Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No in fact the things that were banned were the ones that would have the most impact with one exception....F-35 parts.

F-35 programme would stop dead in its tracks without UK parts.

In fact UK can stop the production of all F-35s simply by refusing to supply the necessary parts.

In this case, UK could just say it does not agree with its parts going to the Zionist entity and as the programme is consensus based, then the entity is cut off entirely from being "sold" any more F-35s.

This is not something that is realistic as the UK is generally considered as a US lapdog.
Which means that their ban is not efficient in any meaningful way, what they baned they will take from other country easily and vital things that you mentioned will remain to flow, so hypocritical stunt to platitude public which is not in favor of genocidel
Bibi pledges to refuse pressure to leave Philadelphia Axis, tells Sinwar 'forget about it'
Which means that their ban is not efficient in any meaningful way, what they baned they will take from other country easily and vital things that you mentioned will remain to flow, so hypocritical stunt to platitude public which is not in favor of genocidel

I would say true to some extent but it is the symbolic meaning that is more important.

In essence this isolates the US as the only western unconditional backer of the entity.

Bit by bit Europe is distancing itself from the entity and that makes the isolation of the entity/US even more pronounced.

Think there is a Danish judicial judgement due soon on whether Danish F-35 parts can be sent to the entity as they have been accused of being used to commit genocide in Gaza.
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Tucker finally decided to show a small clip about Israel's plan. Though he doesn't go far enough to criticize Israel beyond 'Why we do we [Americans] have to be involved there?' it is still a very significant position he takes because his / Trump base has a large rabidly pro-Israel bias.
But such videos dont' help Israel at all; this is not some 'bleeding heart liberal' talking.

kamala and trump are the same regarding middle east however trump may end the war with ukraine, we don't want this, we need this war to continue and hope eventually it turns ugly, very ugly with russia and the west, this is the closest thing to a win the Muslims can have t this moment, that those who are enabling isreeli genocide on palestinians face war with russia, Vote for the curry kamala at all costs.
Neither one of them can make a difference, the lobby and its influence is far far greater than anyone would've anticipated, one wrong word and your political, Hollywood, journalism or any career is ended, USA presidents are literally puppets in their hands and with full support of White neo-con evangelical crazy Christians.
Truly remarkable post and best summarization i read how things work from western perspective and due that palestinias are fighting by impossible odds.
Thank you, and I agree that Palestinians are fighting against remarkably unfair odds, but its not because the West is powerful, its because we (Muslims) are weak, we prefer Duniya was After life, powerful Muslim counties like KSA, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, Indonesia can make a lot of difference without risking a full out war with Europe or America but they are all selfish, drown in the luxury and wealth while a huge number of Women/children are getting Massacred right before their eyes.
And you don't see me much posting about the street protests, or ICC/ICJ, or Israel's bad 'image' etc etc. As long as Israel has the Americans in its pocket, they, by extension, also have the resources of many other countries and not just in Europe! Even remote countries like South Korea's UN Ambassador parrots the American line! And I won't even speak of vassals like Jordan.
Of course because they (Protests) have not bear any fruits or make the lives of Gaza's any better, and now we are seeing the Attacking in West bank, I refused to believe that America is not in full support of Attacks on West bank and further annexation of land. The problem here is that for far too long America has operated and did what they did without any international consequences, Korean War/ Vietnam War, Iraq Invasion, regime change in S.America, Political Assassinations etc and now the world has created a Monster that no one can seems to control, just like America has created a Monster (Israel) than it can not control.

Who would've thought in the times of Muhammad SAW when he was walking and making end time prophecies about the battel with Jews, Jews were close to insignificant at the times of Prophet and dawn of Islam but yet now we see his words unfold right before our eyes, and from the brutality of what Jews are inflicting on Muslims, the Prophecy about every stone/Tree will shout there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him seems not to far in the distance. The Day America seems to lose its grip or collapse completely will be the day the Jews of Israel will face a harsh brutal reality and the taste of their own medicine, they throughout their existence have transgressed whenever given power and they are doing it again which won't end in good for them.
Of course because they (Protests) have not bear any fruits or make the lives of Gaza's any better, and now we are seeing the Attacking in West bank, I refused to believe that America is not in full support of Attacks on West bank and further annexation of land. The problem here is that for far too long America has operated and did what they did without any international consequences, Korean War/ Vietnam War, Iraq Invasion, regime change in S.America, Political Assassinations etc and now the world has created a Monster that no one can seems to control, just like America has created a Monster (Israel) than it can not control.

Who would've thought in the times of Muhammad SAW when he was walking and making end time prophecies about the battel with Jews, Jews were close to insignificant at the times of Prophet and dawn of Islam but yet now we see his words unfold right before our eyes, and from the brutality of what Jews are inflicting on Muslims, the Prophecy about every stone/Tree will shout there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him seems not to far in the distance. The Day America seems to lose its grip or collapse completely will be the day the Jews of Israel will face a harsh brutal reality and the taste of their own medicine, they throughout their existence have transgressed whenever given power and they are doing it again which won't end in good for them.

And Muslims fail to heed the warnings given to us via hadith and prepare for the worst. Do you see why the Muslims are getting punished as hard as they are?

Another hadith states that the Romans will have the majority of the population; that begs the question, what happens to everyone else?
Neither one of them can make a difference, the lobby and its influence is far far greater than anyone would've anticipated, one wrong word and your political, Hollywood, journalism or any career is ended, USA presidents are literally puppets in their hands and with full support of White neo-con evangelical crazy Christians.

It is what it is but the choices for Presidential candidates in America are binary and none of those options are 'good' for Palestinians for the reasons you have mentioned. But I don't think the choices are equally bad and, as @Tornado said, if I were to vote with the Palestinians' interests in my mind--and it is on my mind--then I wouldn't choose Trump! The guy gave away the Jerusalem and Golan Heights as a 'Thank you' to Sheldon Adelson's $100 million and recently Miriam Adelson gave Trump another $100 million to support Israel--I think asking Trump to acknowledge Israel sovereignty over the entire West Bank.
Besides, those who follow the American politics know that Republicans want to stop the Ukraine war but would be totally behind destroying Palestinians while Democrats are the Ukraine war hawks but have significant pockets of support in their 'base' for Palestinians.
And Muslims fail to heed the warnings given to us via hadith and prepare for the worst. Do you see why the Muslims are getting punished as hard as they are?

Another hadith states that the Romans will have the majority of the population; that begs the question, what happens to everyone else?
Of course our leaders including the Arabs are doing exactly as it was told, love for Duniya and fear of death, If Saudi's think they are safe its only matter of time before they comes under the corsair of America/West. People like us who holds no power except calling the wrong, wrong. But the leaders will be accountable for their actions and decision which lead to the death and destruction of Muslims, it almost that Arabs have fallen so low that even their own Arabs, plea of their women/children doesn't bother them at all, they have all become insensitive towards the suffering of even the children.

I bet the coming times will be even worse for Muslims and one by one they will be picked, declared Terrorists and bombed into either submission or destruction. I just hope that by the time we see the flames of War reaches our homes, me and everyone whom I hold dear is long gone.

Christian soldiers are a light for Christ in Israel’s military​

By Lyndsey KohSeptember 2, 2024


Israel (MNN) — The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began raids in the West Bank last week, continuing efforts to dismantle Hamas and its leadership. On Thursday, the IDF reported the successful elimination of Islamic Jihad commander Muhhamad Jabber.

This marks the latest phase in the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land — a war that is taking a toll on both Israeli soldiers and civilians, who are feeling the strain of the economic impact.


(Photo courtesy of Beit Hallel Congregation)
Pastor Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel Congregation in Ashdod says, “The needs are great because the military expenses are very high and it’s affecting the Israeli economy. The prices are growing, the economy is suffering, and we’re going to see consequences more and more because this war is very costly.”

Despite the challenges, the light of Christ is breaking through. Beit Hallel Congregation actively supports Israeli Christians in the military. Pochtar estimates there are at least 1,000 Christian Israeli soldiers, including 35 from his church. He also has two sons in Israel’s military.

“We’ve never had such a big number of Christians who are in the army, who are sharing their faith and becoming a living letter of Jesus, of God for all people,” says Pochtar. “We have lots and lots of powerful testimonies and saved lives!”

You can get invested spiritually with Beit Hallel Congregation’s informative prayer resources.

“We do send prayer guides on how to pray for Israel, specifically, once a week,” says Pochtar. “So if people who want to pray, not only generic prayers, but specific prayers, they can sign up for our email…and take it into their prayer lives.

“When people pray, we do feel it. Israel needs prayer, and we believe in the power of prayer.”

Interesting when you read it with this:

This is becoming straight out creepy from mnnonline. They must be smoking something really strong sh*t over there.
It is what it is but the choices for Presidential candidates in America are binary and none of those options are 'good' for Palestinians for the reasons you have mentioned. But I don't think the choices are equally bad and, as @Tornado said, if I were to vote with the Palestinians' interests in my mind--and it is on my mind--then I wouldn't choose Trump! The guy gave away the Jerusalem and Golan Heights as a 'Thank you' to Sheldon Adelson's $100 million and recently Miriam Adelson gave Trump another $100 million to support Israel--I think asking Trump to acknowledge Israel sovereignty over the entire West Bank.
Besides, those who follow the American politics know that Republicans want to stop the Ukraine war but would be totally behind destroying Palestinians while Democrats are the Ukraine war hawks but have significant pockets of support in their 'base' for Palestinians.
As time passes the war is not just limited to Palestine, the whole region is under threat of War, including Lebanon, Iran , Jordon etc, and Trumps support for Israel will not make things worse for anyone, yes USA can support Israel's annexation of West bank but we all know that its already being going for decades under Democratic leaders like Obama and Clinton.
The way I see it that If Trump wins and he comes out for a all annexation plan than I would at least see this an honest Govt stance of USA, compare that to a Democratic President who will say things like " everyone who is asking for Cease-fire, I hear you " and then later goes on to say " Israel have the right to defend itself and she will make sure that Israel have the tools to ensure that ". We are in the 10+ month of this war, at what Point America Political leadership will realize that this is not a war of self-defense but aggression and Ethnic cleansing ? I say they all know it, be it a republican or democrat, they all know the Brutality of Israel, the racists radical stand of Israel Society and everything but they don't give a Sh!t.

I would take a honest enemy over a dishonest friend/ally, Democrat and its leaders are the dishonest Ally/Friend of Palestinian or Muslims in General but republicans are the honest enemy, they put it out there what they want to and plan to do, let their ugly faces be out in public, and maybe just maybe that will wake up Arab/Muslim Leaders to realize that they are only buying their times for as long as serve them.

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