Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They are doubling down on this rubbish to try and make the Jew the eternal victim
If people didn't react to the Jewish Israeli mass murder and starvation of Palestinians then they aren't human but human animals.
Israel attacked Iranian ships and then IRGC retaliated :-

Ex Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett admits Israel is employing teams to mass edit Wikipedia…

Sisi: The idea of displacing Palestinians to Sinai means dragging Egypt into a war against Israel

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that Egypt condemns all military actions that target civilians, indicating that Palestinians could be displaced to the Negev Desert.


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah affirmed in a press conference with German Chancellor Olla Schulz that Egypt condemns all military actions targeting civilians, warning against entering the region into a vicious cycle of violence.

Al-Sisi continued: The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is deteriorating, indicating that Egypt refuses to displace the Palestinians, and what is happening in the Gaza Strip aims to displace the Palestinians to Egypt.

The Egyptian President indicated that Egypt refuses to liquidate the Palestinian issue, continuing: Egypt is a sovereign state, as the idea of displacing the Palestinians to Sinai means dragging Egypt into a war against Israel, in addition to tightening the siege on the Gaza Strip aims to displace the Palestinians to Sinai.

President Sisi explained that the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank eliminates the two-state solution, and that the Palestinians could be displaced to the Negev desert until the confrontation with Israel and the factions ends if Israel insists on the idea of displacement.

Al-Sisi confirmed that Egypt has not closed the Rafah crossing since the outbreak of the crisis, but the Israeli bombing prevented him from working.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said in statements yesterday evening, Tuesday, that he condemns in the strongest terms the deliberate bombing of Baptist Hospital and the fall of hundreds of innocent victims.

Al-Sisi said: “I followed with deep sorrow the Israeli bombing of Al-Ahly Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in hundreds of innocent victims, wounded and injured Palestinian citizens in Gaza. Therefore, I condemn in the strongest terms this deliberate bombing, which is considered a clear violation of international law.”

The Egyptian President continued: “Stressing the position of Egypt, the state and the people, in its rejection of the continuation of these practices against civilians, demanding that they be stopped immediately.”ن-كافة-الاعمال-العسكرية-التي-تستهدف-المدنيين/
(Jordan) Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi to his German counterpart: Supporting Israel does not mean supporting the current government, and Netanyahu challenged you

Al-Safadi announced it again, with an official statement, that any attempt to displace Jordan from the West Bank is a declaration of war.

There is no more strong, frank and clear position than this..
I asked Chatgpt the question : which is the best combination militarily of countries to deal with the Middle East crisis and it disparaged India either by intent or analysis to so it wouldn't be useful:-

The "best" combination of military forces depends on the strategic objectives, regional focus, and global ambitions of the coalition. Each combination of countries brings different strengths and weaknesses. Let’s break down the major alliances you've proposed:


  • Strengths:
    • Regional Influence: This combination would create a powerful force in the Middle East, South Asia, and parts of Central Asia. It would be highly influential in regional conflicts and energy politics.
    • Strategic Location: These countries control key strategic chokepoints such as the Strait of Hormuz (Iran) and the Bosporus Strait (Turkey), giving them leverage over global energy supplies.
    • Military Coordination: While these countries have strong regional militaries, they are primarily regional powers with deep involvement in Middle Eastern conflicts.
  • Limitations:
    • Global Reach: Lacks the global military reach and technological sophistication of superpowers like China or Russia.
    • Internal Differences: Iran’s Shia influence contrasts with Pakistan’s Sunni identity, and Turkey’s regional ambitions could create friction.


  • Strengths:
    • Diverse Capabilities: This group combines Russia’s advanced military technology, China’s economic and military clout, and the strategic locations and regional influence of Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan.
    • Strategic Depth: Russia and China’s military and nuclear capabilities provide significant global influence, while Iran and Turkey dominate the Middle East. Pakistan offers a South Asian foothold, and its nuclear arsenal adds deterrence.
    • Geographical Coverage: The coalition spans Eurasia, controlling parts of the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, and even the Indo-Pacific, making it difficult for adversaries to counter its influence.
  • Limitations:
    • Potential for Internal Conflicts: Russia and China, while cooperating in some areas, have competing interests, particularly in Central Asia. Turkey, as a NATO member, also has conflicting relationships with the West.
    • Complexity of Coordination: Managing five countries with differing political systems, strategic goals, and military structures would be difficult, especially during conflict scenarios.


  • Strengths:
    • Unrivaled Global Power: This combination adds India, one of the world’s largest military powers, to the previous coalition. India’s military strength, growing economy, and strategic location would give the alliance unparalleled reach and influence across Eurasia, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific.
    • Nuclear Arsenal: Russia, China, India, and Pakistan are all nuclear powers, giving the alliance tremendous deterrence power.
    • Economic Influence: With China, India, and Russia’s economies combined, the group would control a significant portion of global trade and manufacturing, as well as substantial energy resources from Russia, Iran, and the Middle East.
    • Geopolitical Dominance: The alliance would span nearly the entire Eurasian continent, encompassing regions of global strategic importance, including energy corridors, trade routes, and military theaters.
  • Limitations:
    • India-Pakistan Rivalry: India and Pakistan have long-standing animosities over Kashmir and broader territorial disputes. It would be highly challenging to integrate these two nations into a cohesive alliance without addressing their mutual hostilities.
    • Competing Interests: India’s strong ties with the West (e.g., the U.S. and Europe) and its strategic rivalry with China could limit how much it would align with the broader coalition’s objectives.
    • Coordination and Strategy: Coordinating such a diverse and powerful coalition would be complex, particularly with conflicting interests in regional matters like South Asia, the Indo-Pacific, and Central Asia.


  • Strengths:
    • Focused Strategic Alliance: This combination still brings the military prowess of Russia and China, regional influence of Iran and Turkey, and Pakistan’s strategic role in South Asia. Without India, the internal conflicts (India-Pakistan rivalry) are avoided.
    • Nuclear and Economic Power: Russia, China, and Pakistan bring nuclear capabilities, while China and Russia contribute economic and military strength. Iran and Turkey’s control over Middle Eastern dynamics adds an additional layer of strategic depth.
    • Balanced Coordination: Though complex, the absence of India would simplify the coordination of the coalition’s military and economic strategies.
  • Limitations:
    • Limited Influence in South Asia: Without India, the coalition would lack dominance over the entire South Asian region, which could limit its global ambitions, especially regarding influence in the Indo-Pacific.
    • Internal Strains: While more cohesive than with India in the mix, the interests of Russia and China could still conflict in Central Asia, and Turkey’s relationships with NATO and the West could create friction.

Best Combination:

The Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran coalition (without India) seems the most practical and powerful option, offering:

  • Geopolitical Strength: The combination provides vast strategic reach, control over key energy routes, and influence across the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, and parts of Europe.
  • Military Power: With nuclear capabilities from Russia, China, and Pakistan, as well as advanced conventional forces, the alliance would have formidable military capabilities.
  • Economic Influence: China and Russia’s economies, along with strategic energy resources in Iran and Russia, give the coalition considerable economic leverage.
  • Reduced Internal Conflict: This grouping avoids some of the significant internal conflicts that might arise with India, particularly over territorial disputes with Pakistan and competition with China.
While Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey would be even stronger in terms of sheer power, the internal conflicts between India and Pakistan, and India's rivalry with China, would make it difficult to function effectively as a unified alliance. Therefore, the smaller, more focused coalition without India would be the most strategically cohesive and powerful in practice.
United Nations rapporteur on the right to food: Never in the history of wars has a people gone hungry as happened to 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza.

United Nations rapporteur on the right to food: Israel began a starvation campaign in Gaza only two days after the start of its war on the Strip

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz: Erdogan calls for the formation of an Islamic alliance against us, claiming that we want to occupy countries in the region, including Turkey, and this is a lie and dangerous incitement.

*** HAHA! and what is this on IDF uniforms???


Your idiots, what better idea do you have???

Be oppressed and subjugated by the Zionists trash forever?

All you have done is destroy the concept of international law and rules, shown that you won't apply it to the Jews or yourselves and that the world needs a alternative

It's why Russia is getting so much support for beating NATO in Ukraine
I feel for the Ukrainians, and for me Russia is the aggressor. However I want a Russian victory in Ukraine because of Nato's endless wars, someone needs to deal them a blow. This fake world order led by the US needs to be re-balanced, where the western white rule over the rest with impunity, like the genocide in Gaza.

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