Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Protestant Cult (Not Christians invented in 1500) -> Zionist Cult

Core Issue
  1. Zionist cult , don't believe Palestinians are Humans and have human rights
  2. Protestant (Cult not Christians) think they will go heaven for helping Zionist cult

Protestant cult , give weapon and protect Zionist cult in United nation by Veto

Protestant are Khawaraji of Christiany (They make up their stuff )
That is why they also at war with Christians of Russia
(Orthodox Christians - the one closer to Christianity like Catholics)

Once you believe this fact that they are Satanist Cult
waging holy war against Muslims it is easier to understand the issue

The Jewish Rabi , after circumcision puts the genetilia of baby in his mouth with Blood = Satanist Cult Not making this up this is true
Just look it up

Satanism , drinking /licking blood

There day to day actions against Palestinians prove that they are a Satanist cult

If you expose their Satanist rituals "they Panic"
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What Holocaust ?? War was fought because Germany after WW1 was sanctioned by France / Britain, each German was paying 75% of pay check in form of taxes to France/Britain [FACT OF HISTORY]

Germany refused to pay War Tax stating it's people and economy cannot allow it to pay the ransom money - this was the main reason for war[FACT OF HISTORY]

After war ended , they (Satanic Cult) came up with this story of Holocaust

Where are the jews ??

85 Million people died ? Is there a monument or Hollywood movie about it

Were those 85 million lives not important ?

Media in America specially newspapers, fueled by $$$$ Jews
Fueled desire for Holy war

Germans kicked out their Jews they were not trustable

In 1900 , Jews wanted Holy war against Russia (COMMUNIST)
proof in news paper clipping from 1900 news papers. But by 1932 the bad guy became Germany. The same propaganda material from 1900 which was used against Soviet Union was used against Germany , to force every day joe to go to war

The Satanic Cult is not worthy that world would fight over it
However after 2 nuclear bomb killed Millions in Japan
Obviously some story was needed to justify reason for this world war

Brain wash:
Now after 10,000 movies made about this point of view
most people think the war was about Jews

Fact of history
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Implement two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city.

An answer to the conflict which is fair to everyone. lol.
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A satanic cult , does not believe in 2 state solution
This ideology of 2 state solution is that of Human's who value life

They (Satanic cult) don't agree that Palestinians are human
See the problem , illama Iqbal

Problem here is , Human or not Human ideology of cult
When you treat another Human as None Human , then we get exactly what we are seeing in Genocide happening in Palestine

A satanic cult , believes in absolute control

Muslim are taught even in war , protect the elderly / women or children

Satanist don't believe in that
  • Jews are satanist cult
  • Protestant are cult invented in 1500 , they want to go heaven by helping their Satanist cult (Jews). This cult is just like Qadiyani cult some one made it up
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A satanic cult , does not believe in 2 state solution
This ideology of 2 state solution is that of Human's who value life

They (Satanic cult) don't agree that Palestinians are human
See the problem , illama Iqbal

Problem here is , Human or not Human ideology of cult
When you treat another Human as None Human , then we get exactly what we are seeing in Genocide happening in Palestine

A satanic cult , believes in absolute control

Muslim are taught even in war , protect the elderly / women or children

Satanist don't believe in that
I agree Israhell is satanic.

But I believe Two State Solution with Jerusalem being a city-state is the best solution to the problem.

World needs peace and development now. There has been too much lost lives already.
They don't value your views
Hence the Veto at UN , 95% of world voted in favor of Palestine state

Satanic cult vetoed it

If they are not considering will of 95% of world , what difference it makes of 1 person view ?

And that is where the problem lies

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