Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

What if I said no what you stated is not true then what , will you be able to go to sleep today?

1- Look , a $100 rocket is defeating Israeli Million Dollar missile every night

2- They (Israeli) don't even have electricity if few power stations are knocked out how long will their system run?

What chance do Israeli have against the absolute Lethal stuff?
Turkey-Egypt-Jordan-Lebnoon-Syria-Iraq have??


  • Missies (Actual Big ones!)
  • SAM
  • Fighter Jets
  • AWACs
  • 20 Million soldiers
  • 20 Million Assault rifles
  • Navy (Big Ships , Yuge ships)
  • Armored vehicles (Lot of them)
  • Helicopter force
  • Submarines
  • Tank
  • Lethal Rocket Barrage
  • Military Intelligence from Space from China/Russia

It is not the 1950's anyomre

While the Israeli settlers are showing off their fancy assault rifles , perhaps they need to really understand two can play that game as well

Now they don't even have world support it is a Designated Apartheid state
  • Rejected by South Africa
  • Rejected by Ireland
  • Rejected by Spain
  • Majority of South America is not Israel friendly
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Over two hundred of my relatives were murdered in the Holocaust. And not for revolting against German rule, either. That's genocide. Accusing Israel of genocide - Hamas' stated intention - is character assassination, a crime against peace, and theft of Israel's good name.

And if you consider what I wrote above to be even "dubious" rather than truthful then you're just a part of the antisemitic madness and insanity.
And Palestinians should be punished for the crimes of Germany? Hamas is a CREATION OF NETAYAHU. Blame Israel for their charter.

Finally, it is absolutely disgusting that you would weaponize antisemitism and the murder of your own family just because you're losing an internet argument.

Have some shame.
Let me fill the Americans in Middle east is already lost
Russia / China are 100% already have good ties in region

At this point Americans are wasting their resources

  • 50-70 Billion wasted in Ukraine, Russia is in full control
  • 20-30 Billion wasted in Israel

No end game, this same money could have been invested for local population in USA to build schools or hospitals in a idealistic world

Also many Folks in America themselves are now waking up and asking question why is money going into these 2 conflicts ?
Over two hundred of my relatives were murdered in the Holocaust. And not for revolting against German rule, either. That's genocide. Accusing Israel of genocide - Hamas' stated intention - is character assassination, a crime against peace, and theft of Israel's good name.

And if you consider what I wrote above to be even "dubious" rather than truthful then you're just a part of the antisemitic madness and insanity.

Look buddy , the problem is Germany was at war with France and Britain about Pay for world war 1 , it was about Money

War broke out and lot of people lost their lives.

85 Million people died , of course your 200 folks also died truly tragic
See I can acknowledge that, 49 million from China and Russia died as well

No Palestinian were living in German army - can we agree on that ?

Now fast forward 2024 [Genocide by Israeli Army]
  • Seeing images of rape by Israeli army
  • Seeing images of killing by Israeli soldiers , war crime
  • Seeing Bombing of hospitals and apartment buildings
  • Usage of war time bombs on unarmed civilians
  • 40,000 dead and possibly 200,000 under the rubble in Gaza
  • Seeing Settlers stealing land from Legal residents in West Bank
  • Dead children images floating on social media
  • Images of food aid for Palestinians being wasted by Israeli Settlers

Unsure "which Humble wholesome , image of Israel are you talking about?"

People outside of Israel are seriously worried about Mental State of Israeli Army and Settlers , their activities are disturbing and against Norms of Human Civilization

The more the world is seeing the images / behavior of these out of control maniacs (settlers) the more the world population has great concern about the actions of Israel as a entity
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Kan Hebrew Channel:
An Israeli official involved in the negotiations says that if Hamas is not interested in reaching a deal after 11 months of war, then Israel has lost the war.


And Palestinians should be punished for the crimes of Germany? Hamas is a CREATION OF NETAYAHU. Blame Israel for their charter.

Finally, it is absolutely disgusting that you would weaponize antisemitism and the murder of your own family just because you're losing an internet argument.

Have some shame.

He has no shame. During a questionnaire session, Dr. Norman Finkelstein once responded to a female at a Canadian University. She brought out the Holocaust card and started throwing crocodile tears, and he said if you had any heart, you would be crying for the Palestineans. He lost family on both sides, and he was well grounded. In a later interview once said that if parents hated anyone, it was Germans; the current lot of Israelis are twisted freaks of nature.

For ages Egypt and Turkey , refrained to get involved
Iraq-Syria were weakened

90's 40-50 countries were eager to , attack Iraq because they committed a big crime by taking over their own Oil fields from Kuwait
  • How the the tides of water have shifted?

Now war is at door step of Egypt /Turkey / Iran

Understanding USA'S Posture in Today's conflict , let us examine the past (Mexico-American war), how it closely resembles modern conflict

How Navy's presence is used in conflict , expansionism tendencies of American psyche

Mexico looks a lot like Palestine back in 1840's

Mexicans , gained independence from Spain they just were new country, they owned southern/west USA. They allowed settlers (jobless Americans) to come in and work in farms help contribute to economy of Mexico , instead the "Settlers" took the land by means of weapon (created Texas Republic separate country) and then put USA against Mexicans

Quite a fascinating part of History

Americans were also using Navy back then as well to surround Mexico
View attachment 64141

Starting to understand why Mexicans feel a bit motivated against Americans in sports

1- Million of Native Indians were violated and turned into landless people, their rights were removed - populations dwindled, Some of the land stolen was suppose to be their promised homeland for initially aiding the settlers
  • During the war their- pleas were neglected , they were not given human rights , they were expected to just move to desert and die

2- Mexicans -Americans engaged in warfare

3- At end of a tiny patch of land was bought by Americans as symbolic gesture to sign a treaty they paid for 1% of the land stolen in that treaty
[I was not aware of this historical matter I was not aware of a major conflict , I thought "Spainish Empire" sold California for money]

People of Turkey - Eygpt - Iran - Syria - Jordan should be awake of this growing danger inshape of Israeli settlers

Which shows one should never appease a colonizer. Better give a fight till the very end than appease and be salamisliced into extinction.
He has no shame. During a questionnaire session, Dr. Norman Finkelstein once responded to a female at a Canadian University. She brought out the Holocaust card and started throwing crocodile tears, and he said if you had any heart, you would be crying for the Palestineans. He lost family on both sides, and he was well grounded. In a later interview once said that if parents hated anyone, it was Germans; the current lot of Israelis are twisted freaks of nature.

Which brings the conundrum of the entire topic.

Why are zionists hating palestinians and muslims, when it was Germans and Xtian europeans who always tormented them?

Why hate the people who actually saved you and gave you refuge.
You cant convince the deaf, dumb and blind when they cant hear, talk or see. In your case your just a disingenuous person.
Disingenuous.... (thank you to learn me a new english word).
In fact you lack argument against me.
We are not here to convince a chap with Indian origin living in France dreaming of being more Jewish than the Jews.
We want to discuss what is really happening. Genocide - war crimes - rape of prisoners and of course 40,000 innocent Palestinians butchered.
Once again, I'm not Indian (why do you think so ?).
I'm just french.
Once again, I'm not Indian (why do you think so ?).
I'm just french.
When you had a previous life (account known as BonPlan) your persona and mask dropped and you was posting insinuating you had indian heritage. Now you may have acquired french citizenship but we know where your roots are. Stop derailing the thread and stick to the topic. Anymore off topic posts will be deleted

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