leave for Europe. Whose fault was that? @BHAN85

He is one of my topmost favorites about diplomatic matters. Come to think of it, no one knows the diplomatic angle better than Alastair Crooke. And what a gentleman!!

France destroyed Libya, @BP2 should complain to his rulers.

Libya is a endless hell, impossible to make that stable like in Gadafi age.
my logic is only to correct you that there is air defence that covers Gaza, nothing else.
i tought that is obvious factor to be taken in consideration like any other target in occupied territories but due distance and non importance till now of that place it is logical to assume that this specific area is less covered with ABM protection.

The other interesting item is that recently the polish foreign minister said that there were masses of new applications for new polish passports from polish descended Israelis. Reclaiming citizenship is a multi month to years effort for the application, the verification and then citizenship. So those who wanted to and could leave, have left. However they maybe many more thousands to hundreds of thousands of Israelis who want to leave but cannot as they are still in the application process.

I am certain that this is the case in other European countries aswell given the bulk of the Israeli population is from Western Europe.

I do think the story of people leaving Israel is not over yet. We may have witnessed the peak of the inflection point of the Israeli population. From now on it will progressively decline with those families who have left to not return and therefore not making babies in Israel, those who want to leave but waiting on new citizenship papers to be sorted and then those who want families but the economic downturn has put a break on their plans.

Being a citizen of a country that is being bought up for genocide is not a good association. People don’t want that stain to follow them around everywhere they go.
Really? Israel hasn't lost any of the main powers in Europe, it still has them by the balls (and wallet and military factories)- UK, Germany, France.
As soon as UK's new prime minister took power, he wasted no time in supporting Israel's genocide.
These top EU powers have spent and sent considerable resources supporting Israel, especially during this Gaza war.

Your Optimism is now sneaking into delusion my friend.. Israel still have EU backing them, and TBH they don't need them, they have America and its Govt/Military that's all they need, only country that can stop this massacre is America or Saudi Arabia, and both are in their pockets.

It was late at night my time when I posted that and I didn't elaborate.
Yes, really, Israel has lost Europe on a public level and Israelis know that and they even say so if you care to visit various English language Israeli sites! And that is not a surprise given the growing global awareness and diminishing memories of the European guilt over the Holocaust. I follow Comments to various news outlets--German, French--and look at common people's perspective more than the official positions or even articles/editorials and the Israeli losses is an unmistakable conclusion I have drawn.
The govts of Europe are a different matter. They are essentially American vassals. But even there Spain, Norway and Ireland and even some others have broken some taboos; officially Israelis are irate about those countries.
The level of antipathy toward Israel is increasing in Europe. But, as @Starlord says: Israelis don't really care as long as they have the Americans in their pocket.
France destroyed Libya, @BP2 should complain to his rulers.
Libya is a endless hell, impossible to make that stable like in Gadafi age.

It is for all Europeans to ponder. How can they benefit when the American Neo Cons destroy the Middle East, leading to waves of immigrants heading to the European shores. In case of Libya, per my understanding, it was a basically a French initiative to topple Qaddafi, it was the Americans who provided the real muscle.
Well, Europe has it coming. And not only from the destruction of the Middle East but also from the destructive war between Russia-Ukraine which may expand and become even more destructive. We in America will watch from a safe distance and even profit from the conflicts, as we always did. [That's not my personal desire, to clarify!]
The other interesting item is that recently the polish foreign minister said that there were masses of new applications for new polish passports from polish descended Israelis. Reclaiming citizenship is a multi month to years effort for the application, the verification and then citizenship. So those who wanted to and could leave, have left. However they maybe many more thousands to hundreds of thousands of Israelis who want to leave but cannot as they are still in the application process.

I am certain that this is the case in other European countries aswell given the bulk of the Israeli population is from Western Europe.

I do think the story of people leaving Israel is not over yet. We may have witnessed the peak of the inflection point of the Israeli population. From now on it will progressively decline with those families who have left to not return and therefore not making babies in Israel, those who want to leave but waiting on new citizenship papers to be sorted and then those who want families but the economic downturn has put a break on their plans.

Being a citizen of a country that is being bought up for genocide is not a good association. People don’t want that stain to follow them around everywhere they go.

Good point.
But honestly it is difficult to find credible information about the emigration of people from Israel. It is an extremely sore subject in Israel!! Someone right said above that Israel depleting its Jewish population to emigration is like dropping a nuke on Israel!

From the Israeli sites, it is the usual propaganda: Some dozen European Jews arriving at the Ben Gurion Airport and photographed with broad smiles to confirm that Aaliyah is happening during even this conflict. WTH! Who would leave Europe for Israel especially right now!

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