Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You didn't publish the whole quote from Yitzak Shamir:

"Jews were justified in using terrorism to win statehood, but Palestinians are not."

That's because the Mandate of Palestine was set up after the fall of the Ottoman Empire by the post-WWI League of Nations. The determination was that there would be no more empires but that the Ottoman's subjects would exist in nation-states instead. Palestine would be the Jewish National Home leading to eventual statehood, just as in the Iraq Mandate. The Brits were caretakers of the Palestine Mandate, but tried to renege on their legal obligations, leading to the situation discussed and the comparison:

“Asked to compare Lehi with Palestinian guerrilla groups fighting for independence, Shamir said:

“Their objective is not just. They are fighting for land that is not theirs. This is the land of the people of Israel.”

You can look up the list of Lehi operations: they are directed against the Brits, not the Arabs. And they were almost all focused on assassinations of Brits and their trusties.
It is the whole quote, you merely had to open the picture to see the whole thing. Your laziness is not my problem.

Palestine would be Jewish?

Yes, we see what Israel and the filth in it have done to the Palestinian people to achieve that goal.
Evil can triumph if good men do nothing. That's why it's important to actively oppose the mullahs and their instruments.

Maybe you finally understand why people thought the Holocaust was the only and final solution for such evil
Hamas leader Osama Hamdan told Arab TV:

Withdrawal in the second phase of the Salah al-Din axis violates what we agreed upon

There is no point in any new proposals as long as the Biden administration does not oblige Netanyahu to anything
Egyptian media, citing a high-level source: Israel failed to eliminate the arms smuggling mafia from Kerem Shalom to Gaza.

😂 😂 😂 😂
It looks a little like post-war Berlin, save that there are many, many, more people. A tribute to Israeli conduct in the war.

The most moral course of action for Hamas is to lay down its arms and surrender hostages unharmed. That you don't support that and attempt to blame Israel instead is a statement about you, not Israel, not Zionists.
Solomon my dear old thing. You still don’t and probably with your age will never get it.
Wherever there is an occupier - there will always be a resistance. Hamas may be the resistance today. The action of Netanyahu and his henchman have fractured and put into doubt the existence of Jews for an eternity.
By the shear demographic and numbers - the Israeli will forever be looking over their shoulder. Even those moderates were thinking and wanted a 2 state solution want an eye for an eye and my dear Solomon very soon sadly every lover and follower of Netanyahu will be wishing he had never started this ethnic cleansing - collective punishment - rape - slaughter of the Palestinian souls. An eye for an eye my dear. Think that fits the bill.

- Hamas’s talk about liberating Palestine from the river to the sea means destroying the State of Israel
Our country is one of the smallest countries on the planet and represents 1% of the area of the Arab world
We control the Philadelphia axis in the Gaza Strip, and its extension continues to Eilat in the Red Sea

- If we leave the Philadelphia axis, we will not be able to return to it again

- When our army left Gaza in 2005 through disengagement, Philadelphia became a field for smuggling weapons provided by #Iran.
Egypt did not succeed in preventing the smuggling of weapons into the Gaza Strip via the Philadelphia route

- It is necessary to understand the central location of the Philadelphia Axis in relation to arming Hamas, which led to the October 7 massacre

- Israel’s control of the Philadelphia Axis is essential in achieving the war’s goals
Our goals are to destroy Hamas’ capabilities, free our hostages, and prevent Hamas from posing a threat. This is achieved by controlling the Philadelphia axis

- Armed men infiltrate from Gaza to #Sinai and then move to #Yemen, Iran, and other regions

- Without controlling the Philadelphia axis, we will not be able to prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons or militants
Under the Philadelphia axis in southern Gaza, there are tunnels that have been built..
Everyone already knows this. They are committing genocide and have the full backing of Europe and the West. Why should they hide it when they can do whatever they want and get away with it?
Yes I know, but this is what needs to be unambiguously understood where there are still people feigning ignorance
Hebrew media:

Urgent || Netanyahu:

The Palestinian Authority teaches school students in the West Bank the same curriculum taught by Hamas and calls for the elimination of Israel

Urgent || Netanyahu:

Hamas and the Palestinian Authority share the same goals regarding the destruction of Israel
It appears that the resistance system in #Tulkarm is cohesive and is working according to a long-term plan that is not affected in a way that degrades its capabilities by the assassination of its leaders and the destruction of streets and alleys. This appears from the ferocity of the clashes and the intensity of the detonation of explosive devices in the #Nour_Shams_Camp after it was re-stormed by the occupation forces after this afternoon, even though the occupation withdrew. From the camp only 6 days ago, after violent clashes and a major depletion of the youth’s capabilities and breath, and after the almost comprehensive destruction of the infrastructure, these 6 days were enough to restore a reasonable part of the resistance capabilities in the camp, manufacture and plant bombs, and prepare for the next confrontation that is now being renewed, even though it is true that the occupation has withdrawn. From Nour Shams camp, but he was next to them over the past days in #Tulkarm_camp, and the reconnaissance planes did not leave the sky for a single minute, and the Tulkarm sky was filled with drones..

This is a description of reality without exaggerating the capabilities of young people, nor belittling their rights, and it indicates an important matter: the speed of restoration and preparation for confrontation.

Al-Quds Brigades:

During the past 72 hours, the Jenin Battalion engaged in 14 clashes and detonated 6 explosive devices. As for the Tulkarm Battalion, it carried out a complex ambush with the resistance factions in the Balouneh neighborhood in the Tulkarm camp. It engaged in 7 clashes, including the detonation of 4 explosive devices. In Nablus, we fought 4 clashes, including the detonation of an explosive device. We confirm that there have been confirmed casualties among the occupation ranks
It is the whole quote, you merely had to open the picture to see the whole thing. Your laziness is not my problem.
I see now, thanks. But how many readers do that, and how many are familiar with the background?
Palestine would be Jewish?
Sure, "Palestine" was merely the name the Romans gave to Judea after kicking the Jews out of Jerusalem and killing off most of the population after the Bar Kochba revolt.
Yes, we see what Israel and the filth in it have done to the Palestinian people to achieve that goal.
Far more accurately, what the enemies of the Jews have done to people, both Jewish and non-Jewish, to oppose the Jewish State.

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