Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It's hard to fathom the mutual understanding

The Zionist Christians are believing the Jews will ultimately get converted

The Zionist Jews are happy for their help, presumably they have different ideas on the Messiah lol

Jews don't believe in the Rapture so they are just laughing at the Zionist Christians.

It's like saying 'give me a million dollars interest free and I will pay you back ten million the day after the aliens arrive on Earth'.
This Palestinian guy is generally correct. Here he is saying unreported Egypt-Israel clashes and also deep resentments in the Egyptian army for not being able to help 'their brothers' in Gaza.
What you/others know about it?

He is good to listen to. I subscribe to his channel. However, he is just giving an opinion based on information available in the public domain nothing more. He sometimes gets his analysis right, other times he gets it wrong.
How correct is this video? As I said above some days ago--and many times before that, the Saudi Arabia geopolitical position is greatly constrained by the country's investments in the America-backed West. We saw how easily American seized the Russian assets worth $300+ billion once the Ukraine war started.

I find it amusing that despite watching what happened to the Russians, they haven't slowly unwinded. The same goes for the Chinese.
Jews don't believe in the Rapture so they are just laughing at the Zionist Christians.

It's like saying 'give me a million dollars interest free and I will pay you back ten million the day after the aliens arrive on Earth'.
But they are waiting for their prophet and doing these acts to bring him and foolish christian Evangelicals believe Jews awaited prophet is Jesus.
I find it amusing that despite watching what happened to the Russians, they haven't slowly unwinded. The same goes for the Chinese.
Even a a Right Winger like Tucker Carson strongly objected to Biden Administration seizing the Russian assets because Tucker, rightly, saw what kind of precedent that would set. Foreign assets in America should be 'secure' like the banking in Switzerland. If they can't be, then they are not 'assets'. And there be less future investments. But then the ivory tower Biden administration is detached from reality, with a demented lifelong war-monger, self-proclaimed Zionist in charge.

But they are waiting for their prophet and doing these acts to bring him and foolish christian Evangelicals believe Jews awaited prophet is Jesus.

The Messiah exists for Jews too but they are far too concerned about their survival before they wish for the Messiah; on the other hand, the Rapture Seeking Christian Evangelicals based in America are safe to dream and plot the arrival of a Messiah--of course from a safe distance.
But similar types of doctrines exist in the Islamic World as well, but, boy, nothing as sinister, as backward, as relevantly powerful, as in the Christian Evangelicals. And that's probably because Islam is about 600 years younger then Christianity and the human thought process had evolved a lot more by the arrival of Islam. But that's for another topic.
Israeli propaganda is on overdrive. Over 6 captives. That Israel killed during its bombardment on southern Gaza. Israeli government uses lives of Israeli's to extend the state of war in the society. And to escalate the war.

When in reality, Israeli government already knows they were all dead from the Israeli wide scale bombardment of Gaza's cities and residential structures. But they claim otherwise in order to extend this war that has no vision. Israeli's should get their Nazism under a leash, quickly, before they start getting their azzes kicked on a unprecedented manner.
It was late at night my time when I posted that and I didn't elaborate.
Yes, really, Israel has lost Europe on a public level and Israelis know that and they even say so if you care to visit various English language Israeli sites! And that is not a surprise given the growing global awareness and diminishing memories of the European guilt over the Holocaust. I follow Comments to various news outlets--German, French--and look at common people's perspective more than the official positions or even articles/editorials and the Israeli losses is an unmistakable conclusion I have drawn.
The govts of Europe are a different matter. They are essentially American vassals. But even there Spain, Norway and Ireland and even some others have broken some taboos; officially Israelis are irate about those countries.
The level of antipathy toward Israel is increasing in Europe. But, as @Starlord says: Israelis don't really care as long as they have the Americans in their pocket.
The way I see it that despite the public outcry, we have seen ZERO effects of it on ground, the war is almost in its 10 months and yet the bombing is still going, Israel has expanded its operations to West Bank which is still seen by large European countries as Palestinian lands, public support for Palestine is meaningless, you can't and wont be able to do anything with the public support when there are no Palestinians left in the land, Israel will make sure that Gaza remains a ruin for a long time, even will stop the rebuilding process and you bet America will make sure that it never happen. Now their eyes are on west bank as they launch a massive Attack on them, and no one dare to stop them because of USA. Because America has made it clear that they will level the region or any country if it comes to Israel, American Foreign policy and Govt is acting like the " Karen Mother " who's spoiled brat of a son/daughter is drunk driving killing people and she is using her power/state/influence to support her child.

I do read some European news outlets and even Israeli Articles but again they don't matter, as Bassam said few months back despite killing 150k people in Gaza, 20k+ kids, and countless war crimes, if tomorrow Israel declare cease-fire and end of War, they will be hailed as " Peace loving people/nation " and entire western media/people/social media will get in line, and for all that trauma that Gaza'ns face if anyone again fight back or fire a rocket towards Israel, then we will all be at square one from where it all started, Israel can kill , discriminate, brutalize , subjugate , R@pe , torture Palestinians but the moment a stone is thrown at them as resistance all hell break loose in WEST.

I admire those street protests and all, specially from the young students from US universities who have put their careers in jeopardy for Palestinian cause but nothing matters in the end, just look at recent changes in US election campaigns, Biden was feeling the heat/pressure from the youths/Liberals/democrat voters so they replace him with Kamala who is no less of a lunatic and scum than Biden, she is taking the same stance as Biden, probably even worse. For her as a first black/women President of America she has to bow to the powerful lobbies such as a AIPAC or else she ain't becoming the president. All that young " undecided " voters are flocking to Kamala because of her liberal stance on Abortions, LGBTQ, and other things so now slowly the people who were not going to vote for Biden are now back in Democrats pockets, For Israel nothing changes, weather its Biden or Kamala or Trump, they control everything from Pentagon to white House, from Senate to Congress and no amount of Street protests or tiktoks will make a dent or stop USA weapon shipments to Israel, I bet American Govt knows that Israel is a Apartheid state, committing war crimes and what they are doing to Palestinians are wrong, but they will not utter a word or will dare go against that, if your powerful is scared and can't do jack, then the kids on streets won't make a change.
The way I see it that despite the public outcry, we have seen ZERO effects of it on ground, the war is almost in its 10 months and yet the bombing is still going, Israel has expanded its operations to West Bank which is still seen by large European countries as Palestinian lands, public support for Palestine is meaningless, you can't and wont be able to do anything with the public support when there are no Palestinians left in the land, Israel will make sure that Gaza remains a ruin for a long time, even will stop the rebuilding process and you bet America will make sure that it never happen. Now their eyes are on west bank as they launch a massive Attack on them, and no one dare to stop them because of USA. Because America has made it clear that they will level the region or any country if it comes to Israel, American Foreign policy and Govt is acting like the " Karen Mother " who's spoiled brat of a son/daughter is drunk driving killing people and she is using her power/state/influence to support her child.

I do read some European news outlets and even Israeli Articles but again they don't matter, as Bassam said few months back despite killing 150k people in Gaza, 20k+ kids, and countless war crimes, if tomorrow Israel declare cease-fire and end of War, they will be hailed as " Peace loving people/nation " and entire western media/people/social media will get in line, and for all that trauma that Gaza'ns face if anyone again fight back or fire a rocket towards Israel, then we will all be at square one from where it all started, Israel can kill , discriminate, brutalize , subjugate , R@pe , torture Palestinians but the moment a stone is thrown at them as resistance all hell break loose in WEST.

I admire those street protests and all, specially from the young students from US universities who have put their careers in jeopardy for Palestinian cause but nothing matters in the end, just look at recent changes in US election campaigns, Biden was feeling the heat/pressure from the youths/Liberals/democrat voters so they replace him with Kamala who is no less of a lunatic and scum than Biden, she is taking the same stance as Biden, probably even worse. For her as a first black/women President of America she has to bow to the powerful lobbies such as a AIPAC or else she ain't becoming the president. All that young " undecided " voters are flocking to Kamala because of her liberal stance on Abortions, LGBTQ, and other things so now slowly the people who were not going to vote for Biden are now back in Democrats pockets, For Israel nothing changes, weather its Biden or Kamala or Trump, they control everything from Pentagon to white House, from Senate to Congress and no amount of Street protests or tiktoks will make a dent or stop USA weapon shipments to Israel, I bet American Govt knows that Israel is a Apartheid state, committing war crimes and what they are doing to Palestinians are wrong, but they will not utter a word or will dare go against that, if your powerful is scared and can't do jack, then the kids on streets won't make a change.
kamala and trump are the same regarding middle east however trump may end the war with ukraine, we don't want this, we need this war to continue and hope eventually it turns ugly, very ugly with russia and the west, this is the closest thing to a win the Muslims can have t this moment, that those who are enabling isreeli genocide on palestinians face war with russia, Vote for the curry kamala at all costs.
The way I see it that despite the public outcry, we have seen ZERO effects of it on ground, the war is almost in its 10 months and yet the bombing is still going, Israel has expanded its operations to West Bank which is still seen by large European countries as Palestinian lands, public support for Palestine is meaningless, you can't and wont be able to do anything with the public support when there are no Palestinians left in the land, Israel will make sure that Gaza remains a ruin for a long time, even will stop the rebuilding process and you bet America will make sure that it never happen. Now their eyes are on west bank as they launch a massive Attack on them, and no one dare to stop them because of USA. Because America has made it clear that they will level the region or any country if it comes to Israel, American Foreign policy and Govt is acting like the " Karen Mother " who's spoiled brat of a son/daughter is drunk driving killing people and she is using her power/state/influence to support her child.

I do read some European news outlets and even Israeli Articles but again they don't matter, as Bassam said few months back despite killing 150k people in Gaza, 20k+ kids, and countless war crimes, if tomorrow Israel declare cease-fire and end of War, they will be hailed as " Peace loving people/nation " and entire western media/people/social media will get in line, and for all that trauma that Gaza'ns face if anyone again fight back or fire a rocket towards Israel, then we will all be at square one from where it all started, Israel can kill , discriminate, brutalize , subjugate , R@pe , torture Palestinians but the moment a stone is thrown at them as resistance all hell break loose in WEST.

I admire those street protests and all, specially from the young students from US universities who have put their careers in jeopardy for Palestinian cause but nothing matters in the end, just look at recent changes in US election campaigns, Biden was feeling the heat/pressure from the youths/Liberals/democrat voters so they replace him with Kamala who is no less of a lunatic and scum than Biden, she is taking the same stance as Biden, probably even worse. For her as a first black/women President of America she has to bow to the powerful lobbies such as a AIPAC or else she ain't becoming the president. All that young " undecided " voters are flocking to Kamala because of her liberal stance on Abortions, LGBTQ, and other things so now slowly the people who were not going to vote for Biden are now back in Democrats pockets, For Israel nothing changes, weather its Biden or Kamala or Trump, they control everything from Pentagon to white House, from Senate to Congress and no amount of Street protests or tiktoks will make a dent or stop USA weapon shipments to Israel, I bet American Govt knows that Israel is a Apartheid state, committing war crimes and what they are doing to Palestinians are wrong, but they will not utter a word or will dare go against that, if your powerful is scared and can't do jack, then the kids on streets won't make a change.

Good post

Ultimately people get desensitized

Also, the state will protect Zionism as an ideology
The way I see it that despite the public outcry, we have seen ZERO effects of it on ground, the war is almost in its 10 months and yet the bombing is still going, Israel has expanded its operations to West Bank which is still seen by large European countries as Palestinian lands, public support for Palestine is meaningless, you can't and wont be able to do anything with the public support when there are no Palestinians left in the land, Israel will make sure that Gaza remains a ruin for a long time, even will stop the rebuilding process and you bet America will make sure that it never happen. Now their eyes are on west bank as they launch a massive Attack on them, and no one dare to stop them because of USA. Because America has made it clear that they will level the region or any country if it comes to Israel, American Foreign policy and Govt is acting like the " Karen Mother " who's spoiled brat of a son/daughter is drunk driving killing people and she is using her power/state/influence to support her child.

I do read some European news outlets and even Israeli Articles but again they don't matter, as Bassam said few months back despite killing 150k people in Gaza, 20k+ kids, and countless war crimes, if tomorrow Israel declare cease-fire and end of War, they will be hailed as " Peace loving people/nation " and entire western media/people/social media will get in line, and for all that trauma that Gaza'ns face if anyone again fight back or fire a rocket towards Israel, then we will all be at square one from where it all started, Israel can kill , discriminate, brutalize , subjugate , R@pe , torture Palestinians but the moment a stone is thrown at them as resistance all hell break loose in WEST.

I admire those street protests and all, specially from the young students from US universities who have put their careers in jeopardy for Palestinian cause but nothing matters in the end, just look at recent changes in US election campaigns, Biden was feeling the heat/pressure from the youths/Liberals/democrat voters so they replace him with Kamala who is no less of a lunatic and scum than Biden, she is taking the same stance as Biden, probably even worse. For her as a first black/women President of America she has to bow to the powerful lobbies such as a AIPAC or else she ain't becoming the president. All that young " undecided " voters are flocking to Kamala because of her liberal stance on Abortions, LGBTQ, and other things so now slowly the people who were not going to vote for Biden are now back in Democrats pockets, For Israel nothing changes, weather its Biden or Kamala or Trump, they control everything from Pentagon to white House, from Senate to Congress and no amount of Street protests or tiktoks will make a dent or stop USA weapon shipments to Israel, I bet American Govt knows that Israel is a Apartheid state, committing war crimes and what they are doing to Palestinians are wrong, but they will not utter a word or will dare go against that, if your powerful is scared and can't do jack, then the kids on streets won't make a change.
Truly remarkable post and best summarization i read how things work from western perspective and due that palestinias are fighting by impossible odds.
Jews don't believe in the Rapture so they are just laughing at the Zionist Christians.

It's like saying 'give me a million dollars interest free and I will pay you back ten million the day after the aliens arrive on Earth'.
Red heffer, I posted a Mehdi Hassan piece he did on this
Israeli propaganda is on overdrive. Over 6 captives. That Israel killed during its bombardment on southern Gaza. Israeli government uses lives of Israeli's to extend the state of war in the society. And to escalate the war.

When in reality, Israeli government already knows they were all dead from the Israeli wide scale bombardment of Gaza's cities and residential structures. But they claim otherwise in order to extend this war that has no vision. Israeli's should get their Nazism under a leash, quickly, before they start getting their azzes kicked on a unprecedented manner.
Israel claims Hamas killed the 6 Zionist prisoners shortly before the IDF reached them.

Even if true, does Israel expect Hamas to keep Zionist prisoners alive while the IDF destroys every sign of Palestinian life in Gaza?

This reduces Hamas' leverage but also increases pressure on Bibi to accept a ceasefire, before all the remaining alive Zionist prisoners in Gaza meet the same fate.
There is a barrier and a wall called Saudi Arabia separating the Yemeni army from the Zionist enemy.

There is a barrier and a wall called Jordan separating the Popular Mobilization Forces from the Israeli enemy.

The liberation of Palestine passes through the Al Saud family and the British ruling family in Jordan.


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