Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Ex Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett admits Israel is employing teams to mass edit Wikipedia…

The propaganda war is important to Israel

Remember early on they offered to pay tik tok and yt influencers, many of them exposed Israel instead

That's really not a very sophisticated approach

Imagine if Elon musk did not take over x, much might have been censored
Canadian students protest against the visit of a delegation from the Zionist Alliance to the University of Toronto, demanding the withdrawal of investments from Israeli universities, while the Canadian police disperse the protesters and assault them.

This is the state of Egypt under Hypocrit Sisi, blind to the slaughter in Palestine but complains about agression against the Arab people by Ethiopia:-

Maybe it is time to up the military pressure on tel-Aviv?:-

After spending over 10 months in harsh combat and risking my life daily with my team in Gaza and coming home to hear the media and other political pundits and social media whores try to paint us as the villains, here's what I have to say about it, as one who was actually there.

Links to articles I refer to in this episode:

In Sep 2014, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Retired Col. Richard Kemp told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Kemp pointed out that, during the operation, there was approximately one civilian casualty for every terrorist killed by the IDF, whereas the average in the world is four civilians for every combatant, and that, when taking into consideration Hamas’s use of human shields, this shows how careful the IDF is.

“No army in the world acts with as much discretion and great care as the IDF in order to minimize damage. The US and the UK are careful, but not as much as Israel,”

John Spencer He feels that the US bears some of the responsibility for the devastation in Gaza because of how it’s slowed down and limited Israel’s ability to win the war. It’s a restraint that he says the US hasn’t imposed on its own military campaigns, and it has the effect of increasing Palestinian casualties and suffering by dragging out the fighting.

Douglas Murray "You well know that Hamas did not commit the massacre of 7 October because of settlements. They did it by their own admission because they want to massacre every Jew they can get their hands on and Hamas has said they will do it again and again."

"the regime in Tehran, the revolutionary Islamic government, showed once again what it is, and what it would like to do. And this isn’t just Israel’s problem, it’s the region’s problem. And the world’s problem.”

Your sources are Douglas Murray and Richard Kemp...that's pretty much enough to dismiss your entire argument.

Also, the 1:1 ration of civilian to fighter killed has no factual basis. It was literally just made up on the spot based on nothing.
This is fine.

Good and potentially complicated question.

Assuming the rest of the world can't change this is flawed IMO. Change eventually comes for everything.

AIPAC will probably run, hide and disband after this genocide is "resolved" by the global community.
USA supports Israel so much, USA may as well have its capital in Tel Aviv. lol.
USA supports Israel so much, USA may as well have its capital in Tel Aviv. lol.
No we don't, it is only the Zionists and their poodles who support Israel and the rest of US doesn't give a fack about Israel. Only problem is that the Zionists control all the media and state apparatus and through purse strings the arms indstry.
I feel for the Ukrainians, and for me Russia is the aggressor. However I want a Russian victory in Ukraine because of Nato's endless wars, someone needs to deal them a blow. This fake world order led by the US needs to be re-balanced, where the western white rule over the rest with impunity, like the genocide in Gaza.

I was generally supportive of peace and even pro-ukranian, now I hope the Russians plough through as many Ukrainians as possible, cause as much death and destruction as possible

A Russian victory safeguards the world, even if they don't mean it
The western order is a biased order that is a small minority of the world, but has taken control, launched multiple wars.
Uses international law and organizations as tools to target and control the rest of the world and when it comes to controlling themselves they put themselves above any law or order or rules and will sanction and justify genocide

FCUK THEM, they will truly regret the position they have been taken to by the Zionists

For the sake of the world, we need to support a Russian victory and use our numbers to push Russian information to counter the constant bullshit of the western order
Only when they realize how much damage is being caused to them will they stop

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